

单词 剩余的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FOOD〕All the left-over crops are chopped up and used as cattle fodder. 所有剩余的庄稼都被剁碎,用作喂牛的饲料。朗文写作活用〔TOO/TOO MUCH〕The State raised $130 million by selling off surplus land. 该州靠出售剩余的土地筹集了一亿三千万美元。朗文写作活用〔abandon〕The surplus food was consumed with joyous abandon.剩余的食物被大家尽情地吃掉了。外研社新世纪〔agreement〕They had an agreement that she would give them any leftover food from her shop.他们之间有协议,她要把店里剩余的食物给他们。朗文当代〔alternately〕The alternation of sun and snow continued for the rest of our holiday.我们剩余的假期里依旧时而晴天时而下雪。柯林斯高阶〔alternation〕The alternation of sun and snow continued for the rest of our holiday.我们剩余的假期里依旧时而天晴, 时而下雪。外研社新世纪〔boil〕Take the pan off the boil and add the remaining ingredients.把平底锅从炉火上端下来,加进剩余的配料。麦克米伦高阶〔buckshee〕Something extra or left over that is obtained free.额外获得的免费物品:免费获得的额外的或剩余的物品美国传统〔chink〕They poured out the rest of the wine and she chinked his glass.他们把剩余的酒倒了出来, 她和他碰了一下杯。外研社新世纪〔clear ... up〕I'll clear up the rest of the work in a week.我将在一周内完成剩余的工作。21世纪英汉〔deposit〕After 10 minutes the surplus material is washed away and any remaining deposit examined with ultra violet light.10分钟后剩余的物质被冲洗掉,任何残留的沉淀物则会用紫外线进行检测。柯林斯高阶〔dice〕Add the crushed garlic and remaining diced vegetables.加入捣碎的大蒜和剩余的蔬菜丁。柯林斯高阶〔enough〕The rest of the evening passed pleasantly enough.晚上剩余的时间过得十分愉快。柯林斯高阶〔extra〕There was no money left over for luxuries or little extras.没有剩余的钱买奢侈品或额外的小玩意了。牛津搭配〔fagoting〕A method of decorating cloth by pulling out horizontal threads and tying the remaining vertical threads into hourglass-shaped bunches.抽纱法:将线沿着水平方向拉直并将剩余的垂直线扎成沙漏状的一种刺绣方法美国传统〔finery〕She put on a soft blue dress from the remains of her finery.她穿上一件柔软的天蓝色连衣裙,这是从她剩余的华丽服装中挑出来的。英汉大词典〔foam up〕Add the remaining butter. Once it has foamed up, add egg mixture.加入剩余的黄油, 等它一起沫就倒入搅拌好的蛋液。外研社新世纪〔foot〕When their car broke down, they had to foot it the rest of the way.当他们的车抛锚后,他们不得不走完剩余的路美国传统〔here〕We'll adjourn the meeting here and discuss remaining issues after lunch.我们现在暂时休会,午饭后再讨论剩余的问题美国传统〔ingredient〕Add all the remaining ingredients and bring to the boil.加入所有剩余的原料,加热至沸腾。牛津搭配〔kiss〕They made glasses kiss and drunk up the rest of the wine.他们碰了一下杯,喝光了剩余的酒。21世纪英汉〔leftover〕Remaining as an unused portion or amount.剩余的,吃剩的,用剩的:保留下来的没有使用的份额或数量美国传统〔meanwhile〕Brush the aubergines with oil, add salt and pepper, and bake till soft. Meanwhile, heat the remaining oil in a heavy pan.把油涂在茄子上,加盐和胡椒烤至松软。与此同时,在厚锅中加热剩余的油。柯林斯高阶〔more〕There's not much more than ten minutes left.剩余的时间不超过10分钟。麦克米伦高阶〔mountain〕They have mountains of coffee to sell.他们有大量剩余的咖啡要卖。外研社新世纪〔out of action〕Jackson's torn ligaments will keep him out of action for the rest of the season.杰克逊韧带拉伤,这个赛季剩余的比赛他都不能参加了。剑桥高阶〔overprescribe〕Some doctors overprescribed and addicts could resell the surplus.有些医生开麻醉剂过量,瘾君子便可将剩余的再出售。英汉大词典〔over〕Not yet used up; remaining.