

单词 包围
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔AROUND/ROUND〕to be surrounded by something 被某物包围朗文写作活用〔Gothic〕a Gothic quadrangle 由哥特式建筑包围的四方庭院英汉大词典〔besiege〕a castle sieged by foot soldiers and cavalry. 被步兵和骑兵包围的城堡。 美国传统〔besiege〕investing a fortress; 包围一要塞堡垒;美国传统〔bound〕a city park that was bounded by busy streets. 被拥挤街道所包围的城市公园美国传统〔bracket〕be bracketed by military bases on both sides 被军事基地从两边包围英汉大词典〔circumscribe〕the atmosphere circumscribing the earth 包围地球的大气英汉大词典〔circumvent〕be circumvented by the enemy 被敌人所包围英汉大词典〔claque〕be surrounded by a claque of fair-weather friends 被一批拍马屁的酒肉朋友所包围英汉大词典〔close〕enemy soldiers closing in on them from all sides 从四面八方向他们包围过来的敌军朗文当代〔concrete jungle〕the effects of living in a concrete jungle surrounded by electrical appliances生活在一个被电器包围、高楼林立的环境的结果外研社新世纪〔desert〕green fields surrounded by arid desert 干旱沙漠包围的绿洲牛津搭配〔encircle〕a camp encircled by enemies 被敌人包围的军营英汉大词典〔encircle〕to encircle an enemy包围敌人21世纪英汉〔enclose〕a battalion hemmed in by enemy troops; 被敌军包围了的军队;美国传统〔envelope〕an envelope of gases around the planet 包围着行星的大气层朗文当代〔envelop〕to envelop the southern wing of the enemy包围敌军南侧21世纪英汉〔environment〕the environment of our troops by the enemy 敌人对我方部队的包围英汉大词典〔environ〕be environed by bad influence 被坏影响所包围英汉大词典〔environ〕to be environed by bad influences被坏影响所包围21世纪英汉〔garrison〕a besieged federal military garrison in Croatia一个被包围的克罗地亚联邦军事要塞外研社新世纪〔hem〕a valley hemmed in by mountains.See Synonyms at enclose 四面被山包围的村庄 参见 enclose美国传统〔hem〕be hemmed in by enemies 被敌人团团包围 英汉大词典〔leech〕a celebrity who is surrounded by leeches who only want his money 被众多图谋他的钱财的寄生虫所包围的名人韦氏高阶〔multitude〕surrounded by a noisy multitude被喧闹的人群包围外研社新世纪〔outflank〕outflank and surround the enemy troops 从翼侧包围敌军英汉大词典〔paparazzo〕a movie star surrounded by a swarm of paparazzi 被一大群狗仔队包围的电影明星韦氏高阶〔radiate〕a radiate head on a coin. 硬币上被射线包围的头像美国传统〔raise〕raise a siege (blockade) 撤除包围(封锁) 英汉大词典〔raise〕to raise a blockade/a ban/an embargo/a siege 解除封锁╱禁令╱禁运╱包围牛津高阶〔remit〕remit the siege 放松包围英汉大词典〔rockbound〕a rockbound lake. 被岩石包围的湖泊美国传统〔sallied〕to sally out in attempt to break the siege突击以图冲破包围,突围21世纪英汉〔sally〕sally out against the besiegers 向包围的敌军出击英汉大词典〔siege〕a three-day police siege at a remote country cottage 警方对一座偏僻村舍三天的包围朗文当代〔surround〕a city surrounded by suburbs; 被郊区包围着的城市;美国传统〔surround〕oases environed by the desert; 沙漠包围着的绿洲;美国传统〔sycophant〕a dictator surrounded by sycophants 被阿谀奉承者包围的独裁者朗文当代〔vice〕the three-sided vice on the village 对村庄的三面紧逼包围英汉大词典〔waterlocked〕a waterlocked tongue of land 一块被水包围的舌状伸出地英汉大词典




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