

单词 取得
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕when something has the result that you want it to have 某事取得想要的结果朗文写作活用〔advance〕the advances made in the understanding of mental handicap 在了解智障方面取得的进步朗文当代〔chimera〕to chase the chimera of international success妄想取得国际性的胜利外研社新世纪〔concession〕to win a concession from sb 取得某人的让步牛津高阶〔consummation〕the consummation of her whole life's work 她毕生努力最终取得的圆满成功麦克米伦高阶〔court〕court blue-collar votes 争取得到蓝领工人的选票英汉大词典〔credit〕earn credits 取得学分英汉大词典〔deworm〕to deworm his way into the king's favour巧妙地逐渐取得国王的宠信21世纪英汉〔element〕ambition as a key factor in her success; 雄心是她取得成功的关键因素;美国传统〔exemption〕taxpayers seeking to claim a personal exemption 争取得到个人免税额的纳税人牛津搭配〔extract〕extract help from sb. 取得某人的帮助英汉大词典〔finagle〕to finagle free tickets耍手腕取得免费票21世纪英汉〔gibe〕gibe sb.'s achievements 嘲笑某人取得的成就英汉大词典〔glittering〕a brilliant school pupil destined for a glittering academic career. 必将在学术上取得辉煌成就的杰出学生柯林斯高阶〔graduate〕one of the first women to graduate in history and languages at the Sorbonne 巴黎大学首批取得历史和语言学位的妇女之一。麦克米伦高阶〔gritty〕a strong whiff of honesty and a gritty voice to carry it all off用无比的真诚和沙哑的嗓音来取得成功外研社新世纪〔gutsy〕a gutsy fighter/win 勇敢的战士;用坚强的毅力取得的胜利牛津高阶〔hung up〕students who are hung up on getting perfect grades 为取得理想成绩而忧心忡忡的学生韦氏高阶〔impressive〕score an impressive victory 取得重大胜利英汉大词典〔incomplete〕the political consequences of incomplete military success未取得完全的军事胜利所导致的政治后果外研社新世纪〔joust〕joust for world political position 为取得全球性的政治地位而角逐英汉大词典〔lever〕used friendship as a lever to obtain advancement. 把友谊当作取得晋升的工具美国传统〔one〕score one success after another 取得一次又一次的成功 英汉大词典〔probe〕probe for ways to find mutual agreements 寻求双方在多方面取得一致的途径英汉大词典〔progress〕pupils who show progress. 取得进步的学生美国传统〔qualification〕qualification for the World Cup finals取得世界杯决赛资格外研社新世纪〔qualified〕a qualified accountant/teacher, etc. 取得执业资格的会计师、教师等牛津高阶〔recognition〕personal recognition for your achievements 个人对您所取得成就的认可牛津搭配〔recover〕recover damages for a wrong 取得因违法行为造成损害的赔偿金英汉大词典〔regain〕regain political power 重新取得政权英汉大词典〔roll〕roll up another victory 又取得一次胜利英汉大词典〔spur〕the coach who spurred him on to Olympic success 激励他在奥运会上取得成功的教练朗文当代〔succeed〕a move which would make any future talks even more unlikely to succeed可能导致今后的对话都更难以取得成果的举动外研社新世纪〔success〕the success of European business in building a stronger partnership between management and workers. 欧洲企业在劳资双方之间建立更牢固的伙伴关系上所取得的成功柯林斯高阶〔territorial〕territorial acquisitions 领土取得英汉大词典〔to〕helping minority women to economic equality. 帮助少数民族妇女取得经济上的平等权利美国传统〔value〕value sb. for what he achieves 因某人所取得的成就而尊重他英汉大词典〔win through〕to win through to the independence历尽艰险取得独立21世纪英汉〔year〕years of great victories 连连取得伟大胜利的年代英汉大词典to make a bid for power 竭力取得权力牛津商务




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