

单词 危害
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BAD AT DOING STH〕Legislators are planning a new bill that will protect patients from incompetent doctors. 立法者计划通过一项新的法案来保护病人免受不称职医生的危害。朗文写作活用〔DANGEROUS〕Drivers like that are a menace. They shouldn't be allowed on the road. 那样的驾驶员具有危害性,不应该让这种人在马路上开车。朗文写作活用〔DANGEROUS〕The organization ran a national campaign about the dangers of cigarettes and other tobacco products. 该组织进行了一场全国的活动,宣传香烟及其他烟草产品的危害。朗文写作活用〔HARM〕Carbon dioxide is not highly toxic to animals or humans in small amounts. 少量的二氧化碳对动物和人体的危害并不大。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕We're being kept in the dark about the dangers of food additives by the big food manufacturers. 大型食品制造商不让我们知道食物添加剂的危害。朗文写作活用〔LEAST〕We thought this decision would produce the least harm and disruption to residents. 我们认为这个决定对居民产生的危害和干扰最少。朗文写作活用〔RISK〕The breaking of the ceasefire has put the whole peace process in jeopardy. 破坏停火协定危害了整个和平进程。朗文写作活用〔TEACH〕Youngsters must be educated about the dangers of drugs. 一定要教导年轻人有关毒品的危害。朗文写作活用〔TRICK/DECEIVE〕Lawyers claim that the tobacco industry, by failing to tell everything it knew about smoking, was putting one over on its customers. 律师说烟草行业故意隐瞒吸烟的危害,这是在欺骗消费者。朗文写作活用〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕I think it will be a long time before we even begin to understand how damaging the effect has been. 我觉得我们要过很长时间才会开始意识到后果的危害性。朗文写作活用〔UNIMPORTANT〕The level of radiation was considered ‘insignificant’ and not a danger to health. 这个辐射水平被认为是“不严重的”,不会危害健康。朗文写作活用〔abortive〕The abortive drug could be dangerous for women.堕胎药物对妇女可能有危害。外研社新世纪〔admonish of〕He admonished me of the danger of smoking.他警告我,抽烟危害性大。21世纪英汉〔affect〕Arthritis is a crippling disease which affects people all over the world.关节炎是一种致残性疾病, 危害全世界人民的健康。外研社新世纪〔antisocial〕Increasingly, smoking is regarded as an antisocial habit.越来越多的人把吸烟视为危害公共利益的恶习。剑桥高阶〔authority〕He spoke with authority on the dangers of smoking.他令人信服地讲述了吸烟的种种危害性。英汉大词典〔awareness〕Smokers are well aware of the dangers to their own health.吸烟的人都知道吸烟对自身健康的危害。柯林斯高阶〔brutal〕The writer describes the dangers of drugs with brutal honesty.这位作家真实地描述了毒品的种种危害。韦氏高阶〔captain of industry〕Captains of industry have warned that the government's policy could harm British business.各大企业首脑警告说, 政府的政策可能会危害英国的商业。外研社新世纪〔carry〕Ticks can carry a nasty disease which affects humans.壁虱可传播危害人类的严重疾病。牛津高阶〔comparable〕The risk it poses is comparable with smoking just one cigarette every year.它所带来的危害相当于每年只抽一支烟所造成的危害。柯林斯高阶〔crime〕Mr Steele has committed no crime and poses no danger to the public.斯蒂尔先生没有犯罪,并未对公众构成危害。柯林斯高阶〔danger〕Exposure or vulnerability to harm or risk.危险:受危害或危险的影响的,或易受伤害或危险的美国传统〔deceive〕People who think they can eat whatever they want without harming their health are deceiving themselves.认为想吃什么就吃什么而不会危害健康的人是在欺骗他们自己。韦氏高阶〔deleterious〕Petty crime is having a deleterious effect on community life.轻微罪行正在危害社会生活。外研社新世纪〔derogative〕Tending to derogate; detractive.毁坏的:有损害倾向的;有危害的美国传统〔detriment〕Smoking is a detriment to one's health.吸烟危害健康。英汉大词典〔detriment〕The land could be reclaimed without detriment to conservation.可以在不危害环境的情况下开垦土地。外研社新世纪〔disaster〕Heavy and prolonged rain can spell disaster for many plants.大量持续的降雨会对很多植物造成巨大的危害。剑桥高阶〔discharge〕The oil that discharged into the sea seriously harmed a lot of birds and animals.排放到海里的油对许多鸟和动物产生了严重的危害。剑桥高阶〔disfavour〕These excesses will undoubtedly redound to their country's disfavour.这些极端行为无疑将加深对他们国家的危害。外研社新世纪〔disservice〕He said the protesters were doing a disservice to the nation.他说抗议者正对国家造成危害。外研社新世纪〔drug〕Parents should talk openly to their children about the dangers of drug abuse .做父母的应该坦诚地和子女谈谈吸毒的危害性。朗文当代〔endanger〕The hospital is accused of endangering patients' lives.