

单词 卖弄
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SHOW OFF〕Dave can be a real show-off at times. 戴夫有时候很好卖弄。朗文写作活用〔arsehole〕We thought he was a bit of an arsehole, a bit of a show-off.我们觉得他有点笨, 又有点卖弄。外研社新世纪〔arty〕Showily or affectedly artistic.卖弄地或假装爱好艺术的美国传统〔brashly〕The score is brashly brassy.这乐曲卖弄花哨。外研社新世纪〔brashness〕He was a typical showman with a brashness bordering on arrogance.他是那种典型的喜欢卖弄的人, 招摇到了近乎傲慢的地步。外研社新世纪〔bravura〕The film is directed with a technical bravura and visual splendour.这部电影的导演过分卖弄摄影技巧,追求华丽炫目的视觉效果。柯林斯高阶〔clever-clever〕I wish Jon would make some constructive proposals instead of just making clever-clever remarks.我希望乔恩能提些建设性的建议,而不是仅仅说些卖弄聪明的话。剑桥高阶〔come-on〕Was she giving you the come-on? Did you think it was going to be your lucky night?她有没有在你面前卖弄风情?你是不是觉得这天晚上你会交上好运?外研社新世纪〔coquetry〕Dalliance; flirtation.调情;卖弄风情美国传统〔coquette〕A woman who makes teasing sexual or romantic overtures; a flirt.卖弄风情的女人:作出性挑逗或多情表示的女人;卖弄风情美国传统〔coquette〕She smiled coquettishly at him.她冲他卖弄风情地微笑。韦氏高阶〔coquettish〕He is making advances towards the coquettish Letitia.他正在勾引卖弄风情的利蒂希亚。外研社新世纪〔coquettish〕She gave a coquettish smile.她发出卖弄风情的微笑。文馨英汉〔coquet〕She coquetted with every young man she met.她向她碰到的每个年轻男人都卖弄风骚。21世纪英汉〔coquet〕To engage in coquetry; flirt.卖弄风情;调情美国传统〔coyly〕The public may once have liked her, but her coyness and flirting now interfere with her interviews.公众也许曾经喜欢过她,但现在她的忸怩作态和卖弄风情让人们对她的采访大失所望。柯林斯高阶〔coyness〕The public may once have liked her, but her coyness and flirting now interfere with her interviews.公众也许曾经喜欢过她, 但现在她的忸怩作态和卖弄风情让人们大失所望。外研社新世纪〔cut〕No cutting up in front of the television cameras! 不准在电视镜头前卖弄!英汉大词典〔cut〕To behave in a playful, comic, or boisterous way; clown.卖弄,炫耀:以开玩笑的、滑稽的或喧闹的方式行动;扮小丑美国传统〔dim〕He took a dim view of kids who tried to show off in class.他不赞成孩子们在课堂上卖弄自己。外研社新世纪〔flash〕To display ostentatiously; flaunt.招摇:卖弄地炫耀;招摇美国传统〔flaunty〕Inclined to flaunt; ostentatious.炫耀的,虚华的:倾向于炫耀的;卖弄的美国传统〔flaunt〕To parade oneself ostentatiously; show oneself off.炫耀:卖弄似地展示自己;炫耀自己美国传统〔flirty〕She is amazingly flirty and sensual.她很会卖弄风骚,非常性感。柯林斯高阶〔gallivant〕To play around amorously; flirt.同异性调情;卖弄风情美国传统〔grandstand〕This meant that he couldn't grandstand publicly, but had to negotiate privately.这就意味着他不能公开卖弄招摇, 只能在私下交涉。外研社新世纪〔grind〕Slang An erotic rotation of the pelvis.【俚语】 淫荡地晃动:卖弄色相地扭动臂部的动作美国传统〔grind〕Slang To rotate the pelvis erotically, as in the manner of a stripteaser.【俚语】 淫荡地晃动:卖弄色相地摇摆臀部,如脱衣舞者一样美国传统〔highbrow〕It's better for you to highbrow her, but you have to read these two books beforehand.你最好向她卖弄一下你的学识,不过你得先把这两本书读一下。21世纪英汉〔hip〕Her hips were swaying seductively in time to the music.她伴随着音乐的节奏卖弄风情地扭着屁股。牛津搭配〔hip〕She wiggled her hips seductively as she walked.她走路时卖弄风情地扭着屁股。牛津搭配〔hot dog〕Slang One who performs showy, often dangerous stunts, as in skiing or surfing.【俚语】 卖弄花式动作者:如在滑雪或滑冰中进行炫耀性的,通常较为危险的技能表演者美国传统〔hot dog〕The other players on the team don't like him because he's such a hot dog.因为他很爱卖弄,所以队里同伴都不喜欢他。韦氏高阶〔hot-dog〕To perform daring stunts or acrobatic feats, especially while skiing or surfing.卖弄(花式动作):(尤指滑雪或滑冰时)进行危险性的表演或杂技性表演美国传统〔hotdog〕His opponents have accused him of hotdogging after he scores a touchdown.他达阵得分后,对手指责他卖弄技巧。韦氏高阶〔hotshot〕That guy thinks he's a real hotshot.那个家伙认为自己的确是个卖弄里手。韦氏高阶〔hotshot〕They've hired a hotshot lawyer.