

单词 十分
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GREEDY〕He drank greedily, taking huge gulps from the bottle. 他拿着瓶子大口大口地喝着,十分贪婪。朗文写作活用〔Much to the disgust of〕Much to the disgust of some listeners, the speech was interrupted several times by a few people in the audience.让一些听众感到十分愤慨的是,演讲数次被几个在场听众打断。韦氏高阶〔NEWS〕A recent report on child abuse in The Guardian suggests that as many as one in ten children are at risk. 最近《卫报》上的一篇关于虐待儿童的报道指出,多达十分之一的儿童面临着这种情况。朗文写作活用〔adept〕He was highly adept at avoiding trouble.他十分善于避开麻烦。牛津搭配〔advancing〕She is still very active, in spite of her advancing years.她尽管年事渐高,仍然十分活跃。牛津高阶〔aux〕You might think her temper is as mild as milk, but she is not.你也许以为她的脾气十分温和,但她不是。21世纪英汉〔bizarre〕He made some totally bizarre comments.他的一些评论十分荒诞。牛津搭配〔bother〕You don't sound too bothered about it.看来你并不十分担心这事。牛津高阶〔bustle〕The office bustled with people and activity.办公室里挤满了人,十分忙碌。英汉大词典〔capillary〕A tube with a very small internal diameter.毛细管:一根内径十分细小的管子美国传统〔chime〕The scenery chimed perfectly with the eerie mood of the play.这个剧的布景和它的恐怖气氛十分协调。21世纪英汉〔colour〕She had resumed the travel necessary to add depth and colour to her novels.她重又恢复了旅行, 那对于其小说增加深度及趣味性十分必要。外研社新世纪〔come up〕It will be so great watching the sun come up.看着太阳冉冉升起将是十分美妙的事情。柯林斯高阶〔come〕We came away with the impression that all was not well with their marriage.我们离开时有一种印象:他们的婚姻并不十分美满。牛津高阶〔compactness〕The compactness of the camera makes it very handy.这部相机十分小巧, 携带非常方便。外研社新世纪〔deceased〕The deceased was a highly respected member of the farming community.死者是农业界一位令人十分崇敬的人。麦克米伦高阶〔decimate〕To select by lot and kill one in every ten of.以抽签的方式选出并杀死其中的十分之一美国传统〔destitution〕Extreme want of resources or the means of subsistence; complete poverty.赤贫:十分缺乏生存的资源或手段;完全的贫困美国传统〔dialect〕Lingo is applied, often humorously or contemptuously, to language that is unfamiliar or so specialized that it is difficult to understand. Lingo 常常幽默和鄙视地用于不熟悉或十分专业难懂的语言。美国传统〔do sb the world of good〕We had a week away in the sun and it's done us both the world of good.我们外出到一个阳光明媚的地方度了一个星期的假,这对我俩的身心都十分有益。剑桥高阶〔dull〕The first half of the game was pretty dull.上半场比赛打得十分沉闷。牛津高阶〔décor〕The decor is simple — black lacquer panels on white walls.装饰风格十分简约——白色墙面上镶有黑色嵌板。外研社新世纪〔ectopia〕Thyroid ectopia is a frequent cause of congenital hypothyroidism 甲状腺异位是引起先天性甲状腺功能低下的一个十分常见的原因。剑桥高阶〔enjoyment〕They found real enjoyment just in being together.他们只要待在一起就感到十分快乐。牛津搭配〔enough〕The rest of the evening passed pleasantly enough.晚上剩余的时间过得十分愉快。柯林斯高阶〔enunciate〕His voice was harsh as he enunciated each word carefully.他小心翼翼地一字一顿地念着, 听上去十分刺耳。外研社新世纪〔ethereal〕His music is ethereal.他的音乐十分精妙。朗文当代〔eventuality〕He planned carefully and was ready for any eventuality.他计划得十分周密,准备好应付任何可能发生的情况。韦氏高阶〔festive〕John was obviously in a festive mood .约翰显然心情十分愉快,像在过节似的。朗文当代〔firm〕He was quite firm about travelling by air.他十分坚决地要坐飞机去旅行。英汉大词典〔fit〕She fitted into the team very well.她与队员相处十分融洽。朗文当代〔fume at〕All the pas-sengers were fuming at the delay.所有旅客对误点十分恼火。21世纪英汉〔fussy〕Our teacher is very fussy about punctuation.