

单词 勒索者
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bagman〕Slang A person who collects money, as for racketeers.【俚语】 敲诈勒索者:为敲诈而收钱的人美国传统〔blackmailer〕The nasty thing about a blackmailer is that his starting point is usually the truth.勒索者的可恶之处在于他一开始往往是从事实入手的。柯林斯高阶〔bled〕The blackmailers bled him for every penny he'd got.勒索者榨尽他的每一文钱。21世纪英汉〔bleed for〕The blackmailers bled her for every penny she had.勒索者榨尽她的每一文钱。21世纪英汉〔bloodsucker〕An extortionist or a blackmailer.勒索者,敲诈者美国传统〔pay ... off〕The blackmailer had to be paid off. He was too dangerous.只得向那个敲诈勒索者付钱了,他太危险了。21世纪英汉〔protection〕Bribes paid to officials by racketeers for immunity from prosecution.保护费:诈骗勒索者为免于被起诉而向官员提供的贿赂美国传统〔protection〕Money extorted by racketeers threatening violence for nonpayment.保护费:如果不付钱就威胁使用暴力的勒索者索要的钱美国传统〔used〕The blackmailers demanded to be paid in used £20 notes.勒索者们要求用旧的20英镑面额的钞票支付。剑桥高阶〔vampire〕A person, such as an extortionist, who preys upon others.敲诈勒索者,无情掠夺别人的人美国传统An extortioner/extortionist is a person who obtains something by force or threat.勒索者是用武力或威胁获取事物者。剑桥国际His act reminded us of that of an extortionist. 他的行为使我们联想起勒索者。译典通The blackmailers demanded to be paid in used 20 notes.勒索者要求用20镑面值的旧钞票支付。剑桥国际




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