

单词 古板
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔formulary〕a stiff formulary man 生硬而古板的人英汉大词典〔fusty〕a fusty old professor 古板的老教授牛津高阶〔fusty〕fusty old academics 古板的老学究朗文当代〔hidebound〕hidebound reactionaries 古板的反动分子朗文当代〔icky〕a traditionalist professor who is plain icky 一个墨守成规的老古板教授英汉大词典〔primly〕a rather prim British spinster. 一位极为古板的英国老处女柯林斯高阶〔prim〕a rather prim British spinster一位非常古板的英国老姑娘外研社新世纪〔prim〕a very prim and proper young lady 古板正经的年轻女子朗文当代〔puritanical〕puritanical fathers. 古板严厉的父亲柯林斯高阶〔staid〕a staid and solemn businessman 古板严肃的商人韦氏高阶〔staid〕the normally staid image of chess 国际象棋通常的古板形象牛津搭配〔staid〕the staid world of business 古板守旧的生意圈牛津搭配〔starchy〕a starchy traditionalist 古板的传统派人士韦氏高阶〔stuffy〕a firm of lawyers in Lincoln's Inn, immensely stuffy and respectable. 林肯律师学院的一个非常古板而体面的律师事务所柯林斯高阶〔stuffy〕a stuffy old family 古板守旧的古老家族朗文当代〔stuffy〕a stuffy, formal family 一本正经而又古板的一家人牛津高阶〔stuffy〕the stuffiest members of that exclusive club 那家高级俱乐部里最古板的会员们韦氏高阶〔suburban〕narrow-minded, suburban attitudes 狭隘古板的态度朗文当代




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