

单词 十字形
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Geneva cross〕A red Greek or St. George's cross on a white ground, used as a symbol by the Red Cross and as a sign of neutrality.红十字:白底的红色希腊十字形或圣·乔治十字形,用作红十字会的标志或象征中立美国传统〔Victoria Cross〕A bronze Maltese cross, Britain's highest military award for conspicuous valor.维多利亚十字勋章:一种铜质马耳他十字形勋章,是英国授予有杰出功勋的勇士的最高军队奖赏美国传统〔across〕Crosswise; crossed.成十字形;交叉的美国传统〔ankh〕An ansate cross.上饰圆环的T形十字架有柄的十字形美国传统〔choir〕The part of the chancel in a cruciform church that is occupied by this company of singers.教堂高坛:十字形的教堂中唱诗班所占据的高坛部分美国传统〔corduroy〕A road made of logs laid down crosswise.木排路:用圆木按十字形排成的路美国传统〔corduroy〕To build (a road) of logs laid down crosswise.用排成十字形的圆木建造(路)美国传统〔crisscross〕A mark or pattern made of crossing lines.十字形图案:用十字线构成的记号或图案美国传统〔crisscross〕Crossing one another or marked by crossings.十字形的,交叉的:互相交叉的或以十字形为特征的美国传统〔cross hair〕Either of two fine strands of wire crossed in the focus of the eyepiece of an optical instrument and used as a calibration or sighting reference.十字丝:呈十字形交叉于光学仪器的目镜焦点上的两根细丝之一,用于校准或瞄准参考美国传统〔cross-stitch〕The blouse had cross-stitches around the neckline.这件女式衬衫的领口是一圈十字形针脚。韦氏高阶〔crossing〕The intersection of the nave and transept in a cruciform church.交叉教堂:十字形教堂中教堂中殿和十字耳堂交叉的地方美国传统〔cross〕A mark or pattern formed by the intersection of two lines, especially such a mark (X) used as a signature.十字形记号:由两根交叉的线组成的记号或形状,尤指代替签字的这一符号(X)美国传统〔cross〕Crosswise.成十字形地美国传统〔cross〕The place is marked on the map with a cross.在地图上那个地方用十字形记号标出。英汉大词典〔crucial〕Archaic Having the form of a cross; cross-shaped.【古语】 十字形的:有十字形状的;十字形的美国传统〔cruciate〕Arranged in or forming a cross; cruciform.十字形的:以十字形排列的或形成十字形的;十字形的美国传统〔cruciform〕Shaped like a cross; cruciate.十字形的:十字形的; 以十字形排列的美国传统〔cruciform〕The ground plan is a cruciform.地面平面图呈十字形。英汉大词典〔flèche〕A slender spire, especially one on a church above the intersection of the nave and transepts.尖塔:一种纤细的尖顶,尤指教堂的中殿与十字形耳堂相交处的上部的塔尖美国传统〔ordinary〕Heraldry One of the simplest and commonest charges, such as the bend and the cross.【纹章学】 普通级:图形最为简单且最为普遍的纹章之一,例如中斜线纹和十字形美国传统〔saltire〕An ordinary in the shape of a Saint Andrew's cross, formed by the crossing of a bend and a bend sinister.X形十字:圣安德鲁十字形的纹章图形,由从左上到右下、右上到左下的对角线交叉而成美国传统〔transept〕The transverse part of a cruciform church, crossing the nave at right angles.耳堂:十字形教堂的横向部分,用直角穿过中殿美国传统Churches are designated on the map by crosses. 地图上教堂以十字形记号标出。译典通Churches are often built in the form of a cross. 教堂常常建成十字形。译典通This island is in the shape of a cross. 该岛呈十字形。译典通




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