

单词 单枪
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALONE〕Sanger almost single-handedly founded the birth control movement in the early 1900s. 20世纪初,桑格夫人几乎是单枪匹马地发起了节育运动。朗文写作活用〔Cuchulain〕A hero of ancient Ulster who single-handedly defended it against the rest of Ireland.库丘林:古时乌尔斯特的一位英雄,他单枪匹马保卫祖国并反抗爱尔兰其他地区的入侵者的英雄美国传统〔DIFFICULT〕The job was too much for any single manager to cope with. 任何一个经理单枪匹马的话都应付不了这份工作。朗文写作活用〔SUPPORT〕Should you attempt to take your employer to court alone, or enlist the support of your trade union? 你是要单枪匹马把雇主送上法庭,还是要寻求工会的支持?朗文写作活用〔band〕He runs the business as a one-man band.他是单枪匹马办企业。牛津搭配〔can〕One cannot have done it single-handed.谁也不可能单枪匹马做成这件事的。英汉大词典〔crusade〕He seems to be running a one-man crusade against cigarette smoking.他像是在单枪匹马进行反吸烟的运动。朗文当代〔destroy〕That guy just single-handedly destroyed everything we've worked for.那家伙单枪匹马就破坏了我们为之辛劳的一切。牛津搭配〔drill〕The batter drilled a single through the infield.击球员单枪匹马直入内野美国传统〔furrow〕She has had to plough a lone/lonely furrow in her pursuit of reform.在追求改革的过程中,她只得单枪匹马地干。韦氏高阶〔gallant〕She gallantly battled on alone.她单枪匹马继续英勇顽强地战斗。牛津高阶〔one-man band〕Pointing to the calibre of the board, he dismisses the notion that he is a one-man band.他强调委员会的能力, 不接受他单枪匹马、肩挑多责的说法。外研社新世纪〔one-man〕They have proved they are not a one-man team.他们已经证明他们不是单枪匹马。外研社新世纪〔realign〕She has, almost single-handedly, realigned British politics.她几乎是单枪匹马一个人重整了英国政坛。柯林斯高阶〔rip〕He, singlehanded, caught four looters ripping off a local store.他单枪匹马抓住4个夜盗当地商店的抢劫犯。英汉大词典〔single-handed〕Working or done without help; unassisted.独立的,单枪匹马的:在没有别人帮助的情况下工作或完成的;没有帮助的美国传统〔squad__1〕He is a one-man truth squad on the subject of intelligence.他单枪匹马研究情报的真实性。牛津搭配Entering the competition as the lone outsider among established players does not worry him in the least.作为单枪匹马的无名小卒与早有建树的选手同场竞技并没有使他有丝毫担忧。剑桥国际He was shot as he made a well-intentioned but misguided attempt to stop the robbers single-handed.他在试着单枪匹马地制止抢劫时被杀,他的行为意图可嘉,但方式不对头。剑桥国际She ran the company single-handed for years.她多年单枪匹马经营着公司。牛津商务




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