

单词 反射
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔REFLECT〕an image that is reflected 反射出来的影像朗文写作活用〔REFLECT〕to reflect light, heat, sound etc 反射光、热、声音等朗文写作活用〔REFLECT〕ways of saying that light, heat, sound etc reflects off something 光、热、声音等从某物反射出来的说法朗文写作活用〔SHINE/SHINY〕when light comes from the sun, a lamp, a surface etc 光从太阳、灯、表面反射等而来朗文写作活用〔THINK〕a reflex eye movement 反射性的眼球运动朗文写作活用〔angle〕a mirror angled to reflect light from a window 为反射窗外的光线而斜放的一面镜子朗文当代〔autonomic〕autonomic reflexes 不受意志支配的反射英汉大词典〔blind〕skiers temporarily blinded by sunlight on snow. 滑雪者有时被雪反射的阳光照得头晕目眩美国传统〔bounce back〕to tell the nature of the object by the intensity of the sound bouncing back据反射回来的声音强度辨别出物体21世纪英汉〔conditioned〕a conditioned reflex [response] 【心理】【生理】制约反射[反应]文馨英汉〔conditioning〕social conditioning 社会条件反射训练韦氏高阶〔condition〕conditioned behavior/responses/reflexes 条件性行为;条件反应/反射韦氏高阶〔condition〕the difference between inborn and conditioned reflexes(= reactions that are learned/not natural) 先天反应与条件反射的差异牛津高阶〔decondition〕to decondition the rabbit消除兔子的条件反射21世纪英汉〔glance〕the glance of reflected sunlight off steel在钢材表面反射出的阳光外研社新世纪〔gleam〕the gleam of the dark river深色河面反射的微光外研社新世纪〔gleam〕water gleaming in the moonlight月光下反射微光的水面21世纪英汉〔mirror〕a plane mirror 平面反射镜英汉大词典〔mirror〕making telescope mirrors of the finest quality制造质量最好的望远镜反射镜外研社新世纪〔neutral〕a neutral reflector that takes on the hue of the nearest surface可以呈现离它最近的表面色彩的中性反射器外研社新世纪〔reflected〕a reflected wave 反射波英汉大词典〔reflecting〕a reflecting prism 反射棱镜英汉大词典〔reflection〕the reflection of a beam of light off a mirror. 一束光从镜子表面的反射柯林斯高阶〔reflection〕the reflection of a beam of light off a mirror一束光在镜子上的反射外研社新世纪〔reflection〕the reflection of a sound wave 声波的反射英汉大词典〔reflective〕a reflective surface. 反射面美国传统〔reflective〕copper foil as reflective insulation against heat 作为反射绝热体的铜箔英汉大词典〔reflective〕reflective glare of the snow 雪的炫目反射光英汉大词典〔reflector〕safety devices such as bicycle reflectors 自行车反射镜等安全装置韦氏高阶〔reflect〕a layer of aluminium to reflect heat用于反射热量的一层铝外研社新世纪〔reflex〕a reflex action.反射作用。牛津同义词〔reflex〕a reflex action/response 反射动作;反射性反应韦氏高阶〔reflex〕a reflex response 反射性反应英汉大词典〔respondent〕respondent conditioning 反射训练 英汉大词典〔respondent〕respondent learning 反射学习英汉大词典〔semi-indirect〕semi-indirect lighting 半反射照明英汉大词典〔specular〕specular reflection 镜面反射英汉大词典〔spinal〕spinal reflexes 脊髓反射英汉大词典〔throw〕throw back the lights 反射灯光英汉大词典〔unconditioned〕an unconditioned reflex 无条件反射文馨英汉




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