

单词 包围的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACK〕Hundreds of Serbs managed to flee the besieged city. 成百上千的塞尔维亚人设法逃出了那座被包围的城市。朗文写作活用〔INSULT〕Strikers outside the factory gate were shouting abuse at anybody who tried to get past them. 厂门外的罢工者对任何试图突破他们的包围的人都破口痛骂。朗文写作活用〔alcove〕A recess or partly enclosed extension connected to or forming part of a room.凹室,壁龛:凹进处或部分被包围的延伸处,与一个房间相连或形成房间的一部分美国传统〔besiege〕The Afghan air force was using helicopters to supply the besieged town.阿富汗空军正用直升机向被包围的城镇提供物资。外研社新世纪〔bodyguard〕They entered the building surrounded by bodyguards.他们进入了被保镖包围的大楼。韦氏高阶〔bolson〕A flat, arid valley surrounded by mountains and draining into a shallow central lake.沙漠盆地,封闭盆地:被山脉包围的平坦干旱的山谷,干涸为一个浅的中央湖美国传统〔burg〕A fortified or walled town in early or medieval Europe.城堡:早期或中世纪欧洲设防的或有城墙包围的城堡美国传统〔chest〕The part of the body between the neck and the abdomen, enclosed by the ribs and the breastbone; the thorax.胸膛:身体位于颈和腹部之间被肋骨和胸骨所包围的一部分;胸膛美国传统〔circle〕A planar region bounded by a circle.圆形区,圆形空间:被圆所包围的一个平面区域美国传统〔circumambient〕Encompassing on all sides; surrounding.围绕的:围住每一边的;包围的美国传统〔circumscription〕Something, such as a limit or restriction, that circumscribes.限度,限制:用来限制包围的东西,如界限或约束美国传统〔circumvallate〕Anatomy Surrounded by a ridge or raised, wall-like structure.【解剖学】 壁垒状的:被隆起或立起的墙状结构包围的美国传统〔claustrophobic〕Uncomfortably closed or hemmed in.令人不适地被关闭或被包围的美国传统〔close〕Shut in; enclosed.封闭的;包围的美国传统〔coenocyte〕A multinucleate cytoplasmic mass enclosed by a single cell wall, as in slime molds and certain fungi and algae.多核细胞:由单个细胞壁包围的多核细胞质物质,如在粘液菌和某些真菌及水藻中美国传统〔embattled〕The embattled army finally surrendered.陷入包围的军队最终投降了。朗文当代〔enclave〕A country or part of a country lying wholly within the boundaries of another.被他国属地包围的领土,飞地:领土全部或局部完全位于另一国家国境内的某国领土,被围于他国领域中的领土美国传统〔eukaryote〕A single-celled or multicellular organism whose cells contain a distinct membrane-bound nucleus.真核生物:一种单细胞或多细胞有机体,细胞内具有一个明显可见的、被膜包围的细胞核美国传统〔exclave〕A part of a country that is isolated from the main part and is surrounded by foreign territory.飞地:一个国家的与其主要部分分离的并被外国领土包围的一部分美国传统〔foggy〕Full of or surrounded by fog.雾气弥漫的:满是雾的或被雾包围的美国传统〔gulf〕Abbr. g.,G.A large area of a sea or ocean partially enclosed by land, especially a long landlocked portion of sea opening through a strait.缩写 g.,G.海湾:大部分被陆地包围的大面积的海或大洋,尤指有海峡与之相通的被陆地环绕的海洋的一部分美国传统〔hemisphere〕A half of a sphere bounded by a great circle.半球:一个巨大圆周所包围的球体的一半美国传统〔inlier〕An area or a formation of older rocks completely surrounded by younger layers.内围层:完全被新层包围的旧岩石的地区或地层美国传统〔mediterranean〕Surrounded nearly or completely by dry land. Used of large bodies of water, such as lakes or seas.地中海的:几乎被陆地所包围或完全被陆地所包围的。用于指较大的水体,如湖泊或海洋美国传统〔nucleocapsid〕The basic structure of a virus, consisting of a core of nucleic acid enclosed in a protein coat.核壳体,病毒粒子:病毒的基本结构,由有蛋白质壳包围的核酸的核组成美国传统〔parley with〕The encircled forces had to be parleyed with.被包围的军队不得不接受谈判。21世纪英汉〔polyp〕A coelenterate, such as a hydra or coral, having a cylindrical body and an oral opening usually surrounded by tentacles.水螅型珊瑚虫,水螅虫:一种有柱状身体和通常被触角包围的口部开口的腔肠动物,比如水螅或珊瑚虫美国传统〔revictual〕The besieged army could not easily revictual.被包围的部队不容易再获得粮食的补给。21世纪英汉〔ringed〕Encircled or surrounded by bands or rings.成圈的;被包围的:被条纹或环圈围起的或包围的美国传统〔sea〕A relatively large body of salt water completely or partially enclosed by land.内海:被土地完全或不完全包围的相对比较大的盐水体美国传统〔sea〕A relatively large landlocked body of fresh water.大淡水湖:被陆地包围的大面积的淡水体美国传统〔sheath〕Biology An enveloping tubular structure, such as the base of a grass leaf that surrounds the stem or the tissue that encloses a muscle or nerve fiber.【生物学】 鞘,兜:一种包围的管状结构,例如围绕茎的草叶基部或包围肌肉或神经纤维的组织美国传统〔sortie〕An armed attack made from a place surrounded by enemy forces.突围:从一个被敌军包围的地方所作之武装进攻美国传统〔sporocyst〕A sporozoite enclosed in such a case; an encysted sporozoan.被围孢子虫:在此情况下被包围的孢子虫美国传统〔square〕The town centre is thick with churches and cafe-lined squares.市中心随处都是教堂和被咖啡店包围的广场。柯林斯高阶〔stockade〕A similar fenced or enclosed area, especially one used for protection.围栏:用栅栏包围的一块地方,尤指起保护作用的美国传统〔thorax〕The part of the human body between the neck and the diaphragm, partially encased by the ribs and containing the heart and lungs; the chest.胸部:人体颈部和膈之间被肋骨部分包围的部分,内有心脏和肺;胸部美国传统〔virion〕A complete viral particle, consisting of RNA or DNA surrounded by a protein shell and constituting the infective form of a virus.病毒粒子:一整个病毒粒子,由被蛋白质外壳包围的核糖核酸或脱氧核糖核酸组成,并构成一个病毒的传染形式美国传统〔vision〕He had visions of being surrounded by happy children.他幻想过被快乐的孩子所包围的情景。外研社新世纪〔vision〕Maybe you had visions of being surrounded by happy, smiling children.也许你曾幻想过被快乐嬉笑的孩子所包围的情景。柯林斯高阶An animal or plant cell consists of a nucleus and cytoplasm enclosed within a cell membrane.一个动物或植物的细胞由被细胞膜包围的细胞核和细胞质组成。剑桥国际The house has a small backyard, surrounded by a high brick wall.这幢房子有一个被高高的砖墙包围的小后院。剑桥国际




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