

单词 剥夺
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔constitutionally〕a nationwide conspiracy to deprive women of their constitutionally protected rights企图剥夺女性受宪法保护的权利的全国性阴谋外研社新世纪〔curtail〕be curtailed of one's heritage (citizenship) 被剥夺继承权 (公民权)英汉大词典〔curtail〕to curtail someone of his citizenship剥夺某人的公民权21世纪英汉〔cut〕cut their heirs off without a cent. 完全剥夺了他们继承人的继承权美国传统〔dehumanize〕slaves who had been dehumanized by their abysmal condition. 被极端恶劣的条件剥夺了人性的奴隶美国传统〔denial〕the denial of basic human rights 剥夺基本人权牛津高阶〔denude〕denude sb. of a right 剥夺某人的权利英汉大词典〔deprivation〕rumours of truth drugs and sensory deprivation关于诱供吐实药和感觉剥夺的谣言外研社新世纪〔deprivation〕the effects of social deprivation on families社会剥夺对家庭的影响外研社新世纪〔deprivative〕to deprive a man of life and property使某人丧生并剥夺其财产21世纪英汉〔deprive〕deprive sb. of his property 剥夺某人的财产英汉大词典〔devoid〕imprisonment that devoids a person of humanity剥夺某人人权的关押21世纪英汉〔disempowerment〕the disempowerment of minorities 对少数民族的权力剥夺韦氏高阶〔disempower〕disempowered minorities 被剥夺了权力的少数民族韦氏高阶〔disempower〕those who feel dispossessed, disempowered, and exploited那些觉得财产被剥夺、权利被剥夺且饱受剥削的人外研社新世纪〔disendow〕to disendow the Church剥夺一个基督教会的捐款21世纪英汉〔disenfranchise〕fears of an organized attempt to disenfranchise supporters of Father Aristide对剥夺阿里斯蒂德神父支持者选举权这一有组织企图的担心外研社新世纪〔disinherit〕a disinherited race 被剥夺了应享权利的民族英汉大词典〔disinherit〕the disinherited peoples of the world世界上那些被剥夺了应享权利的民族21世纪英汉〔dispossessed〕the needy and the dispossessed 穷苦和被剥夺恒产的人们文馨英汉〔dispossess〕dispossess the nobles of their wealth 剥夺贵族的财产英汉大词典〔dispossess〕people who were dispossessed of their land under apartheid. 在种族隔离政策下被剥夺了土地的人们柯林斯高阶〔disqualify〕a system which disqualifies the poor from education 剥夺了穷人受教育权利的制度朗文当代〔divest〕be divested of one's right to vote 被剥夺选举权英汉大词典〔dock〕to dock him of the pleasures of holiday剥夺他假期的欢乐21世纪英汉〔eject〕be ejected for nonpayment of rent 因不付租金而被剥夺租用权英汉大词典〔expropriate〕expropriate the landowners from their estates 剥夺土地所有者的产业英汉大词典〔geld〕a man gelded of his wage 被剥夺工资的人英汉大词典〔inalienable〕an inalienable right.不可剥夺的权利。牛津同义词〔inalienable〕inalienable human rights 不可剥夺的人权朗文当代〔inalienable〕respect for the inalienable rights of peoples and nations. 对各民族、国家不可剥夺权利的尊重柯林斯高阶〔incapacitate〕to be incapacitated from voting被剥夺选举权21世纪英汉〔inofficious〕an inofficious testament (或will) 违反道义无理剥夺继承人依法应享继承权的遗嘱英汉大词典〔of〕deprive a citizen of his right to vote 剥夺公民的选举权英汉大词典〔of〕robbed of one's dignity; cured of distemper. 剥夺了尊严;治愈了犬瘟热美国传统〔of〕to deprive sb of sth 剥夺某人的东西牛津高阶〔oust〕to oust someone of his inheritance剥夺某人的继承权21世纪英汉〔reave〕reave the orphan of his patrimony 剥夺孤儿的祖产英汉大词典〔rob〕robbed her of her professional standing. 剥夺她的职业地位美国传统〔strip〕strip an organization of its privileges 剥夺一组织的特权英汉大词典




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