

单词 变化形式
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔case〕A pattern of inflection of nouns, pronouns, and adjectives to express different syntactic functions in a sentence.词形变化形式:名词、代词和形容词在一个句子中表示不同的句法功能的词形屈折变化的形式美国传统〔conjugate〕Today we learn how the verb ‘to be' conjugates.我们今天要学动词to be 有哪些变化形式。麦克米伦高阶〔folk music〕Music originating among the common people of a nation or region and spread about or passed down orally, often with considerable variation.民间音乐:起源于一个国家或地区普通人中的音乐,通常以相当多的变化形式用口头传播或传述出去美国传统〔inflect〕To give all of the inflected forms of a word; to provide a paradigm.词形变化形式:给出一个单词所有的屈折变化形式;提供词形变化表美国传统〔principal parts〕In traditional grammars of inflected languages, the forms of the verb that are considered basic and from which all forms of the verb are derived.动词的主要变化形式:在有文法变化的语言的传统语法中,被认为是基本的并从中可以导出动词的所有其他形式的动词形式美国传统〔street hockey〕A variation of ice hockey played on pavement by players wearing shoes or in-line skates and often using a ball instead of a puck.街上曲棍球:冰上曲棍球的变化形式,球员穿普通鞋或直排轮滚轴溜冰鞋在硬路面上比赛并且通常用普通球代替冰球美国传统〔syncretism〕Linguistics The merging of two or more originally different inflectional forms.【语言学】 融合:原来不同的两个或多个的屈折变化形式词的合并美国传统〔variant〕This game is a variant of netball.这种运动是无挡板篮球的一种变化形式。朗文当代〔variation〕White bread is really just a variation of French bread.白面包其实只是法式面包的一种变化形式。朗文当代In this dictionary, we show any irregular inflected forms of a word, such as the plural or past tense.本词典列出了每个词的不规则屈折变化形式,如复数或过去时。剑桥国际Patterns of air pressure, surface winds and sea surface temperatures interlink.气压、风力和海面温度的变化形式互相有关。剑桥国际




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