

单词 卫生事业
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔finite〕The funds available for the health service are finite and we cannot afford to waste money.用于公共医疗卫生事业的资金是有限的,我们浪费不起。剑桥高阶〔plough back〕Money from the increased taxes will be ploughed back into the health system.加税收到的钱将被投入到卫生事业中去。外研社新世纪〔police〕For years the medical profession was unable to police itself.几年以来,医疗卫生事业不能把本身治理整顿好。英汉大词典〔shall〕Over the next ten years we shall spend £25 billion on the health service.在接下来的10年里,我们将在医疗卫生事业方面支出250亿英镑。麦克米伦高阶〔smallpox〕The eradication of smallpox ranks as one of the great triumphs of public health.天花的根除是公共卫生事业的一次重大胜利。牛津搭配〔underspend〕It is a country that underspends on health and overspends on statisticians.这个国家在卫生事业上支出不足, 但在统计方面却超量支出。外研社新世纪The Health Service should not be judged by financial criteria alone.公共卫生事业不应单以资金标准来衡量。剑桥国际The amount of money spent on defence is in stark (=in very noticeable) contrast to the amount spent on housing and health.用于国防的支出和用于住房、卫生事业的支出形成了鲜明的对照。剑桥国际There was a well-argued article in the paper yesterday about the proposed changes in the health service.昨天报纸上有一篇鞭辟入里的文章,是关于在医疗卫生事业方面那些改革建议的。剑桥国际




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