

单词 卑鄙的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SOB〕I hate that miserable SOB.我痛恨那个卑鄙的王八蛋。韦氏高阶〔UNKIND〕I never thought he was capable of doing such a mean thing to his brother. 我从未想到他竟然对自己的弟弟做出这么卑鄙的事来。朗文写作活用〔act〕Why did he commit this despicable act?他为什么做出这么一件卑鄙的事情?外研社新世纪〔artifice〕Subtle but base deception; trickery.阴谋:精明的但是卑鄙的欺骗;圈套美国传统〔badass〕Mean; belligerent.卑鄙的;好斗的美国传统〔baseness〕The quality or state of being contemptible, mean-spirited, or selfish.卑鄙,下贱:卑鄙的、下贱的或自私的性质或状态美国传统〔beast〕A brutal, contemptible person.野蛮、卑鄙的人美国传统〔beggarly〕So mean, petty, or paltry as to deserve contempt.卑鄙的:下贱的、微不足道的或没有价值以至应该轻蔑的美国传统〔buzzard〕The selfish old buzzard! 这个自私卑鄙的老家伙!麦克米伦高阶〔call〕How could you do such a nasty thing and still call yourself my friend? 你怎能干出这样卑鄙的事,竟还自称我的朋友?英汉大词典〔cheap〕He's just a cheap crook.他简直是个卑鄙的骗子。牛津高阶〔cheap〕It was nothing but a cheap trick (=unkind trick) .那只不过是个卑鄙的伎俩。朗文当代〔cocksucker〕A mean or despicable person.卑鄙的或可鄙的人美国传统〔come to〕He's a dirty cheat, and I'm going to see that he gets what's coming to him.他是个卑鄙的骗子,我倒要看看他的下场。韦氏高阶〔contemptible〕I've never met a more selfish, contemptible person.我还从未见过比他更自私卑鄙的人。韦氏高阶〔crappy〕Mean; contemptible.卑鄙的;卑劣的美国传统〔creature〕You vile creature,get out of my house.你这个卑鄙的家伙,从我家滚出去。英汉大词典〔crud〕One who is contemptible or disgusting.卑鄙的人,令人厌恶的人美国传统〔cunning〕She used low cunning(= dishonest behaviour)to get what she wanted.她用了卑鄙的欺诈手段来获取她想得到的东西。牛津高阶〔cunning〕She would use low cunning (=unpleasant dishonest methods) to win people's sympathy.她会耍卑鄙的花招来博得别人的同情。朗文当代〔dastardly〕Cowardly and malicious; base.卑怯的:胆小而恶毒的;卑鄙的美国传统〔dastardly〕The heiress is badly treated by her dastardly uncle.这位女继承人受到她那卑鄙的叔叔的虐待。外研社新世纪〔demean〕She demeans herself by doing his dirty work.她替他干卑鄙的勾当,贬低了自己的人格。牛津同义词〔descend〕I never descend to such meanness.我决不干这种卑鄙的事情。21世纪英汉〔despicable〕Deserving of contempt or scorn; vile.可鄙的;卑鄙的:应受谴责或唾弃的;卑鄙的美国传统〔despicable〕She is a despicable traitor.她是个卑鄙的叛徒。韦氏高阶〔dirty trick〕He claimed he was the victim of a dirty tricks campaign..他声称他是一场卑鄙的竞选运动的牺牲品。柯林斯高阶〔dirty trick〕The only way he could get what he wanted was by means of a dirty trick.他只能用卑鄙的手段得到自己想要的东西。外研社新世纪〔dirty〕He's a dirty liar! 他是个卑鄙的骗子!韦氏高阶〔dirty〕That's a dirty lie! 那是卑鄙的谎言!剑桥高阶〔dirty〕What a dirty trick! 多么卑鄙的伎俩!朗文当代〔dirty〕You dirty liar.你这个卑鄙的骗子。外研社新世纪〔dirt〕One that is mean, contemptible, or vile.卑鄙的人:卑鄙、可鄙或邪恶的人美国传统〔double cross〕He accused his manager of a dirty double cross.他指控经理卑鄙的背叛行为。