我们老师对标点符号十分挑剔。牛津高阶〔gobbet〕This book is full of the most fascinating gobbets of information.这本书里到处是十分有趣的点滴信息。外研社新世纪〔going〕The first half of the film is pretty slow going(=is rather boring).这部电影的前半部分节奏十分缓慢。麦克米伦高阶〔gradation〕But TV images require subtle gradations of light and shade.但是,电视影像要求有十分细微的光影变化。柯林斯高阶〔grass〕He was very happy with us but wanted to see if the grass was greener elsewhere.他对我们感到十分满意,但还想看看是否有更合适的人选。柯林斯高阶〔grin〕His mouth was open in a hideous grin of pain.他疼得龇牙咧嘴, 样子十分可怕。外研社新世纪〔hell〕It's going to be hell on wheels.这对车轮将十分有害。英汉大词典〔hugely〕He gave her a hugely expensive diamond ring.他送给她一枚十分昂贵的钻戒。剑桥高阶〔ideal〕The location of the new house is ideal.新房子的位置十分理想美国传统〔illuminate〕The red glow of the sun beautifully illuminated the sky.太阳的红色光辉把天空照耀得十分美丽。牛津搭配〔inaccessibility〕Its inaccessibility makes food distribution difficult.这里地处偏僻,食品发放十分困难。柯林斯高阶〔irrepressible〕He has irrepressible curiosity.他有十分强烈的好奇心。韦氏高阶〔just〕It looks as though the contractors and the aldermen are just so, and fully understand each other.看来承包商和高级市政官员关系密切,彼此都十分谅解。英汉大词典〔let sth go/pass〕I know what he said wasn't strictly accurate but I let it pass anyway.我知道他说的并不十分准确,但不管怎样,我没有去追究。剑桥高阶〔lightness〕A lightness of spirit was evident within the dressing-room after this accomplished 6-1 victory.在取得了这个6比1的胜利后, 更衣室里的气氛明显十分轻松愉快。外研社新世纪〔majestic〕Anna looked tanned and majestic in her linen kaftan.安娜穿着亚麻长袍, 衬出其棕色的皮肤, 显得十分高贵。外研社新世纪〔make〕The flight leaves in twenty minutes—we'll never make it.再过二十分钟飞机就起飞了,咱们无论如何也赶不上了。牛津高阶〔maternal〕She is very maternal towards her employees.她对员工十分慈和。剑桥高阶〔meticulous〕He's always meticulous in keeping the records up to date.他总是十分细心地适时更新存档资料。牛津高阶〔note〕He took careful note of the suspicious-looking man in the corner of the bar.他十分注意酒吧角落里那个形迹可疑的人。牛津搭配〔parting〕It was an amicable parting and we greatly value the years we spent together.这是一次友好的分手,我们十分珍惜共同度过的几年时光。牛津搭配〔perturbed〕She was really quite perturbed at the prospect.她对前景十分担心。柯林斯高阶〔physique〕He was very handsome and had a powerful physique.他长得十分帅气并且体格健壮。外研社新世纪〔pleased〕We were very pleased to hear this encouraging news.听到这个令人鼓舞的消息,我们十分高兴。柯林斯高阶〔prejudicial〕The judge agreed with the prosecution that such information would be too prejudicial for the jury to hear.法官同意了检控方的意见,认为让陪审团知晓这样的信息对断案十分不利。柯林斯高阶〔rampant〕Abuse of power among senior officials is said to be rampant.据说高级官员中滥用权力现象十分猖獗。麦克米伦高阶〔rapport〕She has an excellent rapport with her staff.她和手下员工关系十分融洽。剑桥高阶〔robust〕She was almost 90, but still very robust.她将近 90 岁了,但身体仍然十分强健。牛津高阶〔sea〕The sea was perfectly calm .海面十分平静。朗文当代〔show〕He made a great show of friendship.他装作十分友好。韦氏高阶〔state〕He used to get into an awful state as exams approached.他以前一到考试临近总是十分紧张。英汉大词典〔strong〕She still has a strong relationship with her mother.她和母亲的关系依旧十分亲密。朗文当代〔suddenly〕She died quite suddenly.她十分突然地死掉了。文馨英汉〔sunlight〕The garden looked lovely in the evening sunlight.在傍晚的阳光下花园显得十分秀丽。朗文当代〔suspicious〕He was behaving in a highly suspicious manner.他的举止十分可疑。