

单词 副本
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-filled〕Fill out the application carefully, and keep copies of it.仔细填写申请表,并且保存副本。柯林斯高阶〔BUSINESS〕When the transaction is complete it will be at least two weeks before you receive your copy of the contract. 这笔交易完成后,至少再过两个星期你才能收到合同副本。朗文写作活用〔COPY〕Connie left copies of the document on everybody's desk. 康妮把文件副本放在大家的桌子上。朗文写作活用〔COPY〕It's a good idea to keep duplicate files on floppy disk. 将文件副本保存在软盘上是个好主意。朗文写作活用〔KEEP〕It is suggested that you retain copies of the documents for at least three years. 建议你把文件的副本至少保留三年。朗文写作活用〔LETTER〕Your fax should include copies of any correspondence you have received from our office. 你的传真应附上我公司写给你的任何书信的副本。朗文写作活用〔SEE〕Tape copies are available free of charge to blind and partially sighted people. 盲人和弱视者可免费获得磁带副本。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕I sent him an e-mail asking for a copy of his article. 我给他发了封电子邮件,要一份他的文章的副本。朗文写作活用〔agreement〕All parties should be issued with a copy of the agreement.应该给各方都发一份协约副本。外研社新世纪〔agree〕The copies agree exactly with the originals.这些副本和原件完全一致。韦氏高阶〔annotation〕She retained a number of copies for further annotation.她保留了许多副本以便作进一步的注解。柯林斯高阶〔annotation〕She retained a number of copies for further annotation.她留下几份副本以便进一步添加注释。外研社新世纪〔backup〕Computer Science A copy of a program or file that is stored separately from the original.【计算机科学】 备份:从原文中独立出来单独贮存的程序或文件的副本美国传统〔bear with sb〕If you'll just bear with me for a moment, I'll find you a copy of the drawings.请你稍等我一会儿,我去给你找一份这些图样的副本。剑桥高阶〔carbon copy〕Abbr. ccA duplicate, as of a letter, made by using carbon paper.缩写 cc副本:用复写纸写成复写本,如一封信的复写本美国传统〔carbon copy〕I'll need a carbon copy of that receipt.我需要那张收据的副本。韦氏高阶〔carbon〕A copy made by using carbon paper.复写本,副本:用复写纸复印的一份美国传统〔carbon〕Please make a carbon of that report for our files.请把那份报告留个副本存档。英汉大词典〔card〕Make a second copy on card or paper.在卡纸或纸上另做一个副本。外研社新世纪〔cc〕To Jack Brown, cc: Paul Davis.交杰克·布朗,副本转保罗·戴维斯。麦克米伦高阶〔collect up〕Harold had all the copies collected up and burned.哈罗德将所有的副本收集起来烧毁了。外研社新世纪〔cons up〕This program was consed up from some old subroutines.这套程序表是由旧的程序表副本拼凑起来的。21世纪英汉〔copy〕Be sure to make copies of all the documents.一定要把所有文件都复印好副本。朗文当代〔copy〕I attach a copy of the report.我附上报告的一份副本。牛津搭配〔copy〕It must be certified as a true copy of the original document.必须鉴定这是原始文件的真实副本。牛津搭配〔copy〕Remember to keep copies of all your correspondence.记住保留你所有信函的副本。牛津搭配〔counterpart〕A copy or duplicate of a legal paper.复制品,副本:法律文本的复制品或副本美国传统〔date〕Retain copies of all correspondence, since you may need them at a later date.要保留好所有信件的副本, 日后可能会用到。外研社新世纪〔date〕Retain copies of all correspondence, since you may need them at a later date.要保留好所有信件的副本,日后可能会用到。柯林斯高阶〔decollate〕To separate the copies of (a multiple-copy computer printout, for example).分开,拆散:分开(多副本电脑打印输出的)副本美国传统〔discernible〕There is no discernible difference between the original and the copy.看不出原件与副本之间有什么区别。韦氏高阶〔discernibly〕The original and copy aren't discernibly different.原件和副本看不出什么区别。韦氏高阶〔ditto〕A duplicate; a copy.副本;复制品美国传统〔document〕Copies of the relevant documents must be filed at court.有关文件副本必须送交法院备案。牛津高阶〔document〕Copies of the relevant documents must be filed at court.相关文件的副本必须呈交法院备案。牛津搭配〔down payment〕If you're borrowing money for the down payment, provide a copy of the entire loan agreement.如果你要借钱付首付的话,要提供一份完整的贷款协议副本。柯林斯高阶〔duplicate〕A duplicate copy should be made for the county record office.应该为县档案室制作一个副本。朗文当代〔duplicate〕I began receiving duplicate copies of the magazine every month.我开始每月收到该杂志的副本。韦氏高阶〔duplicate〕I lost the original form so they sent me a duplicate.我把表格的原件给丢了,所以他们又寄给了我一份副本。剑桥高阶〔duplicate〕Identically copied from an original.复制的,副本的:对原件完全相同地复制的美国传统〔duplicate〕Is this a duplicate or the original? 这是副本还是正本?牛津高阶〔duplicate〕Keep a duplicate in case the original gets lost.保留一个副本, 以防原件丢失。外研社新世纪〔duplicate〕Please send the contract in duplicate.请寄来合同并带副本。韦氏高阶〔duplication〕A duplicate; a replica.复制品;副本美国传统〔error〕An editorial error was introduced into the copy.副本中有一处编辑错误。牛津搭配〔every〕Every student must have a copy.每个学生都必须有一份副本。外研社新世纪〔exact〕It's an exact copy of the one which was found in Ann Alice's room.这正是在安·艾丽斯房间里找到的那份文件的副本。