

单词 可恶
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HORRIBLE〕I'd hate to be her secretary -- she's so obnoxious. 我可不想做她的秘书—她那么可恶。朗文写作活用〔HORRIBLE〕What was most objectionable about her was her arrogance. 她最可恶的地方是她很傲慢。朗文写作活用〔abhorrent〕Torture is abhorrent to civilized people.文明人认为施用酷刑是可恶的。牛津同义词〔abominable〕Their treatment of him was abominable.他们那样对待他实在可恶。外研社新世纪〔accursed〕He commented that it was about time he left that accursed woman.他说是时候该离开那个可恶女人了。外研社新世纪〔anathema〕Racial prejudice is (an) anathema to me.对我来说,种族歧视非常可恶。牛津高阶〔answerable〕He must be made answerable for these terrible crimes.他必须对这些可恶的罪行负责。柯林斯高阶〔asshole〕A thoroughly contemptible, detestable person.一个十分可恶,可耻的家伙美国传统〔bastard〕You dirty bastard! 你这个可恶的混蛋!韦氏高阶〔beast〕He's a cruel, hateful beast! 他是个没人性的可恶的畜生。韦氏高阶〔between〕I let my stupid pride come between us.我那可恶的自尊心在作祟,使我们俩之间产生了芥蒂。朗文当代〔bitch〕I hate that bitch.我恨那个可恶的女人。韦氏高阶〔blackmailer〕The nasty thing about a blackmailer is that his starting point is usually the truth.勒索者的可恶之处在于他一开始往往是从事实入手的。柯林斯高阶〔black〕This is black ingratitude.这是可恶之极的忘恩负义行为。英汉大词典〔botheration〕Botheration. I forgot my glasses.可恶,我把眼镜给忘了。朗文当代〔classic〕That was classic! That van-driver signalled right, and then turned left.太可恶了!那个货车司机打右转的信号,可是却向左转弯了!剑桥高阶〔creepy〕Was she still married to that creepy guy, Dennis?她还没和那个可恶的家伙丹尼斯离婚吗?外研社新世纪〔curmudgeon〕The miserable old curmudgeon would begrudge giving a penny to a starving man.这个可恶的老守财奴连给饥饿的人一分钱都舍不得。外研社新世纪〔cussed〕It's a cussed nuisance.这真是太可恶了。剑桥高阶〔dammit〕I might be a little late.—Dammit, Nick! How late?我可能会晚点儿到。——可恶, 尼克!晚多久?外研社新世纪〔damnable〕It's a damnable lie.那是可恶的谎言。文馨英汉〔damn〕He's playing his damn trumpet.他在吹他可恶的喇叭。外研社新世纪〔damn〕The damn pipe's burst.那可恶的管子爆啦。外研社新世纪〔dang〕Dang them! They're late again! 真可恶!他们又迟到了。韦氏高阶〔dang〕Dang! She sure looked surprised, didn't she? 可恶!她肯定看起来很惊讶,不是吗?韦氏高阶〔darning〕OK, I admit it, it was me. But darn it, I was right! 好吧,我承认,是我干的。但我是对的,可恶!柯林斯高阶〔deplorably〕The reporters behaved deplorably.那些记者的行为十分可恶。外研社新世纪〔dirty〕You dirty liar.你这个可恶的骗子。柯林斯高阶〔doggone〕He didn't do a doggone thing today.可恶的是他今天一件事也没做。韦氏高阶〔dog〕Bad dog! What are you doing there? 可恶的狗,你在那儿干什么 ?牛津搭配〔dratted〕Damned; confounded.可恶的;讨厌的美国传统〔dratted〕Some dratted raccoons have eaten up my honeybees.几头可恶的浣熊把我的蜜蜂吃光了。英汉大词典〔drat〕Drat the child!可恶的小鬼!外研社新世纪〔execrable〕Accusing us of being disloyal to cover his own sorry behavior is truly execrable.他指责我们不忠诚, 以此来掩饰他自己的恶行, 这太可恶了。外研社新世纪〔fink〕She says her boss is a rotten fink.她说她老板是个可恶的卑鄙小人。韦氏高阶〔flaming〕Put that down you flaming idiot! 把那个放下,你这个可恶的白痴!剑桥高阶〔flaming〕There's something wrong with the flaming printer.可恶的打印机出毛病了。外研社新世纪〔flipping〕I even washed the flipping bed sheets yesterday.我昨天甚至把那些可恶的床单给洗了。柯林斯高阶〔hateful〕It was all the fault of that hateful man! 都是那个可恶的人造的孽!朗文当代〔have to〕Of course, it had to start raining as soon as we got to the beach.可恶的雨,我们一到海滩它就非得下起来。牛津高阶〔hell〕She's the girlfriend from hell-I don't know why he puts up with her.她这么个女朋友太可恶了 - 我真不明白他为什么能受得了她。牛津搭配〔hell〕They are the neighbours from hell.这些邻居太可恶了。牛津高阶〔horrible〕That was a horrible thing to say! 说那种话真是可恶!剑桥高阶〔horrible〕That was a really horrible thing to say! 说出那种话来真是太可恶了!牛津搭配〔horrid〕That's a horrid thing to say.说那样的话真是太可恶了。英汉大词典〔horrid〕What a horrid thing to say! 说那样的话真是太可恶了!麦克米伦高阶〔ideology〕They share a hateful ideology that rejects tolerance.他们都抱有拒绝宽容的可恶的思想。