

单词 剧组
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HATE〕According to Hollywood gossip, both the leading actors were detested by the rest of the cast. 好莱坞有传言说,两名主角都被剧组里的其他演员深恶痛绝。朗文写作活用〔SUPPORT〕Drumming up support for a children's play group proved harder than she had expected. 争取支持成立儿童戏剧组没有她想象的容易。朗文写作活用〔actor〕The college is offering aspiring actors the opportunity to work with a professional cast.该学院正在为有抱负的演员提供加入专业剧组的机会。牛津搭配〔amazed〕He said most of the cast was amazed by the play's success.他说剧组的大部分演员对该剧的成功感到很惊讶。外研社新世纪〔audition〕They're auditioning for new members of the cast for 'Miss Saigon' today.他们今天参加《西贡小姐》剧组招募新演员的试镜。柯林斯高阶〔bail out〕The actor has bailed out of the film after only three weeks' shooting.该演员只拍摄了3个星期就退出了剧组。剑桥高阶〔camp〕The British cast overact and camp it up outrageously.英国剧组表演得异常夸张过火。外研社新世纪〔capture〕The images were captured by TV crews filming outside the base.这些影像是电视剧组人员在外景地拍摄的。柯林斯高阶〔clash〕Behind the scenes, Parsons clashed with almost everyone on the show.在幕后,帕森斯几乎和剧组的所有人都发生过冲突。柯林斯高阶〔costume〕The cast makes its own costumes.剧组自己制作服装。外研社新世纪〔grip〕A member of a film production crew who adjusts sets and props and sometimes assists the camera operator.剧组工作人员:电影摄制剧组中调整布景和道具并不时帮助摄影的工作人员美国传统〔jack in〕Four of the cast jacked it in about Christmas.圣诞节前后剧组中有4个人退出了。柯林斯高阶〔member〕Biographies are available for the cast members.为剧组演员们准备了传记可供阅读。牛津搭配〔offer〕The repertory group is offering two new plays this season.常备剧组在这次将表演两个新剧美国传统〔on〕The play moved on to the next city.剧组转移到下一个城市演出美国传统〔pay off〕He loaned her money only on the condition that she pay off the cast and crew.他借钱给她的条件是她要把演员和剧组人员的薪酬付清。外研社新世纪〔premier danseur〕A man who is the principal dancer in a ballet company.男主角:芭蕾舞剧组中的主要男演员美国传统〔première danseuse〕A woman who is the principal dancer in a ballet company.女主角:芭蕾舞剧组中的主要女演员美国传统〔rehearse〕The cast and crew were only given three and a half weeks to rehearse.演员和剧组工作人员只有3个半星期的时间进行排练。柯林斯高阶〔show〕A theatrical troupe or company.戏剧团,戏剧组美国传统〔sketch〕Her TV programme is made up of a series of comic sketches.她的电视节目由一系列滑稽短剧组成。朗文当代〔start〕Yesterday the drama group started with games and improvisation.昨天的戏剧组以游戏和即兴表演开始。麦克米伦高阶〔straight man〕The partner in a comedy team who feeds lines to the other comedian, who then makes witty replies.丑角助手:喜剧剧组中充当另一位丑角的助手、使其作出机智恢谐的回答的人美国传统〔throw together〕The cast and crew were thrown together for 12 hours a day, six days a week, until the filming was completed.演员和剧组人员每周 6 天,每天 12 小时都呆在一起,一直到影片杀青为止。柯林斯高阶〔twosome〕Morecambe and Wise were a well-loved comedy twosome.莫克姆和怀斯是一对广受喜爱的喜剧组合。外研社新世纪All members of the cast must keep to/stick to/ not depart from the script.所有剧组的成员都必须不脱离剧本。剑桥国际In accepting this award, I would like to thank the producer, the director, the scriptwriter and, lastly, the film crew.接受这个奖时,我要感谢制片人、导演、编剧,最后还有影片剧组。剑桥国际She became president of the local opera group. (esp. Am) 她成为本地歌剧组织的主管人。剑桥国际The film crew didn't want to be seen.电影剧组人员不想被看见。剑桥国际The theatre group has won praise for resuscitating several lesser-known works of world literature.剧组由于救活了几部世界文学中不甚知名的作品而赢得赞赏。剑桥国际




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