

单词 可观
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BIG〕Ozzie left a very handsome tip on the plate. 奥齐在盘子里留了相当可观的小费。朗文写作活用〔BIG〕She receives a sizable income from her investments. 她通过投资获得了相当可观的收入。朗文写作活用〔BIG〕Their profits are enormous. 他们的利润极为可观。朗文写作活用〔EARN〕Richard has a comfortable income from his salary and his investments. 理查德的薪水和投资加在一起,收入很可观。朗文写作活用〔GOOD〕The job pays well and you get a company car and 30 days holiday a year -- it's certainly an attractive offer. 这份工作的薪水可观,你还有公司提供的汽车和每年30天的假期一这肯定是一个很有吸引力的工作邀请。朗文写作活用〔G〕A movie rating that allows admission to persons of all ages.G级:各种年龄段的观众都可观看的电影美国传统〔IMPRESS〕The rich variety of animal life we found was very impressive. 我们所发现的动物种类丰富,非常可观。朗文写作活用〔MEASURE〕While the technique had little impact on infants, it produced measurable benefits with 7 to 9 year olds. 虽然这一技术对婴儿作用极小,却为7至9岁的儿童带来了可观的益处。朗文写作活用〔SAVE〕This investment will be a nice little nest egg for you when you get married. 这项投资在你结婚的时候会是一笔很可观的收入。朗文写作活用〔THERE/NOT THERE〕We had pretty good attendance despite the bad weather. 尽管天气不好,我们的观众人数仍相当可观。朗文写作活用〔adhesion〕Physics The physical attraction or joining of two substances, especially the macroscopically observable attraction of dissimilar substances.【物理学】 附着力,粘附力:两种物质的物理吸引或相连,特指通过肉眼可观察到的不同物质的吸引力美国传统〔benefit〕The insurance plan will provide substantial cash benefits to your f amily in case of your death.投保人一旦死亡,该项保险将支付给其家属相当可观的保险金。牛津高阶〔benefit〕We offer an excellent benefits package .我们提供可观的综合福利。朗文当代〔bite〕The tax represents a real bite out of worker's wages.这项赋税在工人的工资中占有可观的一笔数目。英汉大词典〔bit〕A: Was there much money in it? B: Quite a bit.甲:这中间是不是有大钱可赚? 乙: 可以赚相当可观的一笔。英汉大词典〔bulk〕Numerous small contributions soon bulk up into a considerable sum.许多小额捐助不久就积成了一笔可观的款子。21世纪英汉〔cover〕He must make a decent living from other artists covering his songs.其他艺术家翻唱他的歌曲,一定使他过上了收入颇为可观的生活。柯林斯高阶〔expense〕The process turned out to be a significant capital expense.结果,这个过程花去了一笔可观的资本。牛津搭配〔forfeit〕He has forfeited a lucrative fee but feels his well-being is more important.他主动放弃了可观的酬金,觉得自己的健康更加重要。柯林斯高阶〔grader〕The play is open to all seventh and eighth graders.所有七、八年级的学生均可观看此剧。牛津高阶〔gravy train〕An occupation or other source of income that requires little effort while yielding considerable profit.美差,肥差:几乎不需努力就能获得可观收益的工作或其它收入来源美国传统〔half〕By a considerable extent.以可观程度地美国传统〔handsomely〕He was handsomely rewarded for his efforts.他的努力获得了慷慨[可观]的报酬。文馨英汉〔handsome〕Ford expects handsome profits from its phone business.福特公司期望从其电话业务中获取可观的利润。麦克米伦高阶〔healthy〕He predicts a continuation of healthy profits in the current financial year.他预言本财年仍会有可观的收益。外研社新世纪〔healthy〕Last year the company made a healthy profit of over five million pounds.去年该公司实现了500多万英镑的可观利润。麦克米伦高阶〔hefty〕They sold it easily and made a hefty profit.他们毫不费力地卖掉了它,得到了一笔可观的利润。牛津高阶〔housekeeping〕The company has made considerable savings through good housekeeping, such as avoiding wastage.公司通过如避免浪费等有效的内部管理方法节约了数量可观的资金。牛津搭配〔incoming〕You are prone to extravagance, but your incomings are also fairly healthy.你花钱总是大手大脚, 不过你的收入也是相当可观的。外研社新世纪〔inconsiderable〕He inherited a not inconsiderable (= a large) sum/amount.他继承了一笔数目可观的财产。剑桥高阶〔independent〕Independent of his inheritance, he has a good income from his job.