

单词 十四
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AGE〕She's retired, but she's only in her mid-50s. 她已经退休,但她只有五十四五岁。朗文写作活用〔ATTACK〕Her attacker is described as white, in his mid-fifties and with medium-length dark hair. 她描述说对她行凶的是一个白人,年龄在五十四五岁左右,留着中等长度的黑发。朗文写作活用〔Adrastea〕The satellite of Jupiter that is third in distance from the planet.木卫十四,阿德拉斯蒂尔星:距离木星第三远的木星卫星美国传统〔Ariel〕The satellite of Uranus that is second in distance from the planet.天卫一:距离天王星第十四远的天王星卫星美国传统〔DISASTER〕Fourteen schoolchildren were tragically killed in the accident. 有十四名学童不幸死于这次意外事故。朗文写作活用〔JOB〕Of the fourteen openings, only one went to a minority candidate. 十四个职位空缺中仅有一个给了少数民族求职者。朗文写作活用〔La Vallière〕French noblewoman. The lover of Louis XIV, she had four children with him.拉瓦利埃:法国贵妇人。她是路易十四的情妇,为他生了四个孩子美国传统〔Leo〕A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Cancer and Virgo, containing the bright stars Regulus and Denebola.狮子(星)座:北半球的星座,靠近巨蟹座和处女座,包括轩辕十四和德尼波拉这两颗明亮的星美国传统〔Louis Quatorze〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of the baroque style in architecture, furniture, and decoration of the reign of Louis XIV.路易十四世式样的:属于,或具有路易十四统治时期建筑,家具,装饰方面的巴洛克式风格特点的,或与之有关的美国传统〔MUST/DON'T HAVE TO〕The job entailed being on call twenty-four hours a day. 这份工作要求在一天二十四小时内随叫随到。朗文写作活用〔PROBABLY〕I should think she's about 24 or 25. 我觉得她二十四五岁。朗文写作活用〔PROTECT〕An army lieutenant and 14 soldiers were guarding the air strip. 一名陆军中尉和十四名士兵守护着简易机场。朗文写作活用〔Regulus〕A bright double star in the constellation Leo.轩辕十四:在狮子座的一颗明亮的双星美国传统〔Saint-Simon〕French diplomat and writer whose memoirs of the court of Louis XIV are a valuable historical source.圣西门:法国外交家和作家,他的路易十四宫廷回忆录是具有一定价值的历史原始资料美国传统〔Sévigné〕French letter writer whose prolific correspondence depicts aristocratic life in the age of Louis XIV.史维治候爵:法国书信作家,其繁多的书信作品描述了路易十四时期的贵族生活美国传统〔TRY〕A lot of fourteen and fifteen year olds experiment with drugs. 许多十四五岁的少年尝试吸毒。朗文写作活用〔be〕I'm fourteen.我十四岁。外研社新世纪〔claim〕The French under Louis XIV of France laid claim to the throne of Spain and its territories.路易十四统治下的法国人对西班牙的王位和领土提出了权利要求。外研社新世纪〔could〕He couldn't have been more than fourteen years old.他不可能超过十四岁。外研社新世纪〔decorate〕The room is decorated in(或after) the style of Louis Quatorze.这房间是按路易十四时代的风格装潢的。21世纪英汉〔deliver of〕Jack was delivered of a sonnet on the subject.杰克就这个题目作了一首十四行诗。21世纪英汉〔discover〕At fourteen, Louise discovered boys.十四岁时路易丝开始对男孩子有了了解。朗文当代〔dozen〕The number of deaths has risen to more than two dozen.死亡人数已增至二十四人以上。朗文当代〔essay〕Your assignment is to write a 500-word essay on one of Shakespeare's sonnets.你们的作业是,就莎士比亚任何一首十四行诗,写一篇500词的短文。韦氏高阶〔feature〕Round-the-clock service features this store.二十四小时服务是这家商店的特色。英汉大词典〔form〕The sonnet is a poetical form.十四行诗是一种诗体。韦氏高阶〔form〕The sonnet is a poetical form.十四行诗是一种诗的体裁。英汉大词典〔fortnight〕They stayed with us for a fortnight.他们和我们一起待了十四天。韦氏高阶〔fourteenth〕He's in fourteenth place.他排在第十四位。外研社新世纪〔fourteenth〕I finished fourteenth in the race.我在比赛中排第十四名。韦氏高阶〔fourteenth〕If you've got thirteen Madonna sites, then you probably don't need a fourteenth.如果已经有了十三个关于麦当娜的网站, 那么应该不需要第十四个了。外研社新世纪〔fourteenth〕It's her fourteenth birthday.这是她的十四岁生日。外研社新世纪〔fourteenth〕The reigning champion finished fourteenth.卫冕冠军位列第十四名。外研社新世纪〔fourteenth〕The siege is now in its fourteenth day.围攻已经进入第十四天。外研社新世纪〔fourteen〕He used to work fourteen hours a day.他过去一天工作十四个小时。朗文当代〔fourteen〕I started playing the guitar when I was fourteen (=14 years old) .我十四岁开始弹吉他。朗文当代〔fourteen〕I'm planning to leave on the fourteenth (=the 14th day of the month) .我打算十四号走。朗文当代〔garbage〕You call that piece of garbage a sonnet? 你能把那蹩脚货称作十四行诗吗?英汉大词典〔go through〕In the next twenty years it went through fourteen editions.在后来的二十年里,该书再版了十四次。21世纪英汉〔heir〕The French finance minister is heir to a tradition of central control that goes back to Louis XIV.法国的财政部长继承了中央集权财政管理方式的传统,该传统可以追溯到路易十四时代。剑桥高阶〔hemidemisemiquaver〕A sixty-fourth note.