

单词 只吃
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHOOSE〕Monica is particular about what she eats - no meat, and only organic vegetables. 莫妮卡对食物很挑剔——不吃肉,只吃有机蔬菜。朗文写作活用〔EAT〕I usually just have fruit for breakfast. 我一般只吃水果当早餐。朗文写作活用〔EAT〕I wasn't very hungry, so I just had a sandwich. 我不是很饿,所以只吃了份三明治。朗文写作活用〔EAT〕This new diet involves eating very small amounts throughout the day. 这一新的减肥方法要求一整天只吃很少的东西。朗文写作活用〔LITTLE〕He only ate a little bit of dinner and then went straight to bed. 他晚饭只吃了一点点,然后就直接上床了。朗文写作活用〔LITTLE〕He's been on a low-cholesterol diet since his heart attack. 他心脏病发作过以后就只吃低胆固醇的食物。朗文写作活用〔MOST〕Sarah only ate a few bites of the dessert, so I got the lion's share. 萨拉只吃了几口甜点,所以大部分都是我吃的。朗文写作活用〔allergy〕I have an allergy to strawberries. I get a rash if I eat just one.我对草莓过敏。哪怕只吃一个草莓也会出皮疹。韦氏高阶〔bit〕He ate only a couple of tiny little bits of bread and cheese and drank a drop or two of wine.他只吃了几小片面包和奶酪,喝了几口葡萄酒。韦氏高阶〔calorie〕He was put on a diet of only 1,700 calories a day to lose weight.为了减肥, 他被规定每天只吃1,700小卡热量的饮食。外研社新世纪〔chip〕All he'll eat is chips.他只吃炸薯条。牛津搭配〔detox〕She went on a 48-hour detox, eating nothing but grapes.她进行了48小时的节食,其间只吃葡萄,别的什么都不吃。剑桥高阶〔draught〕The fleet were too deep of draught to enter small rivers and inlets.那船队的船只吃水太深,不能进入小河和浅湾。英汉大词典〔exclude〕They eat only plant foods, and take care to exclude animal products from other areas of their lives.他们只吃素食,在生活的其他方面也注意拒绝使用动物产品。柯林斯高阶〔fast food〕Most of the time we just ate snacks and fast food.多数时候我们只吃点心和快餐。柯林斯高阶〔feed〕The baby only feeds once a night at the moment, thank goodness.感谢老天,宝宝现在每晚只吃一次奶了。剑桥高阶〔flesh〕According to Greek mythology, the minotaur would only eat human flesh.希腊神话里说,人身牛头怪物弥诺陶洛斯只吃人肉。牛津搭配〔freebie〕He should've eaten more than the freebie motel breakfast.他不应该只吃汽车旅馆赠送的免费早餐。外研社新世纪〔gorge〕I could spend each day gorging on chocolate.我可以每天只吃巧克力就够了。柯林斯高阶〔health food〕He eats only health food.他只吃健康食品。韦氏高阶〔hot〕I was too hot and tired to eat more than a few mouthfuls.我又热又累,只吃了几口就吃不下了。柯林斯高阶〔iron rations〕The hotel food was dreadful, so for three days we were on iron rations of fruit, cheese, and bread.旅馆里的食物糟透了,所以连续3天我们只吃些水果、奶酪和面包充饥。剑桥高阶〔keep〕I managed to stick to the diet and keep off sweet foods.我努力做到了只吃规定饮食,不沾甜食。柯林斯高阶〔lean〕I only eat lean meat.我只吃瘦肉。外研社新世纪〔lean〕I only eat lean meat.我只吃瘦肉。文馨英汉〔lean〕I only eat lean meat.我只吃瘦肉。英汉大词典〔light〕I don't eat much for lunch - just a light snack.我午饭吃得不多——只吃一点儿小吃。剑桥高阶〔little more than〕They ate little more than ice cream and hot dogs all day.他们几乎整天只吃冰激凌和热狗。韦氏高阶〔live on sth〕I more or less live on pasta.我基本上只吃意大利面。剑桥高阶〔live〕They lived frugally off a diet of beans and lentils.他们生活节俭,只吃豆子和小扁豆。牛津搭配〔lunch〕I had/ate just a sandwich for lunch.我午餐只吃了个三明治。韦氏高阶〔make a meal (out) of〕This bread is so good, I could make a meal of it.这面包真好吃,我可以一顿饭只吃它。韦氏高阶〔midday〕I just have a sandwich at midday/for my midday meal.我午饭只吃了一个三明治。剑桥高阶〔mouthful〕He only ate a few mouthfuls of meat.他只吃了几口肉。剑桥高阶〔of〕Marina ate only one slice of bread.玛丽娜只吃了一片面包。柯林斯高阶〔of〕She ate only one slice of bread.她只吃了一片面包。外研社新世纪〔oligophagous〕Feeding on a restricted range of food substances, especially a limited number of plants. Used chiefly of insects.狭食性的:只吃一定范围内的食物,尤指有限范围内的植物的,主要用于昆虫美国传统〔peck at〕Because she is not feeling well,she just pecks at her food.因为她不舒服,所以只吃了一点点东西。21世纪英汉〔peck at〕Her son pecked at his food and said he wasn't hungry.她儿子只吃了几口就说不饿。韦氏高阶〔peck at〕Klessmann ate self-consciously, pecking at the food, a crumb at a time.克勒斯曼拘谨地小口吃着, 每次只吃一点点。外研社新世纪〔peck〕You are only pecking at your food: what's wrong? 你只吃这么一丁点儿,怎么啦?英汉大词典〔permit〕I permit myself pork once a week.我规定自己一星期只吃一次肉。英汉大词典〔permit〕She permits herself pork twice a week.她规定自己一星期只吃二次肉。21世纪英汉〔pick at〕Sarah picked at a plate of cheese for supper, but she wasn't really hungry.