

单词 别处
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTRACT/ATTRACTION〕The staff includes many top scientists who left attractive jobs elsewhere to join the hard-driving CEO. 员工中有许多是一流的科学家,他们辞去了别处条件诱人的工作,来追随这位干劲冲天的执行总裁。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕Investors took their money elsewhere, prompting a far-reaching economic crisis. 投资者把钱投往别处,引起了影响深远的经济危机。朗文写作活用〔PLACE〕In the Sonoran Desert there are plants that grow nowhere else in the country. 索诺兰沙漠生长着该国别处没有的植物。朗文写作活用〔PLACE〕Make your home difficult to get into, and burglars will go elsewhere. 让住宅变得难以闯入,这样窃贼就会去别处了。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕Specially treated copper wires conduct the signal from the amplifier to the speakers. 经过特别处理的铜线将信号从扩音器传送到扬声器。朗文写作活用〔USE〕The meeting room is in use at the moment, so we'll have to go somewhere else. 现在会议室在使用,我们只能去别处了。朗文写作活用〔WHEN〕Every time she sees me she says looks away. 她每次看见我都把目光移向别处。朗文写作活用〔adoption〕John is a Minnesotan by adoption.约翰是从别处移居明尼苏达的人。英汉大词典〔advanced standing〕The status of a college student granted credit, usually after passing a qualifying test, for courses omitted or taken elsewhere.免修学分资格:大学学生通常在通过资格考试后为免修或在别处修习一些课程来获得学分时所处的情况美国传统〔avert〕He looked up, and she quickly averted her gaze.他抬起头,她就迅速转过眼睛看别处了。牛津搭配〔away〕Bruce was staring at her. She looked away, feeling suddenly shy and embarrassed.布鲁斯注视着她。她突然感到害羞和尴尬,便转头往别处看去。麦克米伦高阶〔away〕Charley blushed and looked away, embarrassed.查利脸红了,难为情地掉头看向别处。朗文当代〔away〕The bright light made her look away.强光使她把视线转向别处。牛津高阶〔borable〕His eyes bored into me and I had to look away.他双眼盯着我看,我只好看别处。21世纪英汉〔catch〕Every time she caught his eye, she would glance away embarrassed.每次遇到他的目光,她都会窘迫地往别处看。朗文当代〔cenotaph〕A monument erected in honor of a dead person whose remains lie elsewhere.衣冠冢:为葬于别处的死者所立的纪念碑美国传统〔comparison〕Our problems don't bear comparison with those elsewhere.我们的问题与别处的问题不能相提并论。牛津搭配〔confidence〕He would lack the confidence to find a job elsewhere.他会缺乏到别处找工作的信心。麦克米伦高阶〔corkage〕A charge exacted at a restaurant for every bottle of liquor served that was not bought on the premises.开瓶费:餐馆对顾客在别处所购买的瓶装酒提供服务所收费用美国传统〔custom〕If we don't give good service, people will take their custom elsewhere.如果我们不能提供良好的服务,人们就会光顾别处。剑桥高阶〔cut your own throat〕They ended up cutting their own throats when they raised prices because their customers went elsewhere.他们涨价后陷入了困境,因为顾客都到别处去了。韦氏高阶〔displace〕The building of a new dam will displace thousands of people who live in this area.建造新水坝将迫使居住在这一地区的数千人迁往别处。剑桥高阶〔distant〕There was a distant look in her eyes from time to time, her thoughts elsewhere.她眼中时时流露出心不在焉的神情,思绪已飘至别处。柯林斯高阶〔duplicate〕Scientists hope the work done in collaboration with other researchers may be duplicated elsewhere.科学家们希望与其他研究人员合作的成果可以适用于别处。柯林斯高阶〔earn〕You could earn a higher rate of interest elsewhere.你在别处可以获得更高的利率。朗文当代〔elsewhere〕If you are not satisfied then go elsewhere.如果你不满意, 就到别处去。外研社新世纪〔elsewhere〕In 1998 the market closed down and traders moved elsewhere.1998年市场关闭了,经营者搬到了别处。麦克米伦高阶〔elsewhere〕Our favourite restaurant was closed, so we had to go elsewhere.我们最喜欢的餐馆已关门了,所以我们只好到别处去。牛津高阶〔elsewhere〕The angry customer said he would take his business elsewhere.愤怒的客户表示他将把生意转到别处去。韦氏高阶〔elsewhere〕The answer to the problem must be sought elsewhere.这个问题的答案必须在别处寻找。牛津高阶〔elsewhere〕The government is unlikely to help, so the money must come from elsewhere.政府不可能会为该计划提供资金帮助,因此必须从别处筹钱。