

单词 办公楼
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔City〕Many of London's tallest office towers can be found in the City.伦敦最高的办公楼有很多在伦敦城里。外研社新世纪〔PIECE〕Concrete blocks were used by most builders in the 1960s when constructing office buildings. 20世纪60年代,建筑商建造办公楼房时大多都使用水泥块。朗文写作活用〔acquire〕The company has just acquired new premises.公司刚购得新办公楼。牛津高阶〔arc〕The offices extend in an arc around north London.办公楼沿伦敦北部呈弧状延伸。外研社新世纪〔brisk up〕He brisked up his pace as the office building came in sight.他看到办公楼时加快了脚步。外研社新世纪〔business〕The company's offices are located in the new business park out of town.公司办公楼坐落在城外的新工商业园区。牛津搭配〔central〕Our office is centrally situated.我们的办公楼地处市中心。朗文当代〔construction〕Our new offices are still under construction(= being built).我们的新办公楼尚在修建中。牛津高阶〔domino〕The earthquake sent office buildings tumbling into one another like falling dominoes.地震使办公楼哗啦啦倒塌,就像正在倾倒的骨牌一般。英汉大词典〔duct〕Most office buildings have dozens of air ducts and vents.大多数办公楼都有很多通风管道和通风口。剑桥高阶〔false〕Modern office buildings have false floors, under which computer and phone wires can be laid.现代办公楼都设有假地板,下面铺设计算机和电话线路。剑桥高阶〔give place to (something)〕Further down the street, tall office buildings give place to rows of tidy houses.沿街下去,高大的办公楼被一排排整齐的房子所取代。韦氏高阶〔go〕New office buildings are going up everywhere.到处都在兴建新办公楼。牛津高阶〔half-mast〕Flags have been flying at half-mast, and schools, offices and businesses have been closed.降了半旗,学校、办公楼和商业场所也都关门了。柯林斯高阶〔harmonize〕The new offices harmonize with the other buildings in the area.这些新办公楼和这一地区的其他大楼看上去很协调。朗文当代〔janitor〕He spent four summers being a janitor in a large office building.他四个夏天都在一栋大办公楼当楼管员。外研社新世纪〔locate〕The company hopes to locate in its new offices by June.该公司希望在六月前搬进新的办公楼。剑桥高阶〔make〕Most of the old buildings have made way for hotels and offices.大部分的旧建筑已被宾馆和办公楼所取代。麦克米伦高阶〔midtown〕Her company is in a suite of midtown offices overlooking Park Avenue.她的公司在市中心俯视公园大道的一栋办公楼的套间内。剑桥高阶〔monolith〕The new office building is a massive steel and concrete monolith.新办公楼是座钢筋混凝土的庞然大物。韦氏高阶〔move〕The firm is on the move to larger offices.公司正在迁往更大的办公楼。牛津高阶〔move〕The move to a larger office building is long overdue.早就应该搬到大一点的办公楼了。朗文当代〔new〕They are going to build a new office block here.他们打算在这儿建一幢新的办公楼。麦克米伦高阶〔nondescript〕I work in one of the nondescript office buildings downtown.我在市中心一座毫不起眼的办公楼里上班。韦氏高阶〔occupy〕Protesting students occupied the university office for two weeks.抗议的学生占领大学办公楼达两个星期。剑桥高阶〔occupy〕They occupy neighbouring offices.他们居于相邻的办公楼。外研社新世纪〔office〕The company is moving to new offices on the other side of town.公司要迁往城另一边的新办公楼。牛津高阶〔office〕The department occupies an office just a mile from the White House.该部门就在离白宫一英里远的地方有一幢办公楼。朗文当代〔opposite〕We're in the building opposite the government offices.我们在正对着政府办公楼的大楼里。剑桥高阶〔outgrow〕Our business is outgrowing its small office building.我们的生意正在壮大发展,这座小办公楼已经不够用了。韦氏高阶〔overbuild〕To construct more homes, office buildings, or commercial complexes than necessary in an area.建筑过密:在某一地区建造过多的房屋、办公楼或商业中心美国传统〔picket〕There was a mass picket (=one involving a lot of people) by students outside the main office of the university.那所大学的主办公楼外有一支庞大的学生纠察队。朗文当代〔pitch〕I've got a regular pitch just off Tottenham Court Road in front of an office block.我在离托特纳姆考特路不远的办公楼前面有一个固定的摊位。外研社新世纪〔plan〕The architect drew up plans for the office tower.建筑师绘制了办公楼的平面图。韦氏高阶〔plan〕The architect is drawing up plans for the new offices.建筑师正在绘制新办公楼的设计图。牛津高阶〔plan〕There are no plans to build new offices.现在没有建新办公楼的计划。牛津高阶〔pour〕At six p.m. large groups poured from the numerous offices.下午6点钟大群大群的人从无数办公楼里蜂拥而出。柯林斯高阶〔progress〕Work on the new offices is now in progress.新办公楼正在施工。牛津高阶〔purpose〕There are no plans to build new offices.现在没有建新办公楼的计划。牛津高阶〔redevelop〕The land is being redeveloped for homes and offices.这块土地将重新开发用于建民房和办公楼。麦克米伦高阶〔remodeling〕The office will be closed during remodeling.办公楼在翻修期间将会关闭。韦氏高阶〔saboteur〕The saboteurs had planned to bomb buses and offices.