

单词 十家
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔STOP〕Over 1000 workers lost their jobs when the company pulled the plug on plans to open ten new stores. 公司终止了开办十家新商店的计划,一千多名工作者丢失了饭碗。朗文写作活用〔cake〕Europe has ten much smaller defence firms fighting over a smaller cake.欧洲有十家小得多的防务公司正力争在更小的市场上分得一杯羹。外研社新世纪〔combine〕Ten British and French companies combined to form the Channel Tunnel Group.十家英国和法国公司联合起来组成了海峡隧道集团。朗文当代〔enter〕There are dozens of new companies entering the software market.有数十家新公司开始进入软件市场。麦克米伦高阶〔picket〕Ten hotels were damaged by pickets in the weekend strike of hotel workers.在宾馆员工周末举行的罢工中, 有十家宾馆遭到纠察队员的破坏。外研社新世纪〔vie〕There are at least twenty restaurants vying with each other for custom.至少有二十家餐馆在互相争抢生意。朗文当代Ten companies were fined for taking part in a cartel to control the vitamins market.十家公司因参加卡特尔控制维生素市场的活动而被罚款。牛津商务The group was devolved into dozens of smaller businesses.这集团被分拆为数十家小企业。牛津商务




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