

单词 取得成功
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕when a company or product is successful 某公司或某产品取得成功朗文写作活用〔anxiety〕sb.'s anxiety to succeed 某人想取得成功的急切心情英汉大词典〔dint〕succeeded by dint of hard work. 依靠艰苦努力取得成功美国传统〔element〕ambition as a key factor in her success; 雄心是她取得成功的关键因素;美国传统〔gritty〕a gritty determination to succeed 取得成功的坚定决心麦克米伦高阶〔gritty〕a strong whiff of honesty and a gritty voice to carry it all off用无比的真诚和沙哑的嗓音来取得成功外研社新世纪〔legitimate〕legitimate means for achieving success 取得成功的合法途径韦氏高阶〔motivation〕his strong motivation to succeed 他想取得成功的强大动力牛津搭配〔odds〕a new company that has beaten the odds and succeeded (=it was not likely to succeed, but it did) 战胜逆境、取得成功的一家新公司朗文当代〔price〕believes that the price of success is hard work. 相信取得成功的代价便是努力地工作美国传统〔respective〕successful in their respective fields. 在他们各自的领域都取得成功美国传统〔slog away〕keep slogging away! You must achieve success.坚持苦干吧!你一定能取得成功。21世纪英汉〔spur〕the coach who spurred him on to Olympic success 激励他在奥运会上取得成功的教练朗文当代〔succeed〕the pressure on children to succeed academically 孩子们学业取得成功的压力牛津搭配〔teamwork〕achieving our success through effective teamwork 我们通过有效的团队合作取得成功牛津搭配〔unenthusiastic〕be unenthusiastic about the prospects of success 对取得成功的前景悲观失望英汉大词典〔unillusioned〕be unillusioned about one's chances for success 对取得成功的机会不抱幻想英汉大词典〔will〕have the will to succeed 有取得成功的决心英汉大词典〔will〕succeed by willing 靠意志的力量取得成功英汉大词典〔win〕win through all difficulties 克服种种困难取得成功英汉大词典〔woman〕highly educated women who are successful in business 受过良好教育并在事业上取得成功的女人牛津搭配




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