柯林斯高阶〔fax〕I faxed a copy of the agreement to each of the investors.我给每位投资者都传真了一份协议副本。外研社新世纪〔file〕A copy of the notice must be filed with the court.必须将通知副本送交法院备案。牛津搭配〔flimsy〕Something written on this thin paper.薄纸副本或文件:在这种薄纸上写下的东西美国传统〔hereto〕A copy of the document is hereto appended.在此附上本文件的副本。朗文当代〔hunt up〕I couldn't hunt up a copy of it anywhere.我到处都找不到它的副本。外研社新世纪〔imagesetter〕A typesetting device that produces very high-resolution output directly from a computer file, as for camera-ready copy.影像设定:可以自计算机文件直接产生非常高分辨率输出的排版设备,如待印制的副本美国传统〔indistinguishable〕In most cases the copies were indistinguishable from the originals.在大多数情况下, 副本和原件区分不开。外研社新世纪〔jam〕Mick jammed a copy of the report into my hand.米克把报告的一份副本塞到我手里。麦克米伦高阶〔keep〕He keeps a copy of everything he has ever written.凡自己所写的作品他都保存一个副本。英汉大词典〔kick around〕There must be a copy of it kicking around the office somewhere.办公室的某个地方肯定会有一份副本。剑桥高阶〔kick〕There's a copy of the report kicking around somewhere.这份报告的副本放在什么地方了。朗文当代〔kindly〕Kindly return one copy of the letter to me.请把那封信的一份副本返还给我。麦克米伦高阶〔library〕You can borrow a copy from any public library.你可以从任何一家公共图书馆借到副本。麦克米伦高阶〔lodge〕Be sure to lodge a copy of the contract with your solicitor.务必将一份合同副本存放在你的律师那儿。朗文当代〔mail〕She mailed me a copy of her manuscript. = She mailed a copy of her manuscript to me.她给我寄了一份她的手稿副本。韦氏高阶〔master〕An original, especially an original audio recording, from which copies can be made.原版:尤指录音或录像的原版,从其可以制作副本美国传统〔master〕Being an original from which copies are made.原版的:作为副本从其制作的原版的美国传统〔match〕The copy closely matches the original.副本和原件很吻合。朗文当代〔obtain〕I finally managed to obtain a copy of the report.我终于设法弄到了这份报告的一个副本。牛津高阶〔obverse〕Serving as a counterpart or complement.对应面的:作为副本或补充物的美国传统〔original〕I'll keep a copy of the contract, and give you the original.我将留一份合同副本,把原件给你。朗文当代〔original〕She typed an original and two carbons.她打了一份正本和两份副本。英汉大词典〔probate〕An authenticated copy of a will so certified.遗嘱检验文件副本:经这样检验过的遗嘱的已鉴定过的副本美国传统〔provider〕I'll be glad to provide a copy of this.我很愿意提供它的一个副本。柯林斯高阶〔provide〕I'll be glad to provide a copy of this.我很愿意提供它的一个副本。外研社新世纪〔pull off〕A copy was pulled off the Internet.一个副本文件从因特网上下载了下来。外研社新世纪〔reproduce〕To produce a counterpart, an image, or a copy of.复制:制造…的相似物、翻版或副本美国传统〔request〕Additional copies will be made available on request.将有额外的副本备索。牛津搭配〔semblance〕A representation; a copy.副本;拷贝美国传统〔send〕I sent a copy to the minister for transport.我给交通部长发送了一份副本。柯林斯高阶〔sign〕One copy of this letter should be duly signed and returned to us.请将这封信的一个副本及时签字后寄回给我们。牛津搭配〔to〕Please send a copy of the document to me.请给我发一份该文件的副本。外研社新世纪〔trace〕She traced (out) a copy from the picture.她由该图上描模一份副本。文馨英汉〔transmission〕An extra copy of each document was supplied for onward transmission to head office.每份文件都备了一份副本传给总部。牛津搭配〔unlimited〕An unlimited number of copies can still be made from the original.仍可以由原件复印出无数份副本来。柯林斯高阶A copy of the letter was posted on the noticeboard.这封信的副本贴在布告栏。牛津商务Add additional names in the cc box if you want to send copies to other people.如果你想将邮件副本寄送给其他人,在抄送对话框里添加姓名即可。牛津商务At the end of the month, the accountant receives copies of the weekly logs.月底,会计师会收到每周日志的副本。牛津商务Copies of the audited results were lodged with the stock exchange last week.审计结果的副本上周呈送给了证券交易所。牛津商务Copies of the relevant documents must be filed at court.有关文件的副本必须当庭提交。牛津商务Copies of the report will be handed out at the meeting.报告的副本将在会议上分发。牛津商务I have a copy of the file on my laptop.在我的笔记本电脑中存有这份文档的副本。牛津商务I kept a carbon copy of the form for the file.我保留了这份表格的副本用于存档。牛津商务I lost the original form so they sent me a duplicate.我丢失了原件,所以他们给我送来了副本。剑桥国际I will send you a copy of the letter. 我将把信件的副本寄给你。译典通If you'll just bear with me for a moment, I'll find you a copy of the drawings.如果你能耐心等我一会儿,我一定能把图纸的副本找出来。剑桥国际Is this a duplicate or the original? 这是副本还是正本?牛津商务Keep a duplicate of the letter. 保存一份信的副本。译典通Make sure you keep a duplicate copy of the letter.务必保留信件的副本。牛津商务Please return our copy of the contract by mail.请将我方合同副本寄回。牛津商务She wrote to the manufacturer requesting a copy of the document.她写信给制造商索要文件副本。牛津商务The copies are letter-perfect. 副本毫无讹误。译典通




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