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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AGREE〕The project can't go ahead until the finance committee agrees. 这个项目要等财政委员会同意了才可进行。朗文写作活用〔alley〕Sports Either of the parallel lanes at the sides of a tennis court, which widen the inbounds area for doubles play.【体育运动】 单打与双打界线间空地:网球场边的平行狭长地带,加宽了界内场地,可进行双打比赛美国传统〔alone〕These adjectives are compared as they describe lack of companionship.这些形容词在表示缺少伙伴这个意思时可进行比较。美国传统〔apomict〕A plant that reproduces by or is reproduced by apomixis.无配生殖植物,无融合生殖植物:可进行无配生殖的植物或由无配生殖产生的植物美国传统〔bus topology〕One of the three principal topologies for a LAN, in which all nodes are connected to a central cable along which data is passed.总线拓朴:三种主要局域网拓朴结构之一,所有的节点都连接到可进行数据传输的中央总在线美国传统〔donor〕The heart transplant will take place as soon as a suitable donor can be found.一找到合适的捐献者即可进行心脏移植手术。牛津高阶〔effect〕The second injection should only have been given once the first drug had taken effect.只有第一剂药见效后才可进行第二次注射。柯林斯高阶〔freedom of the seas〕The right of neutral shipping in wartime to trade at will except where blockades are established.战时中立国的海上自由贸易权:战时中立国在除实施封锁的领域之外可进行自由贸易的航行权美国传统〔interpreter〕He has now learned English well enough that he can conduct interviews without an interpreter.他现在英语已学得相当好,不需要口译人员即可进行采访。韦氏高阶〔line〕An ordered system of operations that allows a sequential manufacture or assembly of goods at all or various stages of production.流水线,生产线:运行的有序系统,可进行连续生产或产品生产所有或各个阶段的生产装配美国传统〔mammoth〕You can only undertake mammoth changes if the finances are there.资金到位的情况下方可进行重大变革。柯林斯高阶〔multitasking〕The machine allows multitasking without the need to buy extra hardware.这台机器不需要添加额外的硬件即可进行多任务处理。剑桥高阶〔operand〕A quantity on which an operation is performed.操作数:一种可进行运算的量美国传统〔producer〕Ecology A photosynthetic green plant or chemosynthetic bacterium, constituting the first trophic level in a food chain; an autotrophic organism.【生态学】 生产者,自养有机体:构成食物链上的第一级营养层次的可进行光合作用的绿色植物或化能合成的细菌;自养有机体美国传统〔proportion〕These nouns are compared as they mean aesthetic arrangement, as in a design, marked by proper distribution of elements.当这些名词指美学的排列时可进行比较,如在设计中,并以各元素之间成比例的分布为特点。美国传统〔rise〕These verbs are compared as they mean to move upward from a lower to a higher position.当这些动词表示从某个较低的位置向某个较高的位置向上移动的意思时,他们均可进行比较。美国传统〔season〕Legally permitted to be caught or hunted during a specified period.猎捕期的:法律上允许在某一持定时期内可进行猎捕的美国传统〔student lamp〕A reading lamp having a flexible, adjustable neck and intended for use on a desk.可随意调节高低的台灯:放于书桌上阅读时用的灯,其颈易弯曲,可进行调节美国传统〔sure〕These adjectives are compared as they mean feeling or showing no doubt.这些形容词的意思为确信的、没有疑问的时,可进行比较。美国传统〔touchscreen〕A monitor screen that can detect and respond to something, such as a finger or stylus, pressing on it.触碰式屏幕:用手指或尖笔等物触碰时可进行侦测并作出反应的显示器屏幕美国传统〔tour〕Garden tours are offered throughout the summer.整个夏天都可进行花园之旅。牛津搭配〔wearer〕The straps can be adjusted to suit the wearer.这些背带可进行调整以适合使用者。牛津高阶Computers can perform millions of calculations every second.计算机每秒钟可进行数百万次运算。剑桥国际In about half of diagnosed cases, the condition is operable.大约半数诊断出的病例是可进行手术的。剑桥国际The machine allows multi-tasking without the need to buy extra hardware.这台机器不需买额外的硬件即可进行多任务处理。剑桥国际Your lists can be merge/purged at no extra cost.你们的清单无需花费额外费用即可进行合并与筛选。牛津商务




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