

单词 十字
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔closely〕a pattern closely resembling a cross一个非常像十字架的图案外研社新世纪〔committee〕the International Committee of the Red Cross 国际红十字会朗文当代〔counterpart〕the Red Cross Society of China and its Icelandic counterpart 中国红十字会和冰岛红十字会英汉大词典〔criss-cross〕a criss-cross pattern 十字形图案牛津高阶〔crisscross〕a crisscross pattern 十字形花样英汉大词典〔crisscross〕a crisscross pattern on her dress 她连衣裙上的十字形花纹韦氏高阶〔crisscross〕short for Cristcross (me speed) [may Christ's cross (give me success)] Cristcross (me speed) 的简写 [愿基督的十字架(给我以成功)] 美国传统〔cross〕a painting of Christ on the cross 一幅耶稣基督被钉在十字架上的油画牛津搭配〔cross〕a painting of Jesus on the Cross 被钉死在十字架上的耶稣像麦克米伦高阶〔cross〕cross oneself 在自己身上画十字英汉大词典〔cross〕cross the children at the intersection 把孩子们带过十字路口英汉大词典〔cross〕cross ventilation 十字通风英汉大词典〔cross〕marked with a cross.做了个十字形记号。牛津同义词〔cross〕the Victoria Cross (英国)维多利亚十字勋章英汉大词典〔cruciate〕the cruciate ligaments of the knee. 膝盖的十字形韧带美国传统〔crucifixion〕the crucifixion of the rebel Spartacus 起义者斯巴达克斯被钉死在十字架上韦氏高阶〔cruciform〕a cruciform aircraft wing 十字形的机翼英汉大词典〔cruciform〕a cruciform church 十字形教堂文馨英汉〔cruciform〕a cruciform church 十字形教堂韦氏高阶〔cruciform〕a cruciform tower. 十字形的塔柯林斯高阶〔cruciform〕a cruciform tower十字形塔外研社新世纪〔emblem〕the Red Cross emblem红十字会徽标外研社新世纪〔extract〕the traditional method of pick and shovel to extract coal用十字镐和铁锹挖煤的传统方法外研社新世纪〔family〕a plant that belongs to the cabbage family 属于十字花科的植物韦氏高阶〔family〕foods in the cabbage family, such as Brussels sprouts. 抱子甘蓝之类的十字花科食物柯林斯高阶〔headquarters〕the Headquarters of the American Red Cross 美国红十字会总会文馨英汉〔inconsistent〕an intersection inconsistent with the road map. 一个与交通图不符的十字路口美国传统〔ink〕to ink a cross to the paper在纸上用墨水划十字21世纪英汉〔intersection〕a busy intersection 繁忙的十字路口剑桥高阶〔invest ... with〕to invest somebody with the Grand Cross授予某人大十字勋章21世纪英汉〔island〕street-crossing islands 十字路口的安全岛英汉大词典〔limb〕the four limbs of a cross 十字架的四个支英汉大词典〔limb〕the limbs of a cross 十字架的枝文馨英汉〔lonely〕a lonely crossroads. 荒凉的十字路口美国传统〔member〕a life member of the Red Cross 红十字会的终身会员牛津搭配〔pectoral〕a pectoral cross. 佩于胸前的十字架美国传统〔sain〕to sain one's son在儿子胸前划十字,为其祈福21世纪英汉〔scant〕forces that have shown scant respect for Red Cross markings or UN flags. 对红十字会标志和联合国旗帜不屑一顾的军队柯林斯高阶〔shape〕a flower bed in the shape of a cross 十字形花坛麦克米伦高阶〔surveil〕to surveil the crosses by computers用微机监视各个十字路口21世纪英汉




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