医院被指控危害患者的生命。麦克米伦高阶〔endanger〕The residents claim the phone mast could endanger their health.居民声称电话杆会危害自己的健康。外研社新世纪〔environmentally〕It protects against environmental hazards such as wind and sun.它可以保护免受风、太阳等环境因素的危害。柯林斯高阶〔environment〕The label identifies the products that are least harmful to the environment.这个标签标示出对环境危害最小的产品。牛津搭配〔evidence〕Mobile-phone makers insist there is no scientific evidence their products pose any health risks.手机生产商坚称没有科学证据表明他们的产品对健康有任何危害。外研社新世纪〔evil〕After 1760 few Americans refrained from condemning slavery as evil.1760年后,很多美国人都在谴责奴隶制的社会危害。柯林斯高阶〔evil〕They were talking about the evils of alcohol.他们在谈论酒精的危害。韦氏高阶〔extend〕The government has produced a series of leaflets designed to extend (= increase) public awareness of the dangers of AIDS.政府印发了一系列传单,旨在加强公众对艾滋病危害的认识。剑桥高阶〔fifth〕When called to testify, he took the Fifth.当被传做证时,他拒绝作危害自己的回答。韦氏高阶〔figure〕People are more aware of the risks of smoking nowadays, but more young women are smoking than ever. Go figure! 现在人们更加了解吸烟的危害,但吸烟的年轻女性倒比以往多了。真让人搞不懂!牛津高阶〔fulminant〕Pathology Occurring suddenly, rapidly, and with great severity or intensity.【病理学】 暴发性的:忽然、快速和具极大危害或剧烈地发生的美国传统〔gotten off lightly〕Considering the harm he did, he's gotten off lightly with only a warning.考虑到他所造成的危害,仅处以警告过轻了。韦氏高阶〔harmful〕Many household products are potentially harmful.很多家用产品有潜在的危害。牛津高阶〔harm〕Low-priced imports will harm the industry.低价进口品将会对该行业造成危害。柯林斯高阶〔harm〕The government insists that the dam will not harm the environment.政府坚持认为该水坝不会危害环境。麦克米伦高阶〔harm〕The ‘low levels' of cyanide in the river were sufficient to cause harm to aquatic life.河流中“低浓度”的氰化物也足以危害水生动植物。麦克米伦高阶〔hazardous〕Smoking can be hazardous to your health.吸烟危害健康。韦氏高阶〔hazard〕Everybody is aware of the hazards of smoking.大家都明白吸烟的危害。牛津高阶〔health〕Campaigners believe that the waste site is a health hazard.健康危害/风险麦克米伦高阶〔incalculable〕The ecological consequences of a nuclear war are incalculable.核战争对生态造成的危害是无法估量的。剑桥高阶〔injurious〕Smoking is injurious to health.吸烟危害健康。朗文当代〔lecture〕My doctor's been lecturing me on the dangers of not getting enough exercise.我的医生一直在告诫我运动量不足的危害。麦克米伦高阶〔mastitis〕Milk from cows suffering from mastitis may be dangerous to public health.患乳腺炎的牛所产的奶对公众的健康可能有危害。英汉大词典〔mealybug〕Any of various homopterous insects, especially of the family Pseudococcidae, some of which are destructive to citrus trees and other plants.粉蚧,水腊虫:粉蚧科同翅类昆虫中的一种,其中有些对柑橘属果树和其他植物有毁灭性危害美国传统〔message〕The campaign is trying to get the message across to young people that drugs are dangerous.这次运动旨在让年轻人认识毒品的危害。牛津高阶〔message〕The film sends a clear message about the dangers of drug-taking.这部电影明确传达了关于吸毒危害性的主题。麦克米伦高阶〔minuscule〕The risk to public health is minuscule.对公众健康造成的危害是微乎其微的。麦克米伦高阶〔mischief〕The incident caused a great deal of political mischief.这一事件造成了严重的政治危害。牛津高阶〔moralistic〕While a moralistic speech won't convince kids not to try drugs, a story about people affected by drugs might.当说教式演讲不能起到让孩子们远离毒品的作用时,讲述人们受毒品危害的故事可能会有效果。韦氏高阶〔nationalism〕The leaders discussed the danger posed by an upsurge of extreme nationalism.领导者们讨论了极端民族优越感激增所造成的危害。麦克米伦高阶〔nepotism〕Nepotism has hurt the company.裙带关系对公司造成了危害。韦氏高阶〔neurosis〕She got a neurosis about chemicals and imagined them everywhere doing her harm.她对化学品神经过敏, 认为它们无处不在, 危害自己。外研社新世纪〔occupational hazard〕Hearing loss is an occupational hazard of deep-water diving.听觉丧失是深海潜水工作的一种职业性危害。麦克米伦高阶〔occupational〕Getting injured is an occupational hazard (=a risk that always exists in a particular job or activity) of the sport.受伤是这项运动的职业性危害。朗文当代〔offender〕The contraceptive pill is the worst offender, but it is not the only drug to deplete the body's vitamin levels.避孕药的危害最大, 但是它并不是唯一一种降低体内维生素水平的药物。