韦氏高阶〔double-crosser〕They're a couple of dirty double-crossers.他们是两个卑鄙的叛徒。韦氏高阶〔filthy〕That's a filthy lie! 那是个卑鄙的谎言!韦氏高阶〔fink〕A contemptible person.卑鄙的家伙美国传统〔foul play〕Unfair or treacherous action, especially when involving violence.卑鄙的行径:不公平的或不忠实的行为,尤指涉及暴行时美国传统〔gamy〕Sordid; seamy.卑鄙的;肮脏的美国传统〔git〕He's a miserable old git.他是个卑鄙的老混蛋。剑桥高阶〔heel〕Informal A dishonorable man; a cad.【非正式用语】 名声不佳的人:卑鄙的家伙;无赖美国传统〔hireling〕He's not the boss, he's just a hireling employed to do the dirty work.他不是老板,只是被雇来干那些卑鄙的勾当。剑桥高阶〔illiberal〕Ill-bred; vulgar.卑鄙的;粗俗的美国传统〔ingrate〕You base ingrate! 你这个卑鄙的忘恩负义之徒!英汉大词典〔insinuate〕He destroyed the witness's character by insinuating base motives to his actions.他旁敲侧击地说证人的举动出于卑鄙的动机,以破坏其名誉。英汉大词典〔little〕She has a dirty little secret.她有个肮脏卑鄙的秘密。韦氏高阶〔louse〕I don't care who he is, I think he's a louse.不管他是谁, 我都觉得他是个卑鄙的家伙。外研社新世纪〔low〕He wouldn't sink as low as that.他不会堕落到那样卑鄙的地步。英汉大词典〔low〕That was a low trick.那是卑鄙的伎俩。麦克米伦高阶〔low〕That was a pretty low trick to play.那是一种很卑鄙的伎俩。剑桥高阶〔mangy〕Mean; contemptible.低贱的:低下的;卑鄙的美国传统〔mean-spirited〕Having or characterized by a malicious or petty spirit.小气的,度量狭窄的:具有卑鄙的、小气的心绪的或以其为特征的美国传统〔mean〕It is mean to spread gossip about others.散布有关他人的流言蜚语是卑鄙的。英汉大词典〔mean〕That was a pretty mean trick.那把戏可是够卑鄙的。牛津搭配〔motherfucker〕Something regarded as thoroughly unpleasant, frustrating, or despicable.讨厌的:被认为是完全令人不高兴的、使人泄气的或卑鄙的东西美国传统〔mother〕He's the meanest mother in the city.他是城里最卑鄙的混账东西。外研社新世纪〔mother〕That guy is one mean mother.那家伙是个卑鄙的混账东西。韦氏高阶〔notoriety〕He achieved a certain notoriety after his recent mean acts.他最近卑鄙的所作所为使他成了一个臭名昭著的人物。英汉大词典〔pitiful〕She made a pitiful attempt to complete her work.她通过卑鄙的手段去完成她的工作。韦氏高阶〔poisonous〕She lay awake half the night tormented by poisonous suspicions.她醒着躺了半宿, 为各种卑鄙的猜疑所折磨。外研社新世纪〔poor〕He is a poor creature.他是个卑鄙的东西。英汉大词典〔pull〕He pulled a really mean trick on his sister.他对妹妹耍了个非常卑鄙的花招。外研社新世纪〔reptile〕A person regarded as despicable or treacherous.卑鄙的人:被认为是卑鄙的或奸诈的人美国传统〔reptilian〕Despicable; treacherous.卑鄙的;奸诈的美国传统〔scumbag〕A person regarded as despicable.卑鄙的人:被认为是可鄙的人美国传统〔scummy〕That's a scummy trick.这是一种卑鄙的伎俩。英汉大词典〔scurvy〕Mean; contemptible.下流的;卑鄙的美国传统〔shit〕A person regarded as mean or contemptible.下流卑鄙的人:一个被认为是卑鄙或可耻的人美国传统〔skunk〕A person regarded as obnoxious or despicable.卑鄙(或可恶)的人:被认为是讨厌的或卑鄙的人美国传统〔slime〕Vile or disgusting matter.卑鄙的或令人作呕的东西美国传统〔slimy〕I've worked hard for what I have and I don't want it taken away by some slimy business partner.我辛辛苦苦才挣到了这一切,我不希望它们被某个卑鄙的生意伙伴夺走。