

单词 劳累
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WORK HARD〕It's no wonder that she had a nervous breakdown -- she's been driving herself too hard for months. 怪不得她精神崩溃了一几个月来她让自己过分劳累了。朗文写作活用〔WORK HARD〕She had a heart condition caused by heavy smoking and overwork. 她因抽烟太多、劳累过度引发了心脏病。朗文写作活用〔bent〕His back is bent from years of toil.多年的劳累压弯了他的背。英汉大词典〔break ... down〕His health has broken down because of working too hard.他因工作过度劳累,身体垮下来了。21世纪英汉〔break〕He was breaking up under the strain.过度的劳累使他快要垮了。牛津高阶〔burn out〕He might burn himself out and go to an early grave.他可能会因为劳累过度而英年早逝。柯林斯高阶〔burn the candle at both ends〕She's going to wear herself out if she keeps burning the candle at both ends.如果她继续这样夜以继日地劳累会垮掉的。韦氏高阶〔burnout〕Many of the teachers are suffering from burnout.许多老师劳累过度。朗文当代〔burnt-out〕But everyone I know who kept it up at that intensity is burnt out.我所认识的每个一直保持那种强度的人都劳累过度。柯林斯高阶〔cumulative〕Depression is often caused by the cumulative effects of stress and overwork.抑郁症通常是由压力和过度劳累日积月累引起的。朗文当代〔danger zone〕The doctor warned that too much exertion could push my heart rate into the danger zone.医生警告我说,过于劳累有可能会把我的心率推向危险区。韦氏高阶〔delegate〕Because Henry hated to delegate, he was always overworked.由于亨利不喜欢授权下属办事,所以他自己总是劳累过度。麦克米伦高阶〔deserve〕You deserve a rest after all that hard work.辛苦劳累那么久,你该休息一下了。牛津高阶〔diary〕The President's secretary looked tired, his face a diary of the past few weeks.总统秘书显出劳累的样子,他的脸上留着过去几周来紧张工作的痕迹。英汉大词典〔die of〕She died from overwork.她因工作过度劳累而死。21世纪英汉〔distress〕Severe strain resulting from exhaustion or an accident.精神紧张:过度劳累或意外事故引起的高度紧张美国传统〔endanger〕His health is endangered by overwork.他的健康因劳累过度而受到损害。英汉大词典〔extend〕I am afraid that she is endangering her health extending herself too much.我担心她劳累过度正在损害自己的健康。英汉大词典〔fatigable〕Subject to fatigue.易疲劳的:容易劳累的美国传统〔fatigue〕She was suffering from fatigue.她劳累不堪。剑桥高阶〔fatigue〕The journey had fatigued him.旅途令他劳累不堪。剑桥高阶〔fatiguing〕The job is very fatiguing.那个工作非常令人劳累。文馨英汉〔fatiguing〕What a fatiguing day! 多么劳累的一天!文馨英汉〔flake〕To fall asleep or collapse from fatigue or exhaustion.入睡,倒下:因为劳累或疲倦而入睡或倒下美国传统〔fling〕We quite often have our fling down at the pub after a hard day's work.一天劳累之后我们常在小酒馆尽情地寻欢作乐。英汉大词典〔give〕His heart finally gave out under the strain.最后由于过度劳累他的心脏出了问题。麦克米伦高阶〔go〕After a gruelling six months singing on a world tour, it is hardly surprising that her voice is starting to go.经过6个月紧张劳累的世界巡演,她的音质开始变差,这不足为奇。剑桥高阶〔grind〕They then begin the long and tiresome grind of preparing themselves for college entrance.然后他们开始为准备考大学而进行长期劳累的埋头苦学。英汉大词典〔induce〕Her illness was induced by overwork.她的病是过度劳累所致。韦氏高阶〔lung〕Her lungs ached from the exertion.她的肺因为劳累而疼痛。牛津搭配〔more〕When we are tired or tense, we feel pain much more.当我们劳累或紧张时, 疼痛感更明显。