外研社新世纪〔ostracism〕In Athens and other cities of ancient Greece, the temporary banishment by popular vote of a citizen considered dangerous to the state.陶片放逐制度:在古希腊的雅典和其他城市内对大众投票选出的被认为危害社会的公民进行的短期放逐美国传统〔pose〕We are being told that the accident poses no threat to the environment.我们被告知说那次事故对环境没有造成危害。麦克米伦高阶〔preempt〕The Foreign Minister's press conference was a clear effort to preempt a damaging disclosure.外交部长举行的记者招待会显然旨在先发制人,以防止危害极大的泄密。英汉大词典〔prejudicial〕You could face up to eight years in jail for spreading rumours considered prejudicial to security.你可能会因为散布危害社会安全的谣言将被判入狱8年。外研社新世纪〔project〕They've set up a research project to investigate the harmful effects of air pollution.他们已制订了研究方案,探讨空气污染的危害。牛津搭配〔propaganda〕There has been a good deal of propaganda about the dangers of smoking.关于吸烟的危害已作过大量宣传。英汉大词典〔public〕The government was slow to inform the public about the health hazards of asbestos.政府迟迟没有告知公众石棉对健康的危害。牛津搭配〔regularly〕Experts say that the product, if eaten regularly, could be harmful.专家们说这种产品如果经常食用的话可能会有危害。剑桥高阶〔risk〕The chemicals pose little risk(= are not dangerous)to human health.这些化学物对人类健康没有什么危害。牛津高阶〔secure〕We must try to secure against the dangers of the coming earthquake.我们必须设法预防即将发生的地震的危害。英汉大词典〔sensitize〕People are becoming more sensitized to the dangers threatening the environment.人们越来越意识到危害环境的各种因素。牛津高阶〔society〕Poverty hurts society as a whole.贫困给全社会带来危害。韦氏高阶〔strike〕Such prejudices strike right at the heart of any notions of a civilized society.这些偏见直接危害到了文明社会理念的核心部分。朗文当代〔stunted〕Damage may result in stunted growth and sometimes death of the plant.其危害可能会阻碍植物的生长,有时还会导致植物死亡。柯林斯高阶〔talk〕He intends to talk to young people about the dangers of AIDS.他打算和青年人谈谈艾滋病的危害。柯林斯高阶〔toxic〕When spilled into the sea, oil can be toxic to marine plants and animals.石油溢入海洋可能危害海生动植物。英汉大词典〔trafficking〕The president said illegal drugs are hurting the entire world and anyone who traffics in them should be brought to justice.总统称毒品正在危害整个世界,任何非法贩卖毒品的人都应依法受到惩处。柯林斯高阶〔weirdo〕A deranged, potentially dangerous person.精神病患者:精神错乱、有可能产生危害的人美国传统Alcohol can have a dangerously deadening effect on the senses.酒精对感官有危害性的麻醉作用。剑桥国际An article about the dangers of the new drug has recently been published in the British Medical Journal.最近《英国医学报》上发表了一篇关于这种新毒品危害的文章。剑桥国际An irresponsible action maybe, but it was well-meant and essentially harmless.也许这是个不负责任的行为,但它的本意是好的,而且在本质上也没有危害。剑桥国际Lack of trust is very destructive in a relationship.缺乏信任对维持关系有很大的危害性。剑桥国际Mass tourism has caused serious damage to the environment in some areas of the Mediterranean.大规模的旅游业给地中海一些地区的环境造成了严重的危害。剑桥国际No one is suggesting that any health risks attach to this product.没人指出这款产品可能会危害健康。牛津商务The 24-hour society may let people shop at midnight and buy shares on the Internet at dawn, but it could damage our health. 24 小时社会可让人们在子夜购物或在黎明时分在网上购买股票,但会危害健康。牛津商务The Evangelical Alliance has warned anyone dressing up as a witch that they could be endangering their sanity or even their lives.福音派新教同盟告诫每个装扮成巫婆的人,她们可能会危害自己的神志健康乃至生命。剑桥国际The bomb was designed to cause the maximum amount of harm to the maximum number of people.这种炸弹被设计为将给最大范围的人们带来最严重的危害。剑桥国际The report accuses tobacco companies of misinforming smokers about the dangers of cigarettes.这份报告指控烟草公司向吸烟者提供关于香烟危害的错误信息。剑桥国际The report stated that cigarette smoking was a health hazard of sufficient importance to warrant appropriate remedial action.这一报道声明,吸烟是对健康的极大危害,需要采取适当的纠正行动。剑桥国际Their prescient comments about the dangers of lead were made some six years before research showed that lead in drinking water harms children.他们对铅的危险性的先见之明比正式的研究表明饮用水中的铅会对儿童造成危害约早6年。剑桥国际There can be no doubt whatsoever that smoking endangers your health.毫无疑问,吸烟危害你的健康。剑桥国际Tobacco is a foe to health. 抽烟危害健康。译典通




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