除了所继承的遗产之外,他在工作中还有相当可观的收入。英汉大词典〔inheritance〕He left sizable inheritances to his children.他给他的孩子们留下了相当可观的遗产。韦氏高阶〔knock ... over〕My husband knocked over a good sum last year.去年我丈夫得到了一笔可观的收入。21世纪英汉〔legacy〕You could make a real difference to someone's life by leaving them a generous legacy.给一个人留下一笔可观的遗产可以完全改变他的人生。外研社新世纪〔leisure〕He lived a life of leisure on a good income.他靠着可观的收入过着悠闲自在的生活。英汉大词典〔let on〕He lets on that he has inherited a handsome legacy.他伪称自己继承了一笔可观的遗产。21世纪英汉〔magnitude〕The effects were substantial in magnitude.就量而言,成效相当可观。牛津搭配〔margin〕Margins were steady at a healthy 16%.利润可观, 稳定地保持在16%。外研社新世纪〔materially〕To a significant extent or degree; substantially.极大的,相当的:达到相当大的范围或程度;相当可观地美国传统〔mighty〕It was a mighty good turnout.参加人数极其可观。外研社新世纪〔notch〕The dictionary-making industry has already notched some impressive victories.辞典编纂业已取得了一些可观的胜利。英汉大词典〔observable〕Two strong cups of coffee can have an observable toxic effect.两杯浓咖啡便能产生可观察到的毒性作用。外研社新世纪〔pay〕Accountancy may be boring but at least it pays well.当会计可能很乏味,但至少收入可观。剑桥高阶〔penetration〕They have achieved a substantial market penetration in the highly competitive building site market.他们在竞争异常激烈的建筑工地市场中取得了可观的占有率。外研社新世纪〔phenomenon〕Physics An observable event.【物理学】 迹象,表现:可观察到的事物美国传统〔phenotype〕The observable physical or biochemical characteristics of an organism, as determined by both genetic makeup and environmental influences.表现型:有机体上可观察到的物理或生化特征,如由遗传组成或环境影响决定美国传统〔premium〕The company is charging a pretty hefty premium for access to their network.该公司正在对登录其网络收取可观的额外费用。牛津搭配〔put〕He has a good sum of money put away (in the bank) for his old age.他(在银行里)存着一笔可观的钱以备防老之用。英汉大词典〔rate〕Many films rated 15 would have been rated 18 ten years ago.许多规定年龄在15岁以上观众方可观看的电影在10年前可能会被规定为18岁以上观众方可观看。麦克米伦高阶〔receive〕She received a generous pension.她领取了一笔可观的退休金。外研社新世纪〔respectable〕He gets a respectable income.他的收入很可观。牛津同义词〔respectably〕It is a small-budget film, but it has done respectably at the box office.这是一部低成本电影,但是票房收入相当可观。剑桥高阶〔reward〕Police are offering a substantial reward for information leading to the man's capture.能为逮捕此人提供线索者警方将给予一笔可观的赏金。麦克米伦高阶〔rump〕The rump of the party does in fact still have considerable assets.事实上,这个党派的残余分子确实仍然拥有可观的资产。柯林斯高阶〔saving〕The savings at the end of the first year will be considerable.到第一年的年底,节省的金额将会很可观。韦氏高阶〔stand〕He will stand to get a considerable profit through the speculations in lands.他在地产投机生意上必定会赚相当可观的一笔钱。21世纪英汉〔substantial〕She inherited a substantial fortune from her grandmother.她从祖母那里继承了一笔数目可观的遗产。剑桥高阶〔sum〕The team has raised substantial sums for local charities.这个团队已为当地慈善事业筹到了可观的钱款。牛津搭配〔superb〕The Hotel Gardesana offers superb views of the lake.在加德桑那宾馆可观赏到绝佳的湖景。麦克米伦高阶〔take〕The box office take was huge for the new show.这次新演出的票房收入很可观。剑桥高阶〔take〕To pay off an (outstanding debt, mortgage, or note).付清一笔(数目可观的债务、抵押贷款或票据)美国传统〔tangible〕The scheme will bring tangible economic benefits to the area.这个方案将给该地区带来可观的经济利益。麦克米伦高阶〔term〕The savings, both in terms of time and money, could be considerable.节省下来的时间和金钱可能相当可观。麦克米伦高阶〔together〕Their two salaries together give them quite a nice income.他们两份工资加在一起,收入相当可观。麦克米伦高阶〔turn in〕The company has turned in a healthy profit for the third year running.公司已经连续三年获得了可观的收益。