外研社新世纪〔more〕When we are tired, tense, depressed or unwell, we feel pain much more.当我们劳累、紧张、沮丧或生病时,疼痛感更明显。柯林斯高阶〔nature〕Her illness was Nature's way of telling her to do less.她的疾病是天意在告诉她不要太劳累。牛津高阶〔note〕Haig noted how he 'looked pinched and rather tired'.黑格注意到了他“看上去消瘦,非常劳累”的样子。柯林斯高阶〔order〕I've got to take it easy – doctor's orders .我不能过分劳累,这是医嘱。朗文当代〔overdo〕You mustn't overdo it – if you're tired, just sit down and start again.你别太劳累了,如果感到累了就坐下来,稍后再重新开始。朗文当代〔overtax〕I was afraid that he would overtax himself.恐怕他会把自己弄得过于劳累的。外研社新世纪〔overtax〕Remember you've been ill, and don't overtax yourself.记住你在生病,别劳累过度。剑桥高阶〔overtax〕Take it easy. Don't overtax yourself.轻松一点,别让自己劳累过度。牛津高阶〔overtired〕Make sure you avoid getting overtired or missing meals, when at all possible.尽可能避免过度劳累或不按时吃饭。柯林斯高阶〔overweary〕To tire out utterly; exhaust.使极度劳累;使…累得筋疲力尽美国传统〔overworked〕She always looks tired and overworked.她总是一副疲惫不堪、劳累过度的样子。韦氏高阶〔overwork〕He got sick through overwork.他因劳累过度而病倒了。剑桥高阶〔overwork〕He is overworked.他劳累过度了。英汉大词典〔overwork〕He overworked himself on that new job.他做那项新工作太劳累了。21世纪英汉〔overwork〕He's overworking and has got a lot on his mind.他工作劳累而且有很多事要操心。外研社新世纪〔overwork〕His illness was brought on by money worries and overwork.他的病是因操心钱和劳累过度而造成的。牛津高阶〔overwork〕I hope you're not overworking that poor boy.我希望你没有让那可怜的男孩过度劳累。外研社新世纪〔overwork〕She overworks her staff.她让员工过度劳累。牛津高阶〔overwork〕Staff complained that they were being overworked.员工们抱怨说他们劳累过度。麦克米伦高阶〔overwork〕The captain routinely overworked the crew.船长经常让船员们过度劳累。韦氏高阶〔overwork〕The whole crew seemed exhausted, probably from overworking.全体人员都显得疲惫不堪,很可能是因为劳累过度。韦氏高阶〔overwork〕You look exhausted - I hope they're not overworking you.你看起来疲惫极了——我希望他们没有让你过于劳累。剑桥高阶〔overwork〕You look tired. Have you been overworking? 你似乎很疲倦,是不是近来劳累过度了?牛津高阶〔overwork〕You mustn't overwork yourself.你别太劳累了。英汉大词典〔price〕He's paying the price for working his body so hard.他因为使身体过度劳累而有些吃不消了。外研社新世纪〔price〕He's paying the price for working his body so hard.他因为过度劳累身体有些吃不消了。柯林斯高阶〔rest〕All of these nouns mean freedom or relief from labor, responsibility, or strain.所有这些名词意味着从劳动、责任或劳累中解脱、解放出来。美国传统〔result〕His illness is the (或 a) result of over-exertion.他的病是劳累过度所致。英汉大词典〔run-down〕Evie had been working too hard and was feeling run-down.埃维一直过度劳累地工作,并感到精疲力竭。麦克米伦高阶〔seize up〕After two days' exertions, it's the arms and hands that seize up, not the legs.两天的辛苦劳累过后,发僵的是胳膊和双手,腿倒没事。柯林斯高阶〔sink〕His frame soon sank under the effects of toil.由于劳累,他的身体很快消瘦脱形。英汉大词典〔somnolent〕He lay quiet, somnolent after the day's exertions.他静静地躺着,一天劳累下来昏昏欲睡。朗文当代〔strain〕Eleanor was feeling overworked and under strain.埃莉诺觉得自己过度劳累,压力很大。麦克米伦高阶〔strenuous〕Today has been a very strenuous day.今天是非常劳累的一天。韦氏高阶〔stutter〕She has a slight stutter, but you only notice it when she's tired or nervous.