单词 | 单位 |
释义 | DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BUILD/BUILDING〕About 3,000 housing units are under construction in the city. 市内约有3,000个住屋单位在建筑之中。朗文写作活用〔MEASURE〕A fathom is the unit of measurement used in calculating sea depth. 英寻是用于计算海底深度的单位。朗文写作活用〔OPINION〕Different people bring different perspectives and values to the workplace. 在工作单位里,不同的人有不同的想法和价值观。朗文写作活用〔abhenry〕The centimeter-gram-second electromagnetic unit of inductance, equal to one billionth of a henry.电磁亨利:厘米-克-秒制中感应系数的电磁单位,相当于一亨利的十亿分之一美国传统〔abvolt〕The centimeter-gram-second electromagnetic unit of potential difference, equal to one hundred-millionth of a volt.电磁伏特:厘米-克-秒制势差的电磁单位,相当于亿分之一伏特美国传统〔atom〕The irreducible, indestructible material unit postulated by ancient atomism.原子:古代唯物论中假定的不可分的、不可破坏的物质单位美国传统〔beat〕A regular, rhythmical unit of time.拍子:一般的韵律时间单位美国传统〔borough〕A civil division of the state of Alaska that is the equivalent of a county in most other U.S. states.阿拉斯加行政区:在阿拉斯加州等同于美国其他州中县的行政单位美国传统〔borrow〕In subtraction, to take a unit from the next larger denomination in the minuend so as to make a number larger than the number to be subtracted.借位:在减法中,从被减数字相邻的一位更大的数字中借用一单位,以便使数字大过减数美国传统〔business card〕A small card printed or engraved with a person's name and business affiliation, including such information as title, address, and telephone number.名片:一种印刷或刻有人名和所在单位,包括类似头衔、地址和电话号码等信息的小卡片美国传统〔carpel〕One of the structural units of a pistil, representing a modified, ovule-bearing leaf.心皮:雌蕊的结构单位之一,表示一片变异的、含胚珠的叶子美国传统〔casual〕A soldier temporarily attached to a unit while awaiting permanent assignment.暂编人员,分遣员:暂时编入某一单位等候固定任命的军士美国传统〔cell〕Computer Science A basic unit of storage in a computer memory that can hold one unit of information, such as a character or word.【计算机科学】 基本存储单元,单元:计算机内存中能够储有一个单位的信息,比如一个字符或字的基本存储单元美国传统〔clan〕A traditional social unit in the Scottish Highlands, consisting of a number of families claiming a common ancestor and following the same hereditary chieftain.宗族:苏格兰高地的传统社会单位,由若干自认是同一祖先的后代和追溯同一世袭族长的家庭组成美国传统〔clique〕There's a clique at work that never talks/who never talk to anyone else.单位有个小集团,他们从来不和其他人说话。剑桥高阶〔commander〕The chief commissioned officer of a military unit regardless of his or her rank.队长,指挥官:军事单位主要的任命官员,与他或她的军衔无关美国传统〔compensate〕To stabilize the purchasing power of (a monetary unit) by changing the gold content in order to counterbalance price variations.补偿:为平抑物价波动通过改变金含量来稳定(货币单位)的购买能力美国传统〔cubic measure〕A unit, such as a cubic foot, or a system of units used to measure volume or capacity.体积量度单位:一种用来测量体积或容量的单位,如立方根或单位体系美国传统〔current〕The amount of electric charge flowing past a specified circuit point per unit time.电流强度:单位时间内通过电路上某一确定点的电荷数美国传统〔divide〕To sector into units of measurement; graduate.刻尺度:将计量单位标以刻度;划分度数美国传统〔doubleword〕Two computer words considered as a single storage entity.双字元:作为一个存储单位的两个计算机字美国传统〔dyne〕A centimeter-gram-second unit of force, equal to the force required to impart an acceleration of one centimeter per second per second to a mass of one gram.