

单词 单身汉
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔apartment〕a bachelor apartment on the first floor 供单身汉租用的底楼公寓套房英汉大词典〔bachelor〕a confirmed bachelor(= a person who does not intend to marry; often used in newspapers to refer to a homosexual man) 信守独身主义的单身汉(报章上常用来指同性恋男子)牛津高阶〔bachelor〕one of the country's most eligible bachelors 全国最让人中意的单身汉之一牛津搭配〔domesticate〕domesticate a bachelor 使单身汉适应家庭生活英汉大词典〔eligible〕an eligible bachelor. 一个合意的单身汉美国传统〔eligible〕marry an eligible bachelor 嫁给一位中意的单身汉英汉大词典〔fixed〕a well-fixed bachelor. 一个生活宽裕的单身汉美国传统〔footloose〕footloose bachelors 自由自在的单身汉韦氏高阶〔melancholy〕a melancholy bachelor 忧郁的单身汉英汉大词典〔pad〕a bachelor pad 单身汉的住处英汉大词典〔pet〕a bachelor living alone in a flat with his pet dog. 带着宠物狗独自住在一所公寓里的单身汉柯林斯高阶〔pull〕a bachelor on the pull 寻觅性伴侣的单身汉英汉大词典〔right〕bachelors searching for Ms Right正在寻找意中人的单身汉外研社新世纪〔staid〕a staid old bachelor 一个严肃呆板的老单身汉朗文当代




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