

单词 匿迹
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALMOST〕Communist parties have practically disappeared in Europe. 这些政党在欧洲几乎已销声匿迹。朗文写作活用〔blow〕The storm blew over quickly. The scandal will soon blow over.风暴迅速减退。丑闻将很快销声匿迹美国传统〔civilized〕I believed that in civilized countries, torture had ended long ago.我原以为在文明国家, 严刑拷打早已销声匿迹。外研社新世纪〔civilized〕I believed that in civilized countries, torture had ended long ago.我原以为在文明国家,严刑拷打早已销声匿迹。柯林斯高阶〔continue〕Once, he did dive for cover but he soon reappeared and continued his activities.他确实一度销声匿迹,但是很快就重出江湖,继续他的各种活动。柯林斯高阶〔die hard〕Such rumors die hard.这种流言很难销声匿迹。韦氏高阶〔die out〕Like most fads, this one eventually died out.像大部分流行风尚一样,这个最后也日渐销声匿迹。韦氏高阶〔disappear before〕The rumour had to disappear before facts.在事实面前谣言只得销声匿迹。21世纪英汉〔fallow〕Contemporary dance is coming onto the arts scene again after a long fallow period.当代舞蹈经过一段长时期销声匿迹以后现在又回到了艺术舞台。牛津高阶〔fallow〕The band went through a fallow period in the late 90s.20 世纪 90 年代后期,那支乐队销声匿迹了一段时间。朗文当代〔fizzle〕He had a great rookie season and then just fizzled out.他在新秀赛季时打得非常好,之后却销声匿迹了。韦氏高阶〔ground〕The man has gone to ground since his photograph was published in a national newspaper.那人自从照片上了一家全国性的报纸以后就销声匿迹了。朗文当代〔internet〕Many of the sites launched at the peak of the Internet boom have now disappeared.许多在网络繁荣顶峰时期成立的网站现在已经销声匿迹了。牛津搭配〔novelty act〕The band was a novelty act that had two hits and then disappeared.这支乐队只是昙花一现,有过两首热门歌曲,然后就销声匿迹了。韦氏高阶〔peter out〕Come August, coverage of the story had all but petered out.到了8月份, 对此事的报道几乎销声匿迹了。外研社新世纪〔scene〕After years at the top, she just vanished from the scene.她在圈内雄踞首位许多年,突然销声匿迹了。牛津高阶〔scene〕Many of the stars of the nineties have completely vanished from the music scene.许多 90 年代的明星已经从乐坛销声匿迹了。牛津搭配〔sink like a stone〕His last movie sank like a stone.他上一部电影很快就销声匿迹了。韦氏高阶〔sink without (a) trace〕Since his last book five years ago, he seems to have sunk without trace.自从5年前出了最后一本书,他好像就销声匿迹,踪影全无。剑桥高阶〔sink without a trace〕Her first album was a big success, but after that she sank without a trace.她的首张专辑大获成功,但之后她就销声匿迹了。韦氏高阶〔trace〕The Social Democratic Party has sunk without trace at these elections.社会民主党在这些选举中已销声匿迹。柯林斯高阶He planned to escape and then lie low for at least a year.他计划逃跑,然后至少有一年时间消声匿迹。剑桥国际The whole tribe seem to have disappeared off /been wiped off the face of the earth (= disappeared completely or been completely got rid of).整个部落似乎从地球上消声匿迹了。剑桥国际




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