达因:以厘米每克每秒计量的单位,等于一克质量的物体每秒中产生每秒一厘米的加速度所需要的力美国传统〔ecosystem〕An ecological community together with its environment, functioning as a unit.生态系统:生物群落及其环境形成的生态单位,它作为一个整体发挥作用美国传统〔empire〕A political unit having an extensive territory or comprising a number of territories or nations and ruled by a single supreme authority.帝国:一个政治单位,具有广大的领土或由许多领土或民族所组成并且由单一的最高权力所统治美国传统〔em〕The width of a square or nearly square piece of type, used as a unit of measure for matter set in that size of type.全身:一个长方形或近似方形的字形的宽度,用来度量以此宽度为单位的长度美国传统〔ensign〕A national flag displayed on ships and aircraft, often with the special insignia of a branch or unit of the armed forces.国旗:挂于船只或飞机上的国旗,常带有部队分队或部队单位的特殊识别标记美国传统〔firefight〕An exchange of gunfire, as between infantry units.交战,火战:如两个步兵单位之间枪火上的交换美国传统〔five〕Something, such as a quintet or a basketball team, that has five parts, units, or members.五个一组:如五重奏或篮球队等由五部分、五个单位或五个成员组成的事物美国传统〔gauss〕The centimeter-gram-second unit of magnetic induction, equal to one maxwell per square centimeter.高斯:电磁感应的厘米-克-秒单位,等于每平方厘米的麦克斯韦尔美国传统〔group〕A military unit consisting of two or more battalions and a headquarters.(美国陆军的)群:包括两个或两个以上的团和一个司令部的军事单位美国传统〔group〕A stratigraphic unit, especially a unit consisting of two or more formations deposited during a single geologic era.地层学单位:地层学中的一个单位,尤指包括在同一地质时期沉积的两个或两个以上地层的单位美国传统〔identity〕An equation that is satisfied by any number that replaces the letter for which the equation is defined.单位(矩)阵:定义式中的字母对任一数字都使恒等式成立的恒等式美国传统〔in (good) working order〕She makes sure the organization's finances are in good order.她证实了单位的财务状况良好。韦氏高阶〔intact〕If the family unit is still intact, the patient frequently does very well.如果家庭单位仍然完整, 那么病人往往恢复得很好。外研社新世纪〔international unit〕A unit of potency for similarly active substances, based on this quantity and accepted as an international standard.国际单位:一个相似活性物质的效能单位,以此量为基础并被作为国际标准单位美国传统〔international unit〕The quantity of a biologically active substance, such as a hormone or vitamin, required to produce a specific response.生物国际单位:生物学活性物质,例如激素或维生素,产生某种特殊效应所需的量美国传统〔langley〕A unit equal to one gram calorie per square centimeter of irradiated surface, used to measure solar radiation.兰利:等于每平方厘米发光表面一克卡的单位,用于测量太阳幅射量美国传统〔lari〕A basic unit of currency in Georgia.拉里:格鲁吉亚基本货币单位美国传统〔licentiate〕One who is granted a license by an authorized body to practice a specified profession.领有执照的人:经有关权力单位授予执照,可以从事某项特殊职业的人美国传统〔lipa〕A unit of currency in Croatia.里帕:克罗地亚货币单位美国传统〔logistically〕Logistically it is very difficult to value unit-linked policies.为单位信托保单估值操作起来非常困难。外研社新世纪〔luminance〕Physics The intensity of light per unit area of its source.【物理学】 亮度:每单位发光区的光的强度美国传统〔luminous flux〕The rate of flow of light per unit of time, especially the flux of visible light expressed in lumens.光通量:单位时间内光通量的比例,尤其是以流明表示的可见光的通量美国传统〔luminous intensity〕The luminous flux density per solid angle as measured in a given direction relative to the emitting source.发光强度:在光源的某一给定方向上测量的固定单位角度上光通量密度美国传统〔magnetic flux〕A measure of the quantity of magnetism, being the total number of magnetic lines of force passing through a specified area in a magnetic field.