朗文当代〔tight〕Security has been very tight throughout the Prince's visit.在王子访问期间,保安工作自始至终都十分严密。麦克米伦高阶〔to〕To my amazement, nothing happened.使我十分诧异的是竟然什么也没有发生。英汉大词典〔treasure〕Jim treasured the gold pocket watch that his grandfather had given him.吉姆十分珍爱祖父送给他的金怀表。朗文当代〔turnout〕The duke drove to the race in a smart turnout.公爵乘着十分气派的马车,前簇后拥去看比赛。英汉大词典〔unduly〕She doesn't seem unduly concerned about her exams.她似乎对考试并不十分担忧。朗文当代〔untrue〕I feel cheated and disgusted by untrue accusations.虚假指控让我感觉受到欺骗、十分厌恶。外研社新世纪〔venerated〕My father venerated General Eisenhower.我父亲十分敬仰艾森豪威尔将军。柯林斯高阶〔wear〕Her nerves were worn to shreds.她的神经被折磨得十分脆弱。英汉大词典〔wear〕The film begins well but the joke wears thin after about ten minutes.电影开始时很有意思,不过十分钟左右以后就索然无味了。朗文当代〔weigh〕The separation weighed on both of them.分离使他们两人都十分苦恼。柯林斯高阶〔weird〕The whole concept really weirds me out.这整个想法让我觉得十分怪异。牛津高阶〔widespread〕Malnutrition in the region is widespread - affecting up to 78 percent of children under five years old.这个地区营养不良的现象十分普遍——5岁以下的儿童中78%营养不良。剑桥高阶〔wild〕He looked wild and dangerous.他看上去很不安分,十分危险。牛津搭配〔without fear or favour〕The appointments are made without fear or favour.各项任命都十分公正。剑桥高阶〔written〕Amy discovered that the theoretical and written work came easily to her.埃米发现理论和笔头作业对她来说十分容易。柯林斯高阶As film-makers their two styles contrast quite dramatically.作为电影导演,他们两种风格的对比十分显著。剑桥国际Don't worry if you can't find that photo for me--it's not the be-all and end-all (= it's not very important).用不着为不能替我找到照片而担心----那并不十分重要。剑桥国际His office is tastefully furnished with modern furniture. 他的办公室用新式家具装饰得十分雅致。译典通I felt so ashamed when I heard what had happened.当我听到所发生的事时,我感到十分惭愧。剑桥国际I've had a bloody awful week.我过了该死的十分差劲的一个星期。剑桥国际It was a great sorrow to his parents that he dropped out of college.他在上大学时中途退学,这使他的父母十分伤心。剑桥国际It was bitterly cold that night. 那个夜晚,天气十分寒冷。译典通Leather is very much in fashion this season, as of course is the ubiquitous denim.这个季节皮装十分流行, 当然无所不在的牛仔装也一样。剑桥国际Nick was furious when I told him we couldn't afford to go to Mexico, but he soon calmed down.当我告诉尼克我们去不起墨西哥时,他十分生气,但马上平静了。剑桥国际She's in a meeting at the moment, but she should be free to see you in ten minutes.她现在在开会,但十分钟后她会有空见你。剑桥国际Supermarkets everywhere reported excellent trading in the run-up to the holidays.各地超市报告节前生意十分畅旺。牛津商务The meaning of the sentence is very plain. 这句句子的意思十分清楚。译典通The residents seethed when the council first began charging vehicles to park.市议会刚开始收停车费的时候,居民们心里十分恼火。剑桥国际There was great sibling rivalry (= competition) between Peter and his brother.彼得和他的哥哥之间存在着十分激烈的兄弟间的竞争。剑桥国际This was to be her final professional tennis match, and she wanted to end her career in a blaze of glory.这是她最后一次参加职业网球赛,她希望能够十分光彩地结束自己的运动生涯。剑桥国际This will be a crucial decision for the education services because it sets the standard for all future years.这一决定对教育事业十分重要,因为它为今后的教育订立了标准。剑桥国际We are facing very strong competition in our market.我们在市场上面临着十分激烈的竞争。牛津商务We spent a blissful year together before things started to go wrong.在境遇变坏前我们在一起度过了十分幸福的一年。剑桥国际




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