

单词 危险性
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DANGEROUS〕Accidents in the home are extremely common, and elderly people are most at risk. 家庭意外极为常见,其中老年人的危险性最大。朗文写作活用〔DANGEROUS〕How much risk is there with this kind of operation? 这种手术的危险性有多大?朗文写作活用〔DANGEROUS〕The ship was in grave danger of being sunk by enemy aircraft. 这艘船被敌机击沉的危险性很大。朗文写作活用〔DANGEROUS〕There is a high risk of injury in contact sports such as rugby. 像英式橄榄球这样的身体接触性运动受伤的危险性很高。朗文写作活用〔DANGEROUS〕What exactly is the risk of an ordinary aircraft crashing? 一架普通的飞机失事的危险性到底有多大?朗文写作活用〔EAT〕We're constantly being reminded of the dangers of overeating. 我们经常被提醒要注意饮食过量的危险性。朗文写作活用〔Goodwin Sands〕A stretch of dangerous shoals in the Strait of Dover off the southeast coast of England.古德温暗沙:英国东南海岸多佛海峡里的一系列危险性的暗礁美国传统〔MEASURE〕In the UK, the operation will not be performed until the risks are better understood and quantified. 在英国,除非对动这类手术的危险性有足够的认识并经过测定,否则是不能做这类手术的。朗文写作活用〔REALIZE〕It often takes something like a heart attack to bring home to people the danger of smoking. 通常要发生心脏病这种事才会让人意识到吸烟的危险性。朗文写作活用〔RISK〕Men run a greater risk of dying from heart disease than women. 男性死于心脏病的危险性比女性更大。朗文写作活用〔RISK〕There's a real danger that the region's forests will disappear completely in the next 50 years. 该地区的森林在未来50年里彻底消失的危险性很高。朗文写作活用〔RISK〕We can't ignore the risk that fighting could spread throughout the region. 我们切不可忽略战斗会扩大到整个地区的危险性。朗文写作活用〔UNIMPORTANT〕He accused drug companies of downplaying the risks of the new drug. 他指责制药公司对新药的危险性轻描淡写。朗文写作活用〔assurance〕Despite assurances from the government, the chemicals are known to be dangerous.尽管有政府的保证,化学品的危险性是人所共知的。牛津搭配〔aware〕Citizens need to remain aware of the danger.市民们需要了解这种危险性。牛津搭配〔aware〕I was not fully aware of the danger.我没有充分意识到这种危险性。韦氏高阶〔best〕To the best of my knowledge, the chemicals which were found are not dangerous.据我所知,那些被发现的化学品没有危险性。剑桥高阶〔blameworthy〕Their failure to adequately inform participants of the risks was morally/ethically blameworthy.他们没有充分告知参与者这项活动的危险性,在道义上,他们应该受到谴责。韦氏高阶〔boiler-room〕Of, relating to, or involving often illegal, high-pressure telephone sales tactics, such as those used in selling stock, commodities, or land.股票黑市的:专用电话进行股票、商品或地产交易的通常为非法的、危险性大的交易方法,或与其有关的、涉及此类活动的美国传统〔boxing〕Some speakers argued that boxing was less dangerous than rugby.一些发言者认为拳击的危险性比橄榄球小。外研社新世纪〔boxing〕Some speakers argued that boxing was less dangerous than rugby.一些发言者认为拳击的危险性比橄榄球运动小。柯林斯高阶〔cancer〕The cancer risk among smokers was found to be higher.人们发现吸烟者患癌症的危险性较大。牛津搭配〔chicken〕Any of various foolhardy competitions in which the participants persist in a dangerous course of action until one loses nerve and stops.参与者坚持做一种危险性动作直至变得胆怯才停止鲁莽的竞赛美国传统〔cordon sanitaire〕A chain of buffer states organized around a nation considered ideologically dangerous or potentially hostile.(国与国之间的)封闭线:针对一个被认为在意识形态上具有危险性或有潜在侵略性的国家而组织起来的一系列缓冲国美国传统〔danger〕The danger of a fire in the home increases during the holidays.家中失火的危险性在节日期间增加了。朗文当代〔danger〕The public was not aware of the danger from nuclear tests in Nevada.公众对内华达州举行核试验的危险性并不了解。朗文当代〔deceive〕The government deluded the public about the dangers of low-level radiation.政府欺骗公众,关于低强度辐射的危险性。美国传统〔determine〕Science has determined that the risk is very small.科学已经探明其危险性非常小。柯林斯高阶〔discharge〕Large amounts of dangerous waste are discharged daily by the factory.这个工厂每天排放大量的危险性废物。剑桥高阶〔enterprise〕An undertaking, especially one of some scope, complication, and risk.