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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EXPECT〕Optimists still believe we can resolve the problem without going to war. 乐观人士依然相信,我们不通过战争便可解决这个问题。朗文写作活用〔decoder〕A device that decodes a scrambled electronic signal to make it interpretable.译码器:解除改变过频率的电子讯号,使其变得可解释的仪器美国传统〔disinterest〕The fact Liberia has no oil seems to explain foreign disinterest in its internal affairs.利比里亚没有石油, 这一事实似乎可解释为什么外部势力无意过问其内政。外研社新世纪〔dispose〕A few years of effort could dispose of the housing shortage.几年的努力当可解决住房缺乏。英汉大词典〔draw〕A draw on the short end of the rope will release the knot.拉绳子的短头便可解开结。英汉大词典〔inconsistent〕Mathematics Not solvable for the unknowns by the same set of values. Used of two or more equations or inequalities.【数学】 不可解的:同一系列值的情况下由于有未知数而无解的。用于两个或两个以上的等式或不等式美国传统〔salvation〕Sleep is the salvation of the nervous system.睡眠可解除神经系统的疲劳。英汉大词典〔spread out〕David made a gesture, spreading out his hands as if he were showing that he had no explanation to make.戴维做了个手势, 摊开双手, 好像在说他没什么可解释的。外研社新世纪〔spread〕David made a gesture, spreading out his hands as if he were showing that he had no explanation to make.戴维做了个手势,摊开双手,好像在说他没有什么可解释的。柯林斯高阶〔unfasten〕You may now unfasten your seat belt.你们现在可解掉安全带了。英汉大词典The phenomenon of cot death has yet to be explained. 婴儿猝死的现象仍然不可解。译典通The statement is interpretable to most people. 这项声明对大多数人来说是可解释的。译典通




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