麦克米伦高阶〔elsewhere〕The question is discussed elsewhere in the book.该问题在书中别处另有讨论。麦克米伦高阶〔elsewhere〕The species is found elsewhere.这物种生长在别处。英汉大词典〔elsewhere〕They couldn't find what they wanted and decided to look elsewhere.他们找不到他们想要的东西,就决定到别处去看看。剑桥高阶〔elsewhere〕They went elsewhere.他们到别处去了。英汉大词典〔elsewhere〕Until the doctor arrived from elsewhere on the ward, Amy was in charge.在医生从别处赶到病房前,这里由埃米负责。柯林斯高阶〔elsewhere〕You can go elsewhere.你可以到别处去。文馨英汉〔else〕It was time he applied somewhere else.他该往别处去申请了。英汉大词典〔fight〕She looked away, fighting back her tears .她看着别处,强忍住泪水。朗文当代〔fire〕Crowds elsewhere drew fire from troops.别处的人群成了军队射击的目标。外研社新世纪〔flatteringly〕He had been described elsewhere, less flatteringly, as 'The Young Frog'.他在别处被称作“小青蛙”, 这一说法可不太好听。外研社新世纪〔flush〕Susan flushed deeply and looked away.苏珊脸涨得通红,她把眼睛转向了别处。朗文当代〔gambler〕He had never been afraid of failure: he was a gambler, ready to go off somewhere else and start all over again.他从来都不害怕失败:他是个冒险家,随时准备到别处从头再来。柯林斯高阶〔get〕I never get to see her now that she works somewhere else.我再也没见到过她,因为她现在在别处工作。剑桥高阶〔glare〕She prefers to live away from the glare of London.她更喜欢远离伦敦的浮华, 居在别处。外研社新世纪〔grass〕He was very happy with us but wanted to see if the grass was greener elsewhere.他对我们很满意, 但还是想看看别处是否更好。外研社新世纪〔home guard〕A volunteer force formed to defend a homeland while the regular army is fighting elsewhere.国民自卫军:一支志愿组成的军队,在正规军在别处战斗时以保卫国土美国传统〔indirectly〕Businesses are feeling the indirect effects from the recession that's going on elsewhere.企业感受到了别处经济衰退带来的间接影响。柯林斯高阶〔indirect〕Businesses are feeling the indirect effects from the recession that's going on elsewhere.企业正感受到发生在别处的经济衰退带来的间接影响。外研社新世纪〔inroads〕In Italy, as elsewhere, television has made deep inroads into cinema.在意大利,跟在别处一样,电视严重影响了电影市场,夺走了大批观众。柯林斯高阶〔jazzy〕I could hear jazzy piano music from somewhere.我能听到从别处传来爵士乐风格的钢琴曲。外研社新世纪〔lie〕He realised his future lay elsewhere.他意识到自己的未来在别处。外研社新世纪〔location〕The company is moving its factory to a different location.公司将把工厂搬到别处。韦氏高阶〔look〕She smiled at me and then looked away.她朝我笑了笑,便看向别处。韦氏高阶〔look〕Want a quiet country retreat for your weekend break? Then look no further! 周末想在乡村找一个安静的去处吗?那不用到别处找了!朗文当代〔meet〕Our eyes met momentarily, then he looked away.我们的目光短暂相遇,他又看向了别处。朗文当代〔metastasis〕A secondary cancerous growth formed by transmission of cancerous cells from a primary growth located elsewhere in the body.转移瘤:继发性癌肿,由从生长在身体别处的初期癌肿转移来的癌细胞形成美国传统〔moved〕The family had to be moved because of an attack on their home.这家人在住处遭受袭击后,只好举家迁往别处。柯林斯高阶〔nes.〕Not elsewhere specified.别处没有说明美国传统〔nod〕I was ready to nod at her, but her eyes travelled past me.我打算同她打招呼,可是她的眼光越过我朝别处看了。英汉大词典〔nowhere〕Nowhere else could one find such beautiful scenery.别处找不到这样美丽的景色。英汉大词典〔primary care〕The medical care a patient receives upon first contact with the health care system, before referral elsewhere within the system.最初保健护理:病人首次接触医疗保健系统里时所受到的医疗护理,然后在此系统内转向别处美国传统〔quarter〕I can get it elsewhere for a quarter (of) the price.我只要用四分之一的钱就可以在别处买到这东西。英汉大词典〔read〕I have read of such things happening elsewhere.我知道别处也发生过这种事情。韦氏高阶〔reference〕A mark or footnote used to direct a reader elsewhere for additional information.参照符号:用来引导读者到别处寻找附加信息的符号或脚注美国传统〔revolving door〕Informal An organization, an institution, or a place whose members, personnel, or population remain only a short time before going elsewhere.【非正式用语】 循环活动:一种组织、研究所或地方,其成员、人员或人口只在去别处前保留一段很短的时间美国传统〔ripple〕The problems in one place create ripples elsewhere.