磁通量:衡量磁性强度的单位,指一个磁场中通过某一特定区域的磁力线的数目总和美国传统〔measure〕A unit specified by a scale, such as an inch, or by variable conditions, such as a day's march.测量单位:用刻度或其它条件(如一天的步数)确定的单位,如英寸、小时等美国传统〔microampere〕A unit of electric current equal to one millionth of an ampere.微安(培):等于百万分之一安培的电流单位美国传统〔microprogramming〕A method of operating the control unit of a computer by breaking down the control instructions into a sequence of small steps.微程序设计:一种操作计算机控制单位的方法,通过将控制指令分解成一系列的小步骤来实现美国传统〔milline〕A unit of advertising copy equal to one agate line one column wide printed in one million copies of a publication.百万行:一种宣传广告品的单位,等于现在一百万份出版物上的一行一栏宽的报纸广告行美国传统〔monetary〕The monetary unit of the UK is the pound.英国的货币单位是英镑。剑桥高阶〔money〕Nobody really liked working for Harrison, but the money was better than most places.没有人真心愿为哈里森工作,但他给的薪金比大多数单位要高。英汉大词典〔morphosyntax〕The study of grammatical categories or linguistic units that have both morphological and syntactic properties.词素句法:对既有形态功能又有句法功能的语法种类或语言单位的研究美国传统〔nakfa〕A basic unit of currency in Eritrea.纳克法:厄利特里亚基本货币单位美国传统〔nucleosome〕Any of the repeating subunits of chromatin, consisting of a DNA chain coiled around a core of histones.核小体:染色质反复的从属单位,由盘绕在组蛋白核的脱氧核糖核酸链条构成美国传统〔ohmmeter〕An instrument for direct measurement in ohms of the resistance of a conductor in ohms.欧姆:以欧姆为单位来对导体电阻进行直接测量的仪器美国传统〔poisha〕A unit of currency in Bangladesh.波依夏:孟加拉国货币单位美国传统〔political〕How political is your office or workplace?你们办公室或单位里的人事关系复杂不复杂?外研社新世纪〔pound sign〕The symbol (#) for a pound as a unit of weight.磅的符号:重量单位磅的符号(#)美国传统〔pound〕A unit of weight differing in various countries and times.不同重量单位:在各个国家及时代各不相同的重量单位美国传统〔precinct〕A subdivision or district of a city or town under the jurisdiction of or patrolled by a specific unit of its police force.管辖区:城市或城镇的分区或地区,由警察机构的特定单位对其进行管辖或巡逻美国传统〔preindustrial〕The preindustrial family was a self-sufficient unit.工业化以前的家庭是一个自给自足的单位。英汉大词典〔primitive〕Computer Science A basic or fundamental unit of machine instruction or translation.【计算机科学】 基元:机器指令和翻译的最小的或最基本单位美国传统〔province〕Any of various lands outside Italy conquered by the Romans and administered by them as self-contained units.行省:各种在意大利以外被罗马人征服的并作为自足的单位由他们管理的土地美国传统〔provost marshal〕The head of a unit of military police.宪兵司令:军事警察单位的首领美国传统〔purchasing power〕The value of a particular monetary unit in terms of the goods or services that can be purchased with it.(货币的)购买力:根据一种特定货币单位所能购得的货物或服务而衡量的此货币单位的价值美国传统〔qepiq〕A unit of currency in Azerbaijan.切皮克:阿塞拜疆货币单位美国传统〔quantum theory〕The theory that radiant energy is transmitted in the form of discrete units.量子论:以分立单位的形式传递辐射能量的理论美国传统〔quarter section〕A land unit equal to a quarter of a section and measuring ½ of a mile on a side.约四分之一平方公里的地:相当于¼平方英里土地单位,每边长为½英里美国传统〔radiance〕Physics The radiant energy emitted per unit time in a specified direction by a unit area of an emitting surface.【物理学】 辐射能:单位辐射平面在单位时间内向某一方向发出辐射能美国传统〔recruit〕To engage (persons) for military service.