

单词 召唤
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔beneficent〕a general invocation of the beneficent powers of the universe召唤仁慈的宇宙之神的通用祷文外研社新世纪〔call〕a doctor who is on call throughout the day 全天随时听候召唤的医生韦氏高阶〔call〕the call of duty. 职责的召唤美国传统〔call〕the call of the wild; answered the call of the desert. 原野的召唤;响应沙漠的召唤美国传统〔call〕the morning call to prayer 去晨祷的召唤牛津搭配〔conjuration〕conjuration of spirits 对神灵的召唤英汉大词典〔faithful〕church bells calling the faithful to evening prayer 召唤信徒晚祷的教堂钟声朗文当代〔invocable〕to invoke evil spirits召唤恶魔21世纪英汉〔invocation〕the invocation of certain invisible agencies通过法术对某些无形力量的召唤外研社新世纪〔summons〕to obey a royal summons 听从国王的召唤牛津高阶〔summon〕to summon someone to attend.召唤某人来出席。牛津同义词〔tattoo〕a drum tattoo.召唤归营的鼓声。牛津同义词〔tattoo〕beat (sound) the tattoo 击鼓(吹号)召唤归营英汉大词典〔whistle for〕to whistle for the taxi吹哨召唤出租车21世纪英汉




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