

单词 十月份
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔barren〕The player ended a 14-month barren spell by winning the Tokyo event in October.这位选手在十月份东京站的比赛中夺冠, 从而结束了连续14个月的状态低迷期。外研社新世纪〔clock〕The clocks go back in October.十月份时间拨回一小时。朗文当代〔escape〕He escaped from prison in October.他于十月份越狱逃跑。朗文当代〔halfway〕By then it was October and we were more than halfway through our tour.那时是十月份, 我们的旅程已经过了大半。外研社新世纪〔marginal〕This is a marginal improvement on October's figures.与十月份数据相比, 这是微小的改善。外研社新世纪〔rollover〕Many CD rollovers happen in October.十月份有很多定期存款证转存。朗文当代〔school〕School starts in October.十月份开学。外研社新世纪〔shoulder〕Fares come down for the September-October and April-May shoulder periods.在九至十月份和四至五月份的两个峰肩期内,飞机票价都要下跌。英汉大词典〔spike〕The jobless rate in October spiked to a five-year high.十月份的失业率上升至五年来的最高点。剑桥高阶〔tail〕The number of tourists tails off in October.十月份游客人数越来越少。牛津高阶〔turn〕In October the leaves turn orange and yellow.到了十月份,树叶有的变成了橘红色,有的变成了黄色。朗文当代〔wet〕It was the wettest October for many years.这是多年来下雨最多的一个十月份。牛津高阶Consumer credit fell by $82 million in October.消费信贷十月份下降了 8 200 万元。牛津商务New consumer borrowing reached €1.53 billion in October.十月份新办理的消费借款达 15.3 亿欧元。牛津商务October's numbers were hit by poor sales earlier in the year.十月份的数字受到了今年早些时候惨淡业绩的打击。牛津商务Shares reached a record low (= the lowest level ever) of 150 000 yen in October.股价十月份达到了 15 万日元的最低纪录。牛津商务Steel operations normally head into a seasonal slide after October. 钢铁交易通常在十月份以后出现季节性的下落。译典通The hens began laying in October. 这些母鸡十月份开始下蛋。译典通The new wage agreement was ratified by union members in October.新的工资协议十月份得到了工会会员的批准。牛津商务They terminated my contract in October.他们十月份终止了我的合同。剑桥国际US retail sales numbers for October were unchanged month-on-month.美国十月份零售数字与上月相比维持不变。牛津商务We are running a sales promotion in October with a 20% discount on our camera phones.我们将在十月份对我们的可拍照手机进行降价 20% 的促销活动。牛津商务We went to Vermont last October/We're going to Vermont next October to see the autumn foliage.我们在十月份去了佛蒙特州/我们打算十月到来时去佛蒙特州看秋天的叶子。剑桥国际




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