

单词 卖主
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔duopsony〕A stock-market condition wherein two rival buyers exert a controlling influence on numerous sellers.双头买方独揽:两个竟争买主对众多卖主具有控制性影响的股市状态美国传统〔gang〕Sellers gang up to raise prices.卖主联合行动,抬高价格。英汉大词典〔gazump〕Sally's offer for the house has been accepted, but she's worried she might be gazumped.萨莉出的房价卖主接受了,但是她担心若有更高的出价卖主会食言毁约。剑桥高阶〔gazunder〕The vendors were gazundered at the last minute.卖主在最后一刻被要求降低房价。牛津高阶〔hawk〕To peddle (goods) aggressively, especially by calling out.通过叫卖主动兜售(货物)美国传统〔instance〕The transaction is voidable at the instance of the vendor.应卖主的要求此项交易被取消了。麦克米伦高阶〔league〕There is no evidence that the broker was in league with the fraudulent vendor.没有证据表明该经纪人与进行诈骗的卖主狼狈为奸。柯林斯高阶〔monopsony〕A market situation in which the product or service of several sellers is sought by only one buyer.买方垄断:几家卖主的产品或服务只被一家买主惠顾的市场状况美国传统〔oblige〕The law does not obligate sellers to accept the highest offer.法律没有强制卖主必须接受最高的出价。剑桥高阶〔oligopoly〕A market condition in which sellers are so few that the actions of any one of them will materially affect price and have a measurable impact on competitors.寡头卖主垄断:一种由少数卖方控制的市场状况。因为卖主极少,以至卖主的任何行为都可能对价格产生实质影响,从而对其竞争对手产生相当大的冲击影响力美国传统〔pass〕Title passes from the seller to the buyer upon payment in full.款项全部付清后所有权就从卖主转至买主。英汉大词典〔recessional〕Many home sellers remain stuck in a recessional rut.许多房屋卖主仍陷在经济衰退的困境中。外研社新世纪〔recessional〕Many home sellers remain stuck in a recessional rut.许多房屋的卖主仍然陷在经济衰退的困境中。柯林斯高阶〔rook〕Customers are afraid of being rooked by unscrupulous vendors.顾客们害怕被无耻的卖主敲诈美国传统〔seller〕Do you think the seller will accept €300,000 for the house? 你觉得房屋卖主会接受30万欧元的价格吗?剑桥高阶〔so.〕Seller's option.卖主选择权美国传统〔vendor〕The vendor of the house wants to exchange contracts this week.这栋房子的卖主想在本周办理房产过户手续。剑桥高阶〔warranty〕A covenant by which the seller of land binds himself or herself and his or her heirs to defend the security of the estate conveyed.地产契约:土地卖主作出的他(她)本人及他(她)的继承人受法律约束以保护转让地产的安全契约美国传统〔warranty〕An assurance by the seller of property that the goods or property are as represented or will be as promised.保证:货物卖主所作的货物同样品无差别或与许诺相同的保证美国传统Problems arise when building society valuers undervalue houses--in some cases not even close to the price agreed between buyer and seller.建筑协会价格核定人对房屋价格评估过低----有的甚至还不到买主和卖主之间达成的协议价,这样就出现问题了。剑桥国际The bank valued the house at $100,000/ at less than the price the seller was asking.银行对那栋房子的估价是100,000美元/低于卖主的开价。剑桥国际The identity of the seller of the painting was kept secret.这幅画的卖主的身份隐秘。剑桥国际The list contains names of the vendors we do business with. 这个名单上有与我们有业务往来的卖主的名字。译典通The vendor must file a final sales return within ten days from the date of sale.卖主必须自销售之日起 10 天之内提交一份最终的销售报告。牛津商务




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