她稍微有点儿口吃,但你只在她劳累或紧张不安时才会发现。英汉大词典〔task〕To overburden with labor; tax.使过于劳累;使费力美国传统〔tell〕Strain began to tell on his health.过度劳累开始损害他的健康。21世纪英汉〔tension〕Exercise is the ideal way to relieve tension after a hard day.劳累了一天,运动是最理想的减压方法。朗文当代〔tire〕The hard task tired me.这项艰难的工作让我感到劳累。21世纪英汉〔toil〕Well, after a day's toil in the office I like to relax a little.好啦,在办公室劳累了一天后我想歇一会儿。剑桥高阶〔trying〕Causing strain, hardship, or distress.费劲的,难受的:使过度紧张的、劳累的或苦恼的美国传统〔tub〕It's good to sink into a nice, hot tub at the end of a hard day's work.一天劳累之后,泡在盛满热水的浴缸里真舒服。剑桥高阶〔turn〕Overwork has turned his brain.过度劳累弄得他头昏脑胀。英汉大词典〔underpaid〕Nurses complain of being overworked and underpaid.护士抱怨工作劳累过度而报酬过低。牛津高阶〔wayworn〕Wearied by traveling.旅途劳累的美国传统〔work〕We were worked very hard yesterday.昨天我们给搞得非常劳累。英汉大词典After a tiring day's work, relaxing in a hot bath was pure bliss.在一天劳累的工作后,在热水浴中放松完全是一种福气。剑桥国际After your operation, you must be careful not to overtire yourself.手术后,你一定要当心不要让自己过分劳累。剑桥国际As a young girl, she found life below stairs (= as a servant) hard and tiring.还是小女孩时,她便发觉当仆人的生活非常艰苦、劳累。剑桥国际Beyond a certain level of tiredness, it is impossible to work productively.劳累超过一定程度,人就不可能富有成效地工作。剑桥国际Fatigue brought on dark rings under her eyes. 劳累使她眼睛下部出现了黑圈。译典通Fine, so you've got a lot of work to do, but if you keep burning the candle at both ends you'll make yourself ill.好吧,你有许多工作要做,但如果劳累过度的话,会生病的。剑桥国际He was made ill by overwork (= working too hard).他劳累过度而生病了。剑桥国际His illness was brought on by money worries and overwork.他的病是因为操心钱和劳累过度造成的。牛津商务I imagine you are tired from the journey. 我想你旅途劳累了。译典通I was relaxing in the bath, having toiled away in the garden all afternoon.在花园里劳累了整整一下午后,我一边洗澡一边休息。剑桥国际If I get too stressed out I take a day's leave.如果太劳累的话,我就请一天假。牛津商务Increasing numbers of people in high-powered jobs are suffering from fatigue and stress-related illnesses.越来越多担任高级职务的人感到劳累不堪,而且患有与压力有关的疾病。剑桥国际It's good to sink into a hot tub at the end of a hard day's work.在一天劳累后泡在热浴缸里是有好处的。剑桥国际It's thirsty work stacking bales of straw! 堆稻草是件使人口渴的劳累活!剑桥国际Physical exertion isn't always a good thing in a hot climate.在炎热的天气里,体力上的劳累并不总是一件好事。剑桥国际Poor health is a necessary result of over-exertion. 体弱是过度劳累的必然结果。译典通Remember you've been ill, and don't overtax yourself (= make yourself tired by doing too much).记住你生了病,所以不要劳累过度。剑桥国际She fainted from sheer weariness. 她纯粹是因为劳累而晕倒的。译典通She felt ill with/from exhaustion.她劳累过度,病倒了。剑桥国际She suffered burnout after doing her last exam.她考完最后一门考试后感到极度劳累。剑桥国际The continual strain aged him. 不停的紧张劳累使他变老了。译典通There's nothing better after a hard day's work than to luxuriate in a hot bath.一天劳累后,没有比泡个热水浴更好的享受了。剑桥国际You look tired. Have you been overworking? 你看上去很疲倦,是不是近来劳累过度了?牛津商务




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