

单词 原体
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔adenovirus〕Any of a group of DNA-containing viruses that cause conjunctivitis and upper respiratory tract infections in humans.腺病毒:导致人类结合腺类及上呼吸道感染的一组含有脱氧核糖核酸的病原体美国传统〔alternate host〕One of two species of host on which some pathogens, such as certain rust fungi, must develop to complete their life cycles.交替宿主:两种宿主中的一种,某些病原体,如锈真菌要在宿主中生存并结束生命循环美国传统〔asepsis〕The process of removing pathogenic microorganisms or protecting against infection by such organisms.无菌疗法:清除病原体微生物或预防这种有机体感染的过程美国传统〔asepsis〕The state of being free of pathogenic microorganisms.无菌,无感染:无病原体微生物的状态美国传统〔asymptomatic〕Most people with chlamydia are asymptomatic and do not seek testing. 多数感染了衣原体的病人是没有症状的,因此不会寻求检测。剑桥高阶〔chancre〕An ulcer located at the initial point of entry of a pathogen.初疮:病原体最初侵入的那点处的溃疡美国传统〔delavirdine〕A non-nucleoside analogue that is used as an antiviral drug in the treatment of HIV.去毒乙烷吡啶:非核苷的类似物,用作抗滤过性病原体的药物,来治疗人体免疫缺乏病毒美国传统〔germ〕A microorganism, especially a pathogen.一种微生物,尤指病原体美国传统〔idioblast〕A plant cell that differs noticeably in form from neighboring cells.异细胞,生原体:与相邻的细胞截然不同的细胞美国传统〔immune〕Immunology Of, relating to, or having immunity to infection by a specific pathogen.【免疫学】 免疫的:属于、关于或具有对某种特定病原体的感染的免疫力的美国传统〔incubation〕Medicine The development of an infection from the time the pathogen enters the body until signs or symptoms first appear.【医学】 潜伏:从病原体进入体内到症状最初出现的感染发展过程美国传统〔infect〕To communicate a pathogen or disease to.侵染:将病原体或疾病传播给美国传统〔nevirapine〕A non-nucleoside analogue that is used as an antiviral drug in the treatment of HIV infection.去毒二氮,奈未拉平:非核苷的类似物,用作抗滤过性病原体的药物,来治疗人体免疫缺乏(艾滋病)病毒感染美国传统〔pathogen〕An agent that causes disease, especially a living microorganism such as a bacterium or fungus.病原体:引起疾病的某一原因,尤指活的微生物有机体,如细菌或病毒美国传统〔phyllome〕A leaf or a plant part that evolved from a leaf.叶,叶原体,叶性器官:从叶子发育而成的叶子或植物部分美国传统〔phytopathogen〕An organism that is pathogenic to a plant.植物病原体:使植物致病的有机体美国传统〔premunition〕Relative immunity to severe infection by a particular pathogen as a result of a chronic low-grade infection induced earlier by the same pathogen.传染免疫:由以前同一病原体所引起的慢性低度传染而造成的特定病原体对严重感染的相对免疫美国传统〔renninogen〕The zymogenic precursor of rennin.凝乳酶的酶原体美国传统〔reservoir〕Medicine An organism or a population that directly or indirectly transmits a pathogen while being virtually immune to its effects.【医学】 储存宿主:直接或间接地传递病原体而同时实际上又对其具有免疫力的生物或生物群美国传统〔responsible〕No single pathogen seems wholly responsible for the disease.这个病似乎不完全是由某一个病原体引起的。牛津搭配〔run〕He ran a lot of tests and it turned out I had an infection called mycoplasma.他进行了多项检查,最后证明我感染了支原体。柯林斯高阶〔sepsis〕The poisoned condition resulting from the presence of pathogens or their toxins, as in septicemia.脓毒症,败血症:由病原体或它们的毒素存在而导致的中毒状态,例如在败血症中美国传统〔virulent〕Capable of causing disease by breaking down protective mechanisms of the host. Used of a pathogen.破坏免疫机能的:能通过破坏寄主的保护机制引起疾病的。用于病原体美国传统The doctors have not been able to ascertain the pathogens that caused his cancer. 医生到现在还找不到让他致癌的病原体。译典通




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