尚未用完的;剩余的美国传统〔pay〕She'll pay us the rest back when she gets her wages.她拿到工资后会把剩余的欠款都还给我们。麦克米伦高阶〔place〕There are still a couple of places left on the course.这门课程还有一些剩余的名额。朗文当代〔plasmapheresis〕A process in which plasma is taken from donated blood and the remaining components, mostly red blood cells, are returned to the donor.血浆除去法:从捐献者的血液中提取血浆,将剩余的成份,大多数是红血球,返还给献血者的一种方法美国传统〔residual〕Remaining as a residue.剩余的:作为残留物留下来的美国传统〔residue〕He left the residue of his estate to a nephew.他把剩余的不动产留给了他的侄子。麦克米伦高阶〔residue〕The residue of the stock was sold.剩余的存货卖掉了。朗文当代〔rest〕Do you have anything planned for the rest of the day? 这天剩余的时间你安排什么事了吗?剑桥高阶〔rest〕Does anyone want the rest of this pizza? 有人想要这剩余的比萨饼吗?朗文当代〔rest〕We spent the rest of the day watching TV.我们那天剩余的时间在看电视。麦克米伦高阶〔salamander〕Metallurgy A mass of solidified material, largely metallic, left in a blast-furnace hearth.【冶金学】 高温火炉中剩余的团状固化物质,大多为金属美国传统〔save〕She saved leftovers for supper.她把剩余的食物留作晚餐。文馨英汉〔seat〕We tried to get on the Friday flight, but there were no seats left.我们想坐星期五的航班,但没有剩余的座位了。麦克米伦高阶〔sling〕He slung out all her old magazines.留一杯这种液体,剩余的都倒掉。麦克米伦高阶〔surplus〕Keep one cup of the liquid and throw away the surplus.留一杯这种液体,剩余的都倒掉。麦克米伦高阶〔swallow〕She quickly swallowed the rest of her coffee.她迅速地咽下剩余的咖啡。麦克米伦高阶〔tag end〕Something left over; a remnant.剩余的东西;剩余物美国传统〔take-home pay〕The amount of one's salary remaining after federal, state, and often city income taxes and various other deductions have been withheld.净收入:一个人的工资在支付了联邦、州、经常所在城市的收入所得税和各种其它的扣除项目后所剩余的钱数美国传统〔tin〕They emptied out the remains of the tin of paint and smeared it on the inside of the van.他们把油漆桶里剩余的油漆倒空, 涂在货车的内壁上。外研社新世纪〔trimming〕Use any pastry trimmings to decorate the apples.用剩余的油酥面皮装饰苹果。柯林斯高阶〔try〕They might still have tickets left - why don't you give it a try? 他们可能还有剩余的票——你为什么不试试呢?剑桥高阶〔whisk〕In a separate bowl, whisk together the remaining sugar and the yolks.用另一只碗把剩余的糖和蛋黄搅打均匀。外研社新世纪〔without〕If there's none left we'll have to do without.如果没有剩余的我们就只得将就了。牛津高阶For a corporation, the residual is corporate profits.对公司而言,剔除成本之后剩余的钱就是公司利润。牛津商务He gave scraps of food to the dog. 他把剩余的食物喂了狗。译典通I don't want to hear any more of your smart mouth for the rest of the afternoon! 在下午剩余的时间里,我不想再听到你的任何不知天高地厚的话。剑桥国际Interest accrued from the money left in my saving account. 我储蓄户头里剩余的存款产生利息。译典通It will be necessary to warehouse the surplus stock.有必要将剩余的存货入库。牛津商务Jim is going to be in charge for the rest of the week and I don't want to hear any buts.吉姆将在本周剩余的时间内负责,对此事我不想听到任何“但是”。剑桥国际She paused to take a slurp of tea and then ate the rest of her cake.她停下咕嘟喝了一口茶,接着将剩余的蛋糕吃完。剑桥国际This month's pay cheque will cancel out his debt, but it won't give him any extra money.这个月的工资支票将抵消他的债务,但没有任何剩余的钱。剑桥国际We need to detail (= give exact information about) what we've spent so far so that we can budget for the rest. 我们必须列出到目前为止的消费细目,以便安排剩余的款项。剑桥国际




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