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释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔TOUCH〕when two things are so close that they touch each other 两物近得碰到了朗文写作活用〔age〕young people who have reached the voting age 到了选举年龄的年轻人麦克米伦高阶〔align〕aligned themselves with the free traders. 站到了自由贸易者的一边美国传统〔arrival〕his arrival at the airport 他到了机场牛津搭配〔audition〕auditioned for the role and got it. 试演这个角色并得到了美国传统〔avuncular〕be helpful to the point of being avuncular 乐于助人到了长辈般的程度英汉大词典〔blunder into〕to blunder into a situation he knew nothing about偶然遇到了他不熟悉的情况21世纪英汉〔climb〕the Giants' climb from twelfth to fifth in the league 巨人队在联赛中从第十二名攀升到了第五名朗文当代〔contact〕came into contact with new ideas at college. 在大学里接触到了新思想美国传统〔conversion〕her overnight conversion to market economics 她突然转到了市场经济学牛津搭配〔double figures〕double figures The death toll is thought to have reached double figures. 死亡人数据认为已达到了两位数。朗文当代〔feel〕felt the anger of the crowd. 意识到了人们的愤怒美国传统〔find〕found the money by economizing. 通过节约得到了钱财美国传统〔fragment〕overheard fragments of their conversation; extant fragments of an old manuscript. 零星地听到了他们的谈话;古老的原稿的现存部分美国传统〔hit〕finally hit on the answer; hit upon a solution to the problem. 最终找到了答案;最终寻求到了解决这个问题的方法美国传统〔hit〕finally hit the right exit. 最终找到了正确的出口美国传统〔hope〕see the slim hopes of the championship 看到了获得冠军的一线希望英汉大词典〔idolatry〕football fans whose support for their team borders on idolatry 对球队几乎到了盲目崇拜地步的足球迷牛津高阶〔include〕included a reference to the accompanist in the review of the concert; 在对这台音乐会的评论中提到了伴奏;美国传统〔incorporate〕incorporated the letter into her diary. 把这封信写到了她的日记里美国传统〔lodge〕documents lodged with a trusted associate. 文件放到了一个可以信赖的朋友那里美国传统〔look〕looked to his neglected guitar during vacation. 在假期里想到了他那被遗忘的吉它美国传统〔miss〕narrowly missed crashing into the tree. 差一点就撞到了树美国传统〔need〕her emotional and spiritual needs are being met. 她感情和精神上的需要都得到了满足。美国传统〔outing〕the outing of a secret agent 特工的身份遭到了曝光韦氏高阶〔reasonable〕arrive home at a reasonable hour. 在一个还说得过去的时刻回到了家美国传统〔receive〕receive bad news; received a good report of the group's activities. 接到坏消息;收到了有关该团体活动的良好报道美国传统〔result〕started studying and got immediate results. 开始研究并马上收到了效果美国传统〔rough〕observed politics in the rough when working as an intern on Capitol Hill. 在国会做实习生时看到了从事政治不愉快的一面美国传统〔scene〕on the scene Journalists were on the scene within minutes. 新闻记者几分钟后就到了事发现场。朗文当代〔slam〕slammed into a truck. 撞到了一辆卡车上美国传统〔slam〕slammed the book on the desk. 呼的一下把书扔到了桌子上美国传统〔smell〕to smell foul play感到了犯罪的迹象21世纪英汉〔somewhere〕found it somewhere in the woods. 到森林中某处找到了美国传统〔sublime〕by which it is sublimed to a height of glory由此它被升华到了荣耀的高度外研社新世纪〔testify〕testified in court that he saw the defendant. 在法庭作证说他见到了被告美国传统〔throw〕heard the news and threw a fit. 听到了消息引起一阵痉挛美国传统〔throw〕threw the book on the table. 把那本书扔到了桌子上。美国传统〔yoke〕a domineering comedian whose son flees to Blackpool to escape the parental yoke儿子逃到了布莱克浦以摆脱其管制的专横霸道的喜剧演员外研社新世纪companies feeling the bite of the bear market 公司体会到了熊市带来的不良影响。牛津商务




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