

单词 副总统
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔first-ever〕the first-ever woman vice-president 第一位女副总统牛津高阶〔install〕the ceremony which installed a new Vice-President新任副总统的就职典礼外研社新世纪〔involved〕a well-informed and involved Vice-Presidnet 消息灵通并积极参与政务的副总统英汉大词典〔nominee〕a nominee for the post of vice president 被提名为副总统的人朗文当代〔office〕nominate a great lady for the office of Vice President 提名一位伟大的女士担任副总统的职务英汉大词典〔office〕the office of vice president 副总统职位剑桥高阶〔office〕the office of vice president. 副总统的职位美国传统〔outgoing〕the outgoing vice-president 即将离任的副总统剑桥高阶〔past〕a past vice-president 前任副总统英汉大词典〔pick〕a possible vice presidential pick 可能当选副总统的人 英汉大词典〔pratfall〕another one of the Vice-President's pratfalls 副总统的又一个洋相朗文当代〔upstage〕a vice president who repeatedly tried to upstage the president. 屡次欲抢总统镜头的副总统美国传统〔vice-presidential〕vice-presidential election candidates 副总统候选人剑桥高阶〔vice-president〕former US vice-president Dan Quayle 美国前副总统丹·奎尔麦克米伦高阶




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