他们雇了位擅于卖弄的律师。韦氏高阶〔huckster〕One who uses aggressive, showy, and sometimes devious methods to promote or sell a product.强行推销人:使用夸张、卖弄、甚至有时不正当的手段推销或兜售商品的人美国传统〔huckster〕To promote or attempt to sell (a commercial product, for example) in an overaggressive or showy manner.强行推销:用过于夸张或卖弄的方式推销或试图兜售(如商业产品)美国传统〔ostentation〕Pretentious display meant to impress others; boastful showiness.炫耀:试图打动别人的、夸耀的展示;自吹自擂的卖弄美国传统〔pedantry〕His autobiography is full of recondite words used for no other reason than to show the author's pedantry.他的自传里全是深奥的字眼, 只是为了卖弄自己的学问, 别无其他。外研社新世纪〔pedant〕One who exhibits one's learning or scholarship ostentatiously.卖弄学问者:夸耀地显示自己学识或学问的人美国传统〔philosophize〕To set forth or express a moralistic, often superficial philosophy.肤浅地谈论哲学,爱卖弄大道理:提议或表达从事因循守旧的道德观,常是肤浅的哲学美国传统〔poser〕I hate to see posers showing off.我最恨看装腔作势的人卖弄。牛津同义词〔pretense〕Mere show without reality; outward appearance.空洞:只是卖弄而毫无实质内容;外在的表现美国传统〔prink〕To dress or groom oneself with elaborate care or vanity; primp.细心打扮:精心地或卖弄地打扮或修饰自己;细心打扮美国传统〔show off〕Don't show off.别卖弄。外研社新世纪〔show-off〕He is a terrible show-off.他是个特别爱卖弄的人。英汉大词典〔show-off〕She's a bit of a show-off.她有点爱卖弄。朗文当代〔showboating〕When he scored his fourth goal of the afternoon, we were forced to forgive his showboating and other antics.当他在那个下午打进第四个球时,我们只好原谅他的卖弄行为及其他滑稽动作。剑桥高阶〔showboat〕One who seeks attention by ostentatious behavior; a showoff.爱卖弄的人:通过卖弄的行为以寻求注意力的人;爱炫耀的人美国传统〔showboat〕The fans like him, but the other players think he's a showboat.他的粉丝喜欢他,但其他的运动员认为他是个爱卖弄的人。韦氏高阶〔showboat〕To show off.卖弄美国传统〔showoff〕One who shows off.炫耀卖弄的人美国传统〔showoff〕The act of showing off.炫耀、卖弄:炫耀卖弄的行为美国传统〔showy〕Marked by or prone to ostentatious, often tasteless display; flashy.卖弄的:以炫耀为特征的或喜欢炫耀的,通常指毫无品味地炫耀;浮华的美国传统〔show〕To display or behave in an ostentatious or conspicuous way.炫耀,卖弄:以一种炫耀的或显眼的方式展示或行动美国传统〔speculation〕His speculations in unsound stocks made him bankrupt.他在不可靠的股票上做投机买卖弄得自己破了产。英汉大词典〔swank〕In spite of all his swank, he's never really achieved very much.虽然他喜欢卖弄,但他从来都没取得多大成就。剑桥高阶〔teasable〕Mary teased sailors with her charms.玛丽卖弄风骚挑逗水手。21世纪英汉〔tease〕A woman who behaves like a coquette.爱卖弄风骚的女子:举止象卖弄风骚的人一样的女人美国传统〔tease〕I'm a flirt and a tease, it's just the way I'm made.和别人打情骂俏、卖弄风情是我的天性。外研社新世纪〔tease〕She likes to tease men with her charms.她喜欢卖弄风骚去挑逗男人。英汉大词典〔touristy〕Attracting or designed to attract tourists, especially in a showy or inauthentic way.吸引观光客的:吸引观光客的或针对观光客喜好的,尤其以卖弄或虚假的方式美国传统〔tricksy〕Bogdanov nearly sinks his production of Antony and Cleopatra with a tricksy opening scene.波格丹诺夫卖弄聪明的开幕场景几乎毁了自己执导的《安东尼与克莉奥佩特拉》。外研社新世纪He is always showing off. 他老爱炫耀卖弄。译典通He is fond of show. 他喜欢卖弄。译典通He is learned, but neither stuffy nor pedantic. 他很博学,但既不妄自尊大也不卖弄学问。译典通He was widely respected in the business world for both his business skills and lack of ostentation.做生意的技巧和不炫耀卖弄自己使他在生意界得到了人们广泛的尊敬。剑桥国际The beauty queens showboated around the stage at the end of the show. 选美皇后们在选美会结束前绕舞台一圈卖弄一番。译典通The photos, which include some mildly titillating semi-nude shots of the actress, will be on display for a week.这些照片,包括一些半裸的有点卖弄风情的女演员的照片,将展出一星期。剑桥国际There was a hint of pedantry in his elegant style of speaking.他讲话优雅的风格有些故意卖弄的意味。剑桥国际Those boys always show off their sports skills to the girls. 那些男孩们老向女孩卖弄他们的运动技巧。译典通




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