一个地方的种种问题会在别处引起反响。牛津搭配〔run〕As soon as he looked the other way, we ran for it.他的眼睛一往别处看,我们就赶快逃跑。麦克米伦高阶〔seduce〕He was seduced into leaving the company by the offer of higher pay elsewhere.别处有人以更高的工资唆使他脱离公司。英汉大词典〔shift〕The government has shifted its attention away from the fight against crime.政府将其注意力从打击犯罪上转移到了别处。麦克米伦高阶〔showstopper〕A particularly arresting person or thing, especially one that draws attention away from others or brings a course of action to a halt.特别受欢迎的人或物:一个特别有吸引力的人或事物,尤指能把注意力从别处引过来或使活动进程中断的人或事物美国传统〔somewhere〕I've already looked there—it must be somewhere else.我已经去那儿看过了,肯定是在别处。牛津高阶〔stay away〕He stayed away for three years.他在别处待了三年。外研社新世纪〔such〕She looked at him in such distress that he had to look away.她如此痛苦地看着他,他不得不把目光转向别处。柯林斯高阶〔talk about sth/doing sth〕They're always talking about selling the house and moving away.他们总是说打算卖掉房子搬到别处去。剑桥高阶〔tear〕He will watch the football game if he can bear to tearhimself away from delights elsewhere.如果他能舍得放弃别处的消遣,他就去看足球赛。英汉大词典〔then〕He glanced quickly at Sally and then looked away again.他迅速地扫了萨莉一眼,接着又把目光转向别处。麦克米伦高阶〔throw〕He throws his voice.他能(用腹语术等)使说话声听起来像从别处传过来似的。英汉大词典〔throw〕Ventriloquists can throw their voices so that their dummies appear to speak.会腹语的人能使他们的声音听起来像是从别处传来的,以至于好像是他们的假人在说话。韦氏高阶〔transfer〕The shop closed and the business was transferred somewhere else.那家店铺已经关门,迁到别处去营业了。英汉大词典〔transplant〕Adults are not flexible, so they do not transplant comfortably to another place.成年人适应性差,所以移居别处会感到不舒服。英汉大词典〔trifling〕Outside California these difficulties may seem fairly trifling.在别处,加利福尼亚的这些困难可能看起来相当微不足道。柯林斯高阶〔turf〕Lift the turfs carefully — they can be re-used elsewhere.抬草皮时小心点——它们还能在别处重新利用。外研社新世纪〔turf〕Lift the turfs carefully — they can be reused elsewhere.抬草皮时小心点——它们还能在别处重新利用。柯林斯高阶〔turn〕She turned her head away.她把头扭向别处。牛津高阶〔unbundling〕The separate pricing of goods and services.分别处理商品和服务的价格美国传统〔uncompetitive〕As long as the school system keeps offering uncompetitive wages, people looking for jobs will apply elsewhere.只要教育系统给出的工资依旧缺乏竞争力,找工作的人就会到别处去求职。韦氏高阶〔untoward〕Tampering with a single enzyme can lead to untoward effects elsewhere.破坏一种酶可能会导致在别处出现异常。柯林斯高阶〔uproot〕He had no wish to uproot Dena from her present home.他没想过让德娜离开现在的家去别处居住。外研社新世纪〔uproot〕He had no wish to uproot Dena from her present home.他没想过让德娜离开现在的家去别处居住。柯林斯高阶〔wrongly〕It is wrong that we have to tell ill people to go somewhere else to look for treatment.我们不得不让病人到别处求医的做法是不可取的。柯林斯高阶He lived elsewhere during the summer months. 他夏天住在别处。译典通Her eyes kept straying from the page. 她的目光老是不由自主地离开书页往别处看。译典通Make sure you go to the KaDeWe emporium when you're in Berlin -- if you can't find what you want there, you won't find it anywhere.在柏林你一定得去趟卡德 韦商场----如果你在那儿找不到你想要的东西,在别处也都找不到。剑桥国际People are being enticed away from the profession by higher salaries elsewhere.人们被别处的更高薪所诱而离开现职。剑桥国际Some of his ideas were borrowed from other sources. 他的某些见解是从别处借用来的。译典通The vehicle leaves the factory completely knocked-down for assembly elsewhere.车辆离开工厂时完全是散件,到别处再进行组装。牛津商务These nomadic people don't stay in one place for long--they soon move on.这些游牧族人不会在一处久留----他们很快迁移到别处。剑桥国际They couldn't find what they wanted and decided to look elsewhere.他们找不到他们要的东西,决定到别处找找看。剑桥国际We do cash cheques for people who bank elsewhere but we have to impose a handling charge to cover our costs.我们为在别处开户的人们办理支票支付,但我们要收取手续费来弥补成本。剑桥国际




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