六十四分音符美国传统〔humour〕Next day, Louis XIV was in the best of humours.第二天, 路易十四心情好极了。外研社新世纪〔humour〕Next day, Louis XIV was in the best of humours.第二天,路易十四心情好得不得了。柯林斯高阶〔in camera〕The trial was held in camera because the accused was only 14 years old.审判没有公开进行,因为被告是个只有十四岁的孩子。剑桥高阶〔into〕Eight into twenty-four is three.二十四除以八等于三。朗文当代〔lyric〕Relating to or constituting a poem in this category, such as a sonnet or an ode.写抒情诗的:关于或构成这种抒情诗的,如十四行诗或赋的美国传统〔memory〕To the best of her memory, she was 14 or 15 at the time.据她回忆, 那个时候她十四五岁。外研社新世纪〔padding〕Of the sonnet eleven of the lines are mere padding and say nothing.那首十四行诗中有11行都是废话,毫无意义。柯林斯高阶〔pattern〕A sonnet has a fixed rhyming pattern.十四行诗有固定的韵律。朗文当代〔person〕Sixty four people (NOT persons) died in the fire.六十四人在火灾中丧生。朗文当代〔picket〕Forty demonstrators have set up a twenty-four-hour picket.四十个示威者组织了二十四小时的罢工纠察。外研社新世纪〔puberty〕Fourteen is a fairly normal age for a girl to reach puberty .十四岁是女孩进入青春期相当正常的一个年龄。朗文当代〔reckon〕The expression 'full moon' means the fourteenth day of the moon reckoned from its first appearance.“满月”这个说法是指从新月首次出现那天算起的第十四天。朗文当代〔rhyme〕He rhymed out sonnets in her praise.他写成押韵的十四行诗歌颂她。英汉大词典〔run sth off〕Kate can run off a sonnet in half an hour on any subject you like.只要你定好一个题材,凯特都能在半小时内信笔写出一首十四行诗。剑桥高阶〔sixty-fourth note〕A note having one sixty-fourth the time value of a whole note.六十四分音符:时间上的长度是全音符的六十四分之一的音符美国传统〔solid〕On Saturday I went to bed and slept fourteen hours solid.星期六我上床整整睡了十四个小时。朗文当代〔sonneteer〕A composer of sonnets.十四行诗人美国传统〔sonnet〕A poem in this form.十四行诗美国传统〔sonnet〕Shakespeare's sonnets 莎士比亚的十四行诗朗文当代〔sonnet〕Shakespeare's sonnets 莎士比亚的十四行诗牛津高阶〔sonnet〕Shakespeare's sonnets 莎士比亚的十四行诗英汉大词典〔space〕Forty-four people died in the space of five days.五天里死了四十四个人。牛津高阶〔unit〕Women are advised not to drink more than fourteen units of alcohol per week.建议妇女每周饮酒不超过十四个酒精单位。牛津高阶A human embryo up to the age of 14 days is sometimes called a pre-embryo.十四天之前的人的胚胎有时称做前胎儿。剑桥国际After fourteen days the eggs hatch, the young using their hard beaks to break open the shell.蛋孵了十四天之后,幼鸟用它们坚硬的喙把壳啄开。剑桥国际At fourteen he ran away, forsaking his home and friends. 他十四岁出走,离开了家乡和朋友。译典通At the police station, she was grilled for twenty-four hours. 她在警察局被拷问了二十四小时。译典通During a long period of captivity or confinement your biorhythms can re-adjust to a time clock which may not be a 24-hour cycle.经过一段长时间的囚禁或幽禁,你的生物节律可以重新调整到一个可能不是二十四小时一个周期的生物钟上。剑桥国际First prize is a fortnight in Barbados and second prize is a weekend in Rome.一等奖是巴巴多斯岛的十四日游,二等奖是在罗马度周末。剑桥国际He polled 54 percent of the votes. 他获得百分之五十四的选票。译典通He rhymed out sonnets in her praise. 他写成押韵的十四行诗歌颂她。译典通Kamen was named company chairman, succeeding Robert Schwartz, who is retiring after 44 years.卡门被任命为公司董事长,接替在任四十四年后退休的罗伯特·施瓦兹。剑桥国际Kate can run off a sonnet in half an hour on any subject you like.凯特可以在半个小时里根据你的命题作出一首十四行诗。剑桥国际Now at forty and with three children, she still, sometimes, recalls her calf love at the age of 14. 如今她四十岁了,有三个孩子,但她仍然时常想起自己十四岁时的初恋。译典通Our news desk (= place where news is collected) is staffed twenty-four hours a day.我们的新闻台二十四小时都有人。剑桥国际She was burned at the stake for heresy in the 14th century. 她在十四世纪因信仰异教而被处火刑。译典通She was interrogated without respite for twenty-four hours. 她被不间断地审问了二十四小时。译典通She's got great chops for a 14-year-old.作为一个十四岁的小孩,她吹奏乐器的能力很强。剑桥国际The earth is divided into 24 time zones. 地球被分为二十四个时区。译典通The temperature fell very low today, with -14℃ being recorded in some places.今天气温降得很低,有些地方记录到零下十四度。剑桥国际The video uses the twenty-four-hour clock--so you'll have to programme it for 21.00 hours instead of 9 p.m.这个录像机用的是二十四小时制----所以你必须设在21点, 而不是晚上9点。剑桥国际There are 24 hours in a day.一天有二十四小时。剑桥国际They often compelled us to work twelve or fourteen hours a day. 他们常常强迫我们每天工作十二或十四小时。译典通Two fourteens are twenty-eight.两个十四等于二十八。剑桥国际Your name is / lies fourteenth on the list.你的名字在名单上列第十四位。剑桥国际




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