

单词 卖弄的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔brashness〕He was a typical showman with a brashness bordering on arrogance.他是那种典型的喜欢卖弄的人, 招摇到了近乎傲慢的地步。外研社新世纪〔flaunty〕Inclined to flaunt; ostentatious.炫耀的,虚华的:倾向于炫耀的;卖弄的美国传统〔hotshot〕They've hired a hotshot lawyer.他们雇了位擅于卖弄的律师。韦氏高阶〔huckster〕To promote or attempt to sell (a commercial product, for example) in an overaggressive or showy manner.强行推销:用过于夸张或卖弄的方式推销或试图兜售(如商业产品)美国传统〔show-off〕He is a terrible show-off.他是个特别爱卖弄的人。英汉大词典〔showboat〕One who seeks attention by ostentatious behavior; a showoff.爱卖弄的人:通过卖弄的行为以寻求注意力的人;爱炫耀的人美国传统〔showboat〕The fans like him, but the other players think he's a showboat.他的粉丝喜欢他,但其他的运动员认为他是个爱卖弄的人。韦氏高阶〔showoff〕One who shows off.炫耀卖弄的人美国传统〔showoff〕The act of showing off.炫耀、卖弄:炫耀卖弄的行为美国传统〔showy〕Marked by or prone to ostentatious, often tasteless display; flashy.卖弄的:以炫耀为特征的或喜欢炫耀的,通常指毫无品味地炫耀;浮华的美国传统There was a hint of pedantry in his elegant style of speaking.他讲话优雅的风格有些故意卖弄的意味。剑桥国际




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