征募:给军事单位征召(人员)美国传统〔return〕Output or yield per unit rather than cost per unit, as in the manufacturing of a particular product.生产量:单位产品或生产量而非每单位成本,如在某特殊产品的制造过程中美国传统〔ring in〕Cecil wasn't there, having rung in to say he was taking the day off.塞西尔不在单位,他已经打电话请假了。柯林斯高阶〔roll〕A quantity, as of cloth or wallpaper, rolled into a cylinder and often considered as a unit of measure.一卷:一卷布或一卷墙纸等被卷成圆筒状且通常被当作度量单位的数量美国传统〔rulebook〕The rulebook said that he should be provided with protective clothing.规则手册上说,单位应为他提供防护服。英汉大词典〔sabin〕A unit of acoustic absorption equivalent to the absorption by one square foot of a surface that absorbs all incident sound.赛(宾):吸声计算单位,等于一平方英寸的表面所吸收的全部外来声音的吸收量美国传统〔section〕A unit of vessels or aircraft within a division of armed forces.分队:在军队中的海军舰队分队和航空兵分队的作战单位美国传统〔section〕An army tactical unit smaller than a platoon and larger than a squad.小队:比排小比班大的军队作战单位美国传统〔silver standard〕A monetary standard under which a specified quantity of silver constitutes the basic unit of currency.银本位:一种货币标准,在其中特定量的银构成货币的基本单位美国传统〔som〕A basic unit of currency in Kyrgyzstan.索姆:吉尔吉斯斯坦基本货币单位美国传统〔square measure〕A system of units used in measuring area.平方单位制:用于量度面积的平方单位制美国传统〔storage cell〕Computer Science An elementary unit of storage.【计算机科学】 存储单元,存储格:存储的基本单位美国传统〔takeoff〕At eight o'clock all units were in takeoff position.8点钟时,各单位均已处在出动位置。英汉大词典〔terms〕Try to keep on good terms with everyone at your place of employment.在工作单位要尽量与大家友好相处。外研社新世纪〔term〕The sampling units (hereafter termed 'local areas') are towns.抽样单位(以下称为“地方”)为城镇。牛津搭配〔tetrameter〕A unit consisting of two pairs of feet in classical prosody.古典韵律学中由两对韵脚组成的单位美国传统〔timework〕Work paid for at a rate per unit of time, as by the hour.计时工作:以时间单位数,如小时数付工资的工作美国传统〔trust〕Investing in a unit trust reduces risks for small investors.对小额投资者来说,投资单位信托公司可以减低风险。牛津搭配〔tyiyn〕A unit of currency in Kyrgyzstan.提恩:吉尔吉斯斯坦货币单位美国传统〔unit〕A centimetre is a unit of length.厘米是长度单位。剑桥高阶〔unit〕Feet and meters are units of length.英尺和米是长度单位。韦氏高阶〔unit〕This study's unit of analysis is the individual hospital.该研究的分析单位是单个医院。牛津搭配〔unit〕Women are advised not to drink more than fourteen units of alcohol per week.建议妇女每周饮酒不超过十四个酒精单位。牛津高阶〔weight〕The kilogram is the weight used in the metric system.千克是公制重量单位。外研社新世纪〔yellow pages〕A volume or section of a telephone directory that lists businesses, services, or products alphabetically according to field.黄色电话薄:根据不同领域,按字母顺序列出商业、服务单位或产品的一卷或一部分的电话薄美国传统〔zero〕A cardinal number indicating the absence of any or all units under consideration.零:基数,表示在考虑下不存在的任一或所有的单位美国传统A centimetre is a unit of length.厘米是长度单位。剑桥国际As well as having many privileges, the patriarch of each family unit has many responsibilities.除了有很多的特权外,每个家庭单位的家长也有很多责任。剑桥国际The authorities launched a massive manhunt, and were able to catch them in one clean sweep. 有关单位对于恐怖分子展开了大规模的追缉,终于将他们一网打尽。译典通The monetary unit in the US is the dollar. 美国的货币单位是"元"。译典通We have a system for allocating direct overheads between the different production units.我们拥有一套在不同生产单位之间摊销直接费用的制度。牛津商务 |
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