

单词 单身
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Dickensian〕a single mother living in a Dickensian block of flats 住在像狄更斯小说中那种肮脏公寓里的单身母亲朗文当代〔LOVE〕a romantic comedy in which Meg Ryan plays a single mother looking for love 由梅格·瑞恩扮演一名追求爱情的单身母亲的一部爱情喜剧朗文写作活用〔RECOGNIZE〕proposals to identify the fathers of children born to single mothers 关于确认单身母亲子女的父亲的提案朗文写作活用〔YOUNG〕a single mother with two young children 带着两个年幼孩子的单身妈妈朗文写作活用〔age bracket〕single people in the 40-50 age bracket 40 至 50 岁这个年龄段的单身人士朗文当代〔apartment〕a bachelor apartment on the first floor 供单身汉租用的底楼公寓套房英汉大词典〔artificially〕a single woman who wants to be artificially inseminated想人工授精的单身妇女外研社新世纪〔available〕a great way to meet available men/women/singles 与单身男子/女子/人士结识的好方法韦氏高阶〔bachelor〕a bachelor woman 单身女人英汉大词典〔bachelor〕a confirmed bachelor(= a person who does not intend to marry; often used in newspapers to refer to a homosexual man) 信守独身主义的单身汉(报章上常用来指同性恋男子)牛津高阶〔bachelor〕an eligible bachelor(= one that many people want to marry, especially because he is rich) 合意单身男子(常因富有而为理想对象)牛津高阶〔bachelor〕one of the country's most eligible bachelors 全国最让人中意的单身汉之一牛津搭配〔circumstance〕help and support for the single mother, whatever her circumstances. 不论单身母亲的经济状况如何均为其提供的帮助与扶持柯林斯高阶〔dependant〕a single man with no dependants没有家属的单身男子外研社新世纪〔domesticate〕domesticate a bachelor 使单身汉适应家庭生活英汉大词典〔eligible〕an eligible bachelor. 一个合意的单身汉美国传统〔eligible〕marry an eligible bachelor 嫁给一位中意的单身汉英汉大词典〔fixed〕a well-fixed bachelor. 一个生活宽裕的单身汉美国传统〔footloose〕footloose bachelors 自由自在的单身汉韦氏高阶〔isolation〕the social isolation of single mothers at home with their babies 在家带孩子的单身母亲与社会的隔绝牛津搭配〔live〕live single 过单身生活文馨英汉〔lone〕a poor lone mother 一个可怜的单身母亲英汉大词典〔melancholy〕a melancholy bachelor 忧郁的单身汉英汉大词典〔pad〕a bachelor pad 单身公寓剑桥高阶〔pad〕a bachelor pad 单身汉的住处英汉大词典〔parenthood〕the stresses of lone parenthood 单身父母的压力牛津搭配〔pet〕a bachelor living alone in a flat with his pet dog. 带着宠物狗独自住在一所公寓里的单身汉柯林斯高阶〔prowl〕single girls on the prowl在四处寻觅伴侣的单身姑娘外研社新世纪〔pull〕a bachelor on the pull 寻觅性伴侣的单身汉英汉大词典〔representation〕the negative representation of single mothers in the media 媒体对单身母亲的负面描述牛津高阶〔single〕a bar for singles. 单身酒吧美国传统〔single〕a divorced Englishman working abroad on single status 以单身身份在国外工作的离异英国男子英汉大词典〔single〕a singles bar/club 单身酒吧/俱乐部韦氏高阶〔singly〕live singly 过单身生活英汉大词典〔socialsecurity〕plans to improve social-security provision for single parents 改善单身家长社会保障待遇的计划牛津搭配〔son〕a single parent raising her son alone 独自养育儿子的单身妈妈牛津搭配〔support group〕a support group for single parents 单身父母互助小组牛津高阶〔target〕a new magazine that targets single men 以单身男士为读者对象的新杂志牛津高阶〔woman〕a single woman 单身妇女文馨英汉〔woman〕a single woman 单身妇女英汉大词典




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