韦氏高阶〔turn〕The firm will be able to service debt and still turn a modest profit.那家公司将有能力支付债务,而且还会赚得一笔可观的利润。柯林斯高阶〔valuable〕This is losing valuable business for the company.这是在使公司损失价值可观的生意。剑桥高阶〔wad〕A sizable roll of paper money.可观的一卷纸币美国传统〔wage packet〕They take home a generous wage packet.他们拿到手的工资非常可观。外研社新世纪〔which〕Your claim ought to succeed, in which case the damages will be substantial.你的索赔应当能成功,假如这样的话,损害赔偿金将会相当可观。牛津高阶Although his business is small, he makes good bread. 他的生意规模虽小,收入可观。译典通Because he's inherited considerable personal wealth, he doesn't have to work.因为他继承了可观的私人财产,所以用不着工作。剑桥国际Even after expenses, healthy profit margins remain.即使在扣除开支以后,仍然有可观的利润。牛津商务He has assembled an impressive client roster.他收集的客户名单非常可观。牛津商务His business deals make him a tidy sum/profit/fortune/penny.他的生意给他带来一笔相当可观的钱/利润/财富。剑桥国际I'm sure we'll have a good crowd / make a reasonable profit but I couldn't put a figure on it (=say exactly how many / how much).我肯定我们人会很多/会挣得可观的利润,但我说不出具体的数字。剑桥国际If they reduced waste and cut out shrinkage, the store could be very profitable.如果他们减少浪费,再除去货物的损耗量,这家商店的盈利会很可观。牛津商务It will count up to a large amount. 总数将相当可观。译典通Like any good empiricist, she has based her scientific theories entirely upon the observable facts rather than mere supposition.像每一位好的实验者一样,她把她的科学理论完全建立在可观察的事实上,而不是仅仅建立在假设上。剑桥国际Our research services continue to provide a substantial income stream.我们的研究服务继续提供可观的收入流。牛津商务She has a steady job with a good salary.她工作稳定收入可观。牛津商务She has donated a sizeable portion of her riches to children's charities.她已为儿童慈善事业捐献了相当可观的财产。剑桥国际She inherited a substantial fortune from her grandmother.她从祖母那里继承了一笔数目可观的遗产。剑桥国际Skilled workers aplenty are available to cope with earthquake damage.现有为数可观的技术工人来对付地震造成的破坏。剑桥国际Substantial discounts are often available to people travelling in large groups.人们如果多人组团旅行的话,经常能得到可观折扣。剑桥国际The box office take (= money received from payments) was huge for the new show.这次新演出的票房收入很可观。剑桥国际The business showed a healthy profit in its first year.商店第一年的利润相当可观。剑桥国际The company has made sizable investments in recent years to improve the plant's efficiency.这家公司近年来为提高工厂的效率进行了可观的投资。剑桥国际The cumulative impact of these small changes was considerable.这些小变化累积下来造成的影响是可观的。剑桥国际The long-distance call tolls amount to quite a sum. 长途电话费数目相当可观。译典通The museum has a good range of mechanical toys.这家博物馆的机械玩具收藏相当可观。剑桥国际The plan calls for a round sum of money. 这个计划需要一笔很可观的钱。译典通The police have been ordered to pay substantial damages to the families of the two dead boys.警方受命向死去两个男孩的家庭支付数额可观的赔偿金。剑桥国际The telecom group have made a healthy profit.电信集团赚取了可观的利润。牛津商务The waitress received a handsome tip. 女侍者收到了数量可观的小费。译典通There are considerable monetary rewards in running a large company.开办大型公司可以带来相当可观的金钱回报。牛津商务There has been considerable growth in the service sector (= the part of the economy involved in this type of business).服务业的增长相当可观。牛津商务These sales figures are a good augury for another profitable year.这些销售额是又一年可观利润的好兆头。剑桥国际We've received a handsome donation from an anonymous benefactor.我们从一位匿名的捐助者那里收到一笔可观的捐赠。剑桥国际You can make a good living (= earn a lot of money) in sales if you have the right attitude.如果你态度正确的话你通过销售得到的收入将非常可观。剑桥国际




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