牛津搭配〔infernal〕The post office is shut, which is an infernal bore.邮局关门了, 真是可恶。外研社新世纪〔infernal〕The post office is shut, which is an infernal bore.邮局关门了,真是可恶。柯林斯高阶〔infernal〕What an infernal noise! 多么可恶的噪音!剑桥高阶〔label〕Her treatment of her husband earned her the label of the most hated woman in America.她对待丈夫的行径使她赢得了“全美最可恶的女人”的称号。柯林斯高阶〔line〕Who was it who came up with that famous line about "lies, damned lies and statistics?" “谎言,可恶的谎言和数据”这句名言是谁说的?剑桥高阶〔lookout〕Keep a lookout for a nasty little organization calling itself Defence Through Strength.要警惕一个自称“实力防卫”的可恶组织。外研社新世纪〔lookout〕Keep a lookout for a nasty little organization calling itself Defence Through Strength.要警惕一个自称“实力防卫”的可恶组织。柯林斯高阶〔male chauvinist〕I hate working for that male chauvinist pig Steve.我讨厌给史蒂夫这个可恶的大男子主义者干活。牛津高阶〔mean〕Cruel, spiteful, or malicious.残酷的、可恶的或怀有恶意的美国传统〔miscreant〕These early experimenters with the weed can in some sense be seen as miscreant drug users.在某种程度上, 可以将这些早期试用烟草的人视为可恶的吸毒者。外研社新世纪〔monstrously〕Your husband's family has behaved monstrously.你婆家人的行为实在可恶。柯林斯高阶〔nastily〕What nasty little snobs you all are.你们全都是些可恶的势利小人。柯林斯高阶〔nasty〕That nasty old man yelled at me just for stepping on his lawn! 那个可恶的老头向我大声吼叫,就因为我踩了他的草坪!韦氏高阶〔nasty〕That was a nasty little trick.这是个可恶的小骗局。牛津高阶〔nauseating〕She's good at everything she does - it's nauseating! 她做什么事情都拿手——真可恶!剑桥高阶〔obscene〕It was obscene to spend millions producing unwanted food.花费数百万生产没人需要的食品, 真是可恶。外研社新世纪〔pig〕What a pig! How could he say that to you?真可恶!他怎能对你说那样的话?外研社新世纪〔scream out〕She screamed out, 'You hateful creature!'她高声叫道:“你这个可恶的东西!”外研社新世纪〔shock〕I'm not easily shocked,but his deed was too disgusting.我几乎从不发火,可刚才他的行为实在太可恶了。21世纪英汉〔shuck〕Used to express mild disappointment, disgust, or annoyance.呸!无聊!可恶:用来表示轻微的失望、厌恶或烦恼美国传统〔skunk〕A person regarded as obnoxious or despicable.卑鄙(或可恶)的人:被认为是讨厌的或卑鄙的人美国传统〔son of a bitch〕He's a mean son of a bitch.他是个可恶的混蛋。韦氏高阶〔stupid〕Where did I put those stupid keys? 我把那些可恶的钥匙放哪里了?韦氏高阶〔tread〕Yuck! Look what I've just trodden in! 可恶!看我刚才踩到什么了!剑桥高阶〔unheard-of〕Highly offensive; outrageous or brazen.很令人不快的;可恶的或厚颜无耻的美国传统〔unworthy〕Vile; despicable.可恶的;卑劣的美国传统〔witchy〕His mother is a nasty, witchy old woman.他母亲是个可恶、讨厌的老太婆。韦氏高阶〔wretched〕Where is that wretched boy? 那个可恶的男孩在哪里?朗文当代〔wretched〕Wretched woman, he thought, why the hell can't she wait?他想, 可恶的女人, 她怎么就不能等一等呢?外研社新世纪He is a horrid creature. 他是一个可恶的人。译典通He was a very unpleasant person-he would always use his friend Peter as the fall guy if things went wrong. 他这人很可恶,出了岔子总是拿他的朋友彼得当替罪羊。译典通He's a dreadful flirt (=he behaves as if he is sexually attracted to a lot of people).他是个可恶的到处勾引女人的家伙。剑桥国际I find any cruelty to children utterly repellent.我感到任何针对儿童的残忍行为都是十分可恶的。剑桥国际It is monstrous to preach hatred. 向人们鼓吹仇恨,这种行径太可恶了。译典通It's a cussed nuisance.这太可恶了。剑桥国际Murder is the most abominable crime. 谋杀是最可恶的犯罪行为。译典通My dad's a meanie--he won't let me go to the disco.我爸爸真可恶----不让我去迪斯科舞厅。剑桥国际Never say nasty things about others. 千万不可恶语中伤他人。译典通Oh piddle! I've broken another glass.可恶!我又打了一只杯子。剑桥国际She played a really nasty trick on me -- she put syrup in my shampoo bottle! 她对我搞了一个非常可恶的恶作剧----把糖浆放进我洗发剂的瓶子里。剑桥国际That nasty pin stopped me from moving my knight.可恶的牵制使我无法移动我的马。剑桥国际The jokes were inexpressibly awful.这些玩笑说不出的可恶。剑桥国际You lying toad! 你这个可恶的撒谎者!剑桥国际




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