闹事者原本计划用炸弹袭击公共汽车和办公楼。外研社新世纪〔saboteur〕The saboteurs had planned to bomb buses and offices.闹事者原本计划用炸弹袭击公共汽车和办公楼。柯林斯高阶〔see〕The official seat, center of authority, jurisdiction, or office of a bishop.主教:主教的职位、权力中心、管辖区或办公楼美国传统〔shallow〕The office buildings have taken the form of shallow slabs.那些办公楼盖成薄板的形状。英汉大词典〔shuttered〕Schools and government offices have been closed, and many shops remain shuttered.学校和政府办公楼都关闭了, 许多商店的百叶窗也一直关着。外研社新世纪〔shuttered〕Schools and government offices have been closed, and many shops remain shuttered.学校和政府办公楼都关闭了,许多商店的百叶窗也一直关着。柯林斯高阶〔sit in〕Students staged a sit-in in the university offices as part of their protest campaign.作为抗议活动的一部分,学生们在大学办公楼里静坐示威。剑桥高阶〔site〕The office complex has an on-site nursery.这片办公楼群有一个内部托儿所。剑桥高阶〔site〕The site is presently occupied by offices.目前这块地上盖满了办公楼。牛津搭配〔stipulate〕It was stipulated that no one could live in an office building except the janitor.规定除门卫外他人一律不得住在办公楼内。英汉大词典〔stop〕En route to Brown's home, he stopped off at his office building.在去布朗家的途中,他下车到办公楼去了一下。 英汉大词典〔super〕A superintendent in an apartment or office building.管理人:公寓或办公楼的管理人员美国传统〔upper〕The office building's upper floors were being repainted.办公楼的上面几层在重新油漆。剑桥高阶〔vending machine〕The vending machine in the office dispenses really tasteless coffee.办公楼里的投币式自动售货机售出的咖啡真是一点儿味道都没有。剑桥高阶〔wheedle〕He managed to wheedle his way into the offices.他连哄带骗地设法进了办公楼。外研社新世纪〔wheedle〕He managed to wheedle his way into the offices.他连哄带骗地设法进了办公楼。柯林斯高阶Businesses are losing billions through energy inefficiency, with London offices the worst offenders.企业因能源效率低损失数以十亿计,伦敦办公楼是祸首。牛津商务Fire fighters with turntable ladders yesterday rescued six people from the fifth floor of an office building.昨天消防队员用云梯从一座办公楼的五层救了六个人。剑桥国际He worked in a down-at-heel, decaying 1930s office block.他在一幢脏脏的、破败的30年代的办公楼里工作。剑桥国际I would hate to work in a high-rise office building.我不喜欢在高层办公楼工作。剑桥国际Most office buildings are now designed with false floors, under which computer and telephone wires can be laid.大多办公楼现在都设计了一层附加的地板,下面安放计算机和电话的电线。剑桥国际Most office buildings have dozens of air ducts and vents.多数办公楼都有许许多多的管道和通风口。剑桥国际New offices buildings are going up everywhere.各处都在兴建新办公楼。牛津商务Smoking is prohibited in the office building. 办公楼内禁止抽烟。译典通The building plans included a new university chaplaincy.建筑计划包括了一座新的大学牧师办公楼。剑桥国际The company is moving to new offices on the other side of town.公司要搬到市区另一边的新办公楼。牛津商务The job is based in our modern smoke-free offices in Oxford.工作地点位于我们牛津的现代化无烟办公楼里。牛津商务The museum has been converted into offices and is now inhabited by a motley assortment of architects, designers and artists.这座博物馆被改造成办公楼,现居住着建筑师,设计师和艺术家等各色人物。剑桥国际The new office block has become an expensive white elephant.昂贵的新办公楼百无一用。牛津商务The office block was built as a speculative venture.这幢办公楼的建造是一项投机生意。剑桥国际The office block's upper floors were engulfed with flames.办公楼的上面几层被火焰吞没了。剑桥国际The office block's uppermost floors (= those in the highest position) were engulfed with flames.办公楼的最上面几层陷入了火海中。剑桥国际The office blocks now going up use space more inventively.在建的办公楼对空间的利用更显示出创造力。剑桥国际The placement (= putting into a particular position) of the new office building, right in the middle of the town, really spoils the view.把新办公楼建在市中心的确破坏了景观。剑桥国际The protesters blocking the entrance to the offices remained defiant this morning.抗议者们堵住了通往办公楼的入口处,今天上午仍坚持反抗。剑桥国际There are several office buildings empty on the estate.办公区有许多办公楼空着。牛津商务They were granted a building permit to construct offices on the site.他们获得在这工地上建造办公楼的建筑许可证。牛津商务Ugly new offices have replaced the house where I lived as a child .难看的新办公楼已取代了我小时候住过地房子。剑桥国际Using a sailing ship as the company badge was a touch of genius (= a good/clever idea or action), offering as it did a romantic past to a modern office complex in the docklands development.用大帆船作公司的标志真是个有几分天才的想法,表现出港区发展中现代综合办公楼传奇性的过去。剑桥国际




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