

单词 办事员
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FALSE〕He gave the clerk a false name and address in case the police were looking for him. 他给办事员假姓名和假地址以防警察找他。朗文写作活用〔apply for〕She applied to the manager for a job as clerk.她向经理申请一份办事员的工作。21世纪英汉〔ascend〕She worked as a clerk before ascending to her current position.她升任现职以前是一名办事员。韦氏高阶〔clerical〕Of or relating to clerks or office workers or their work.办事员的,职员的,文书的:职员、办公室人员或其工作的,或与之相关的美国传统〔clerical〕She spent the summer doing clerical work for a lawyer.她整个夏天都在给一位律师当办事员。韦氏高阶〔fail〕The attempt to bribe the clerk had failed.贿赂办事员的企图没有成功。外研社新世纪〔firm〕He is a clerk with the firm.他是那家商行的办事员。英汉大词典〔front〕Used by a desk clerk in a hotel to summon a bellhop.用于旅馆的柜台办事员招呼侍者美国传统〔invisibility〕It was strange, how invisible a clerk could feel.一名办事员会感到如此受人忽视,令人觉得不可思议。柯林斯高阶〔lucky〕You may strike lucky and find a sympathetic and helpful clerk, but, there again, you might not.走运的话, 你可能会碰上一位非常好心、乐于助人的办事员。但话又说回来, 你也可能不走运。外研社新世纪〔member firm〕A securities firm with officers or partners who are members of an organized exchange.成员证券所:办事员或合伙人为一联合证券交易所之成员的证券所美国传统〔new-collar〕Of or relating to a class of workers between blue-collar and white-collar who hold primarily service and clerical jobs.新领阶层:属于或关于介于蓝领和白领之间的阶层的,这一阶层的人主要从事行政或办事员工作美国传统〔office girl〕A girl or young woman employed in a business office to do odd jobs.女职员,女办事员:在商务办公室做零工的女孩或年轻妇女美国传统〔shipping clerk〕One who is employed to prepare, pack, receive, or record shipments of goods.运输业务办事员:一个准备,包装、接收或记录货物运输的雇员美国传统〔tap〕There was a comfortable-looking clerk on duty, tapping away on a manual typewriter.有个神态安适的办事员在当班,在手动打字机上啪嗒啪嗒地打着字。柯林斯高阶David is looking for a clerical job (=a job performing general office duties).戴维想找一份办事员的工作。剑桥国际Jill has just started work as an office junior.吉尔从低级办事员做起。剑桥国际The travel agent checked the name on her monitor.旅行社办事员在她的电脑屏幕上核对名字。剑桥国际We need someone to do the clerical work here. 我们这里需要一个人做办事员的工作。译典通




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