柯林斯高阶〔sneak〕You told Mrs Cooper that it was me who tipped the paint over, didn't you - you nasty little sneak! 是你告诉了库珀夫人我打翻了油漆,对吗——你这卑鄙的告密者!剑桥高阶〔sordid〕He sat with his head buried in his hands as his sordid double life was revealed.自己卑鄙的双重生活被揭穿后,他双手抱头坐在那里。柯林斯高阶〔sordid〕It was a sordid war.那是一场卑鄙的战争。英汉大词典〔squalid〕The Tory Party called the bill 'the most squalid measure ever put before the Commons'.保守党称该议案为“有史以来向下议院提出的最卑鄙的议案”。柯林斯高阶〔streak〕She suddenly revealed a mean streak in her character.她突然间显露出个性中卑鄙的一面。牛津搭配〔swine〕He realised what a swine he had been.他意识到了自己是一个多么卑鄙的人。外研社新世纪〔trick〕He was willing to use any dirty trick to get what he wanted.为了得到他想要的东西, 他不惜使用任何卑鄙的欺骗手段。外研社新世纪〔trick〕It was a very dirty trick to play on anyone.这是一种非常卑鄙的手段。麦克米伦高阶〔trick〕They had carried out a dirty tricks campaign against a rival airline.他们使出卑鄙的手段来打击与之竞争的一家航空公司。麦克米伦高阶〔tyke〕Chiefly British A man considered uncouth or mean; a boor.【多用于英国】 被认为粗鲁的或卑鄙的人;举止粗鲁的人美国传统〔viciously〕It is a deliberate, nasty and vicious attack on a young man's character.这是对一个年轻人品格蓄意的、卑鄙的、恶毒的攻击。柯林斯高阶〔vicious〕It is a deliberate, nasty and vicious attack on a young man's character.这是对一个年轻人品格蓄意的、卑鄙的、恶毒的攻击。外研社新世纪〔vile〕Of mean or low condition.卑鄙的或者恶劣的美国传统〔worthless〕Low; despicable.卑鄙的:缺乏道德品质的,卑鄙的美国传统All the sordid details of the company's deception were published.这家公司所有卑鄙的欺诈行为被公布于众。剑桥国际Do not mix with vile characters. 不要与卑鄙的人交往。译典通He played a low trick. 他玩弄卑鄙的伎俩。译典通He's just a worm, he's always nice to people when he's with them and then says horrid things about them later.他真是个卑鄙的家伙,总是当面对别人很好,接着又在背后说他们的坏话。剑桥国际I don't know how you can do business with a turd like him.我不知道你怎么能同他这样卑鄙的人做生意。剑桥国际I'll see you in court, you filthy scoundrel! 我和你法庭上见,你这个卑鄙的无赖!剑桥国际She sees the business of making money as just grubby opportunism.她把赚钱的买卖看作是可卑鄙的机会主义。剑桥国际That mean old git would have me in court tomorrow if he could.那个卑鄙的老家伙,如果他能做到的话,会明天把我送上法庭的。剑桥国际That was a pretty low-down thing to do.那是件相当卑鄙的事。剑桥国际That's a dirty lie! 那是个卑鄙的谎言!剑桥国际The President always gets someone else to do his dirty deeds for him.总统总是让他人替他去干卑鄙的事情。剑桥国际They made a grubby compromise with one of the opposition parties.他们和反对党中的一个达成了卑鄙的妥协。剑桥国际Those are dirty deeds. 那些是卑鄙的行为。译典通You told Mrs Cooper that it was me who tipped the paint over, didn't you--you nasty little sneak! 是你告诉库珀夫人我打翻了油漆,对吗----你这卑鄙的小告密者!剑桥国际You're a dirty cheat! 你是个卑鄙的骗子!剑桥国际




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