萨拉晚餐时只吃一盘奶酪,但她并没有真觉得饿。柯林斯高阶〔pick〕He only picked at his food.他毫无胃口,只吃了一点点东西。英汉大词典〔pick〕The child just picked at her food.这孩子只吃她了一点食物美国传统〔pig out〕I only have a meal of bread, bananas and ice cream; do I pig out?我一顿只吃面包、香蕉和冰淇淋;难道我还算吃得多么?21世纪英汉〔proper〕We didn't have a proper lunch, just sandwiches.我们并没有吃正儿八经的午餐, 只吃了点儿三明治。外研社新世纪〔ration〕I've rationed myself to one bar of chocolate a week.我规定自己每周限量只吃一块巧克力。麦克米伦高阶〔restrict〕They were asked to restrict themselves to one meal a day.他们被要求限制自己每天只吃一顿饭。外研社新世纪〔rice〕I eat barely one pound of rice a day.我一天只吃1磅米。英汉大词典〔sandwich〕I usually just have a sandwich for lunch.通常我午餐只吃一个三明治。麦克米伦高阶〔sustain〕One slice of bread was not going to sustain me for long.只吃一片面包我是撑不了多久的。外研社新世纪〔tiddly〕All you ate was a tiddly little piece of cake.你只吃了很小的一块蛋糕。剑桥高阶〔usually〕I usually just have a sandwich for lunch.通常我午饭只吃一个三明治。剑桥高阶〔vegetarian〕Are you vegetarian? 你只吃素食吗?牛津高阶〔vegetarian〕He is on a vegetarian diet.他现在忌口只吃素食。英汉大词典〔way〕He has come a long way since the days he could only afford one meal a day.那种一天只吃得起一顿饭的日子已经离他很遥远了。柯林斯高阶〔whereas〕You eat a huge plate of food for lunch, whereas I have just a sandwich.你午饭吃了一大盘东西,可我只吃了个三明治。剑桥高阶〔wholefoods〕Try and eat only wholefoods.试着只吃天然食物。外研社新世纪〔wholefood〕It pays to avoid food additives and eat only wholefoods.避免摄入食物添加剂而只吃全天然食物是有好处的。柯林斯高阶〔withdrawal symptoms〕Have other people had withdrawal symptoms when they have only taken tranquillizers for a few months?其他那些只吃过几个月镇静剂的人是否也有戒断症状?外研社新世纪A diet composed entirely of processed foods is not good for you.只吃加工过的食物对你不好。剑桥国际All I had for lunch was a yogurt.午饭我只吃了一块酸乳酪。剑桥国际Because she is not feeling well, she just pecks at her food. 她身体不适,所以只吃一点点饭。译典通Concerned about her weight, she'd limited herself to two meals a day.因唯恐增加体重,她每天限制自己只吃两顿饭。剑桥国际For breakfast, she had only a slice of bread and butter. 她早餐只吃了一片奶油面包。译典通He is an orthodox Jew (= He follows traditional religious teachings exactly) and will only eat kosher food which has been prepared according to strict rules.他是个正统的犹太教徒,只吃严格按教规烹调的食物。剑桥国际He only ate a few mouthfuls, then he said he couldn't eat any more.他只吃了几口,便说他再也吃不下了。剑桥国际I just have a sandwich at midday/for my midday meal.中午我只吃个三明治。剑桥国际I never bother cooking for myself--I just eat sandwiches if I'm on my own.我从不费心为自己做饭----一个人时我只吃三明治。剑桥国际I only had a yogurt (= a container of this) for lunch.我午饭只吃了一份酸奶。剑桥国际I took only a mouthful of food and then left. 我只吃了一点儿东西就走了。译典通I'm on a low -fat diet (= one with very little fat) .我只吃低脂食品。剑桥国际If you're only eating a chocolate bar for lunch, you need a good square meal in the evening.如果你午饭只吃巧克力的话,你需要在晚上饱餐一顿。剑桥国际Many doctors say it's unhealthy to eat only refined foods such as white bread and white sugar which are almost empty of original goodness.许多医生说只吃白面包和白糖之类的精制食品是不利健康的,它们中几乎不含原来的有益成份。剑桥国际She eats only the bare minimum (= the least possible) to stay alive.她只吃藉以维持生命的最低限度食物。剑桥国际She was put on a diet of only 1600 calories a day. 她被限定每天只吃含一千六百大卡热量的食物。译典通She will only eat macrobiotic food.她只吃健康食品。剑桥国际She'll only eat healthy food (=food that is good for you).她只吃有益于健康的食物。剑桥国际That tiger's a man-eater! 那是只吃人的老虎!剑桥国际The boy is only picking at his food. 那男孩只吃一点点。译典通The child is only pecking at his food. 这孩子只吃一点点东西。译典通The children insist on eating only wholefoods, like beans and brown rice.孩子们坚持只吃天然食品,例如豆与糙米。剑桥国际The sick woman had only bland food. 那个生病的妇人只吃无刺激性的食物。译典通There was a news report of a man-eating tiger.有消息说出现了一只吃人的老虎。剑桥国际We must limit ourselves to one cake each. 我们必须限定每人只吃一块蛋糕。译典通We only eat one cooked/hot meal a day.我们每天只吃一顿热饭。剑桥国际You eat a massive plate of food for lunch, whereas I have just a sandwich.你午饭吃了一大盘食物,而我只吃了一块三明治。剑桥国际




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