

单词 单纯的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EXPERIENCED/NOT EXPERIENCED〕Don't get her mixed up in your plan - she's just an innocent girl. 不要把她牵涉进你们的计划—她只是个单纯的小姑娘。朗文写作活用〔arrangement〕It's purely a business arrangement-there's no need to get emotionally involved.这是单纯的商业协议,不需要掺杂感情。牛津搭配〔black〕I think their crime is a blacker one than mere exploitation.我想他们的罪行比单纯的剥削更残忍。柯林斯高阶〔bluff〕This open face makes it impossible for her to bluff.这张显得单纯的脸使她不可能骗人。21世纪英汉〔childlike〕All her life she had a childlike trust in other people.她一辈子都对人怀有单纯的信任。剑桥高阶〔colour〕Simple patterns and solid colours are particularly effective.简单的图案和单纯的颜色搭配效果特别好。牛津搭配〔cornball〕One who behaves in a mawkish or unsophisticated manner.单纯的人:行为幼稚,不谙世事的人美国传统〔emphasis〕Tone, body language, emphasis can mean more than mere words.语调、身体语言和重音比单纯的言语传达的意义更多。外研社新世纪〔idle〕It was only from idle curiosity that she opened the book.只是出于单纯的好奇她翻开了那本书。麦克米伦高阶〔impression〕She gave me the impression of an innocent woman.她给我的印象是个单纯的女子。英汉大词典〔innocent〕Not experienced or worldly; naive.单纯的:没有经验的或不谙世事的;单纯的美国传统〔primitive〕An unsophisticated person.单纯的人:不世故的人美国传统〔shitkicker〕A coarse unsophisticated person.汉子:粗俗单纯的人美国传统〔small-town〕Limited in outlook or experience; unsophisticated; provincial.简单的,单纯的:局限于个人观点或是经验的;不世故的,纯真的;朴素的美国传统〔wide-eyed〕At that time, I was still a wide-eyed youngster.那时候我仍然是个单纯的孩子。剑桥高阶At that time I was still a wide-eyed youngster.那个时候,我还是一个单纯的年轻人。剑桥国际My aunt has a simple heart. 我姑妈有一颗单纯的心。译典通She's an artless young woman who would never dream of trying to mislead anyone.她是一个单纯的年轻女子,从未想到过要去蒙骗任何人。剑桥国际Sophia appeared deceivable with her young innocent face. 苏菲亚那张年轻单纯的脸使她看上去容易受骗。译典通These lines make far more sense when declaimed than when simply read out.这些台词用朗诵比起单纯的朗读效果要好得多。剑桥国际What I want from you is more than mere iteration. I want you to put the words into action. 我要的不只是单纯的复述,我希望你拿出实际行动。译典通




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