

单词 印刷工
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔apprenticeship〕He's serving an apprenticeship as a printer.他现在是一名印刷工学徒。朗文当代〔down tools〕The printers are threatening to down tools if the pay offer is not increased to eight percent.印刷工人威胁说,如果工资不增长8%就停工。剑桥高阶〔dummy〕A set of bound blank pages used as a model to show the size and general appearance of a book being published.装帧样张:用以向印刷工说明在印书的大小和整体外观的装订在一起的空白页美国传统〔get ... up〕The printers have got the dictionaries up very nicely.印刷工人把这些词典装帧得非常美观。21世纪英汉〔italicize〕The printer italicized the whole passage.印刷工把整个一段文章排作斜体。英汉大词典〔pressman〕A man who operates a printing press.印刷工人:操纵印刷机器者美国传统〔pressroom〕The room in a printing or newspaper publishing establishment that contains the presses.印刷车间:印刷工厂或新闻出版大楼里放有印刷机的房间美国传统〔printer〕Ask the printer if he can adjust the layout.问问印刷工能否调整一下版面。外研社新世纪〔printer〕Benjamin Franklin was originally a printer.本杰明·富兰克林最初是一名印刷工人。韦氏高阶〔print〕To work as a printer.做印刷工美国传统〔put/set sth in motion〕Once the printing processes have been put in motion, they're not so easy to stop.印刷工序一旦启动,就不容易停止了。剑桥高阶〔reader〕One who corrects printers' proofs; a proofreader.校对人:校正印刷工的样张的人;校对员美国传统〔typographer〕One that sets written material into type; a compositor or printer.排字工:把书面材料排成铅字的人;排字工人或印刷工美国传统He has been a printer all his life.他做了一辈子印刷工。剑桥国际The printers are threatening to down tools if the pay offer is not increased to 8%.印刷工人威胁说,要是工资不增长8%的话,他们就罢工。剑桥国际The printers were too ill to turn up for work after a drinking bout (= brief period of drinking a lot of alcohol) the previous night.前一晚上一场狂饮后印刷工们都醉得无法来工作了。剑桥国际Within the industry, printers are at the top end of the pay scale.在本行业内,印刷工人的工资最高。牛津商务




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