事业:一项事业,尤其指一项雄心勃勃、复杂、且具危险性的事业美国传统〔hazardous〕Marked by danger; perilous.带有危险性的;危险的美国传统〔hot-dog〕To perform daring stunts or acrobatic feats, especially while skiing or surfing.卖弄(花式动作):(尤指滑雪或滑冰时)进行危险性的表演或杂技性表演美国传统〔ignorant〕She was ignorant about the dangers of the drug.她不了解这种药物的危险性。韦氏高阶〔illustrate〕The case tragically illustrates the dangers of fireworks.这个案子悲剧性地说明了烟花爆竹的危险性。牛津搭配〔innocent〕The deserted streets were still innocent, so he made no detours but concentrated on speed.僻静的街道还没有危险性,所以他没有绕道,而是加速赶路。英汉大词典〔malignity〕The condition or quality of being highly dangerous or injurious; deadliness.危险性:处于极危险或有害的状况,或具有极危险或有害的特征;致命性美国传统〔mislead〕Politicians have misled the public over the dangers of these chemicals.政客们在这些化学品的危险性问题上误导了民众。朗文当代〔multiple〕Having multiple partners increases your risk of sexual diseases.性伴侣多会增加你得性病的危险性。朗文当代〔multiplied〕The bad weather multiplied the danger of their exploration.恶劣的天气增加了他们探险的危险性。21世纪英汉〔multiply〕Smoking multiplies the risk of heart attacks and other health problems.吸烟大大增加了患心脏病和其他疾病的危险性。朗文当代〔point sth out〕I feel I should point out how dangerous it is.我觉得我应该指出它的危险性。剑桥高阶〔point〕He pointed out the dangers of driving alone.他指出单独驾车的危险性。牛津高阶〔read up on〕I've read up on the dangers of all these drugs.我对所有这些药物的危险性了如指掌。柯林斯高阶〔retention〕This facility will be used for the retention of hazardous waste.这处设施用于存放危险性的废料。麦克米伦高阶〔revel in〕Young men revel in doing dangerous tasks.年轻小伙子特别喜欢干有危险性的苦差事。21世纪英汉〔risk〕Building work has a high risk of accident.建筑工作出事故的危险性很高。朗文当代〔sobering〕His death is a sobering reminder of the dangers of mountaineering.他的死亡是对登山危险性的警示。韦氏高阶〔unanimous〕Doctors are unanimous about the dangers of this drug.对于这种药物的危险性医生们的看法是一致的。牛津搭配〔wake〕The bad news woke the country to the danger of war.这则坏消息使全国警觉到战争的危险性。英汉大词典Before we start, can I make sure that you are all fully aware of the dangers of mountain-climbing.开始登山之前,我想证实一下你们是否充分意识到登山的危险性。剑桥国际Greater international cooperation is required to reduce the risk of hijacking.需要有更多的国际合作来降低劫持的危险性。剑桥国际I feel I should point out how dangerous it is. 我觉得需要指出它的危险性。剑桥国际I ski for the excitement, but I'm also always alive to the risks.我滑雪是为了寻求刺激,但我也经常注意到它的危险性。剑桥国际In some bars there are warning signs (= notices) telling women of the dangers of drinking alcohol during pregnancy.有些酒吧贴有告示,提醒妇女注意在怀孕期间饮酒的危险性。剑桥国际It's reckoned that an increased intake of fibre in the diet can reduce the risk of bowel cancer.人们认为增加食物中的纤维摄入量可以降低患肠癌的危险性。剑桥国际Much land is still unusable because of the cost and danger of clearing minefields.清除地雷耗资巨大且危险性强,因此许多土地仍不能使用。剑桥国际Straightening the road has reduced the risk of accidents and to that extent (= that being so) has made it safer, but it is still dangerous.把路修直降低了出事故的危险性,使路面较为安全,但仍有危险。剑桥国际The dry weather has increased the risk of brush fires.干旱的天气增加了灌木丛着火的危险性。剑桥国际The factory had to be closed because the risk of fire was too great.因为火灾危险性太大,这家工厂被迫关闭。剑桥国际The instructions contain a clear warning about the dangers of working with electricity.说明书对带电工作的危险性有明确警示。牛津商务Their prescient comments about the dangers of lead were made some six years before research showed that lead in drinking water harms children.他们对铅的危险性的先见之明比正式的研究表明饮用水中的铅会对儿童造成危害约早6年。剑桥国际This job is attended by a certain amount of danger.这项工作具有一定的危险性。剑桥国际To the best of my knowledge/(Br also) belief (= From what I know and understand from the information that I have) the chemicals which were found are not dangerous.我认为所发现的化学物质并无危险性。剑桥国际




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