

单词 前部
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Adam's apple〕The slight projection at the front of the throat formed by the largest cartilage of the larynx, usually more prominent in men than in women.喉结:由喉部最大的软骨在咽喉前部形成的轻微突起,通常男性比女性较明显美国传统〔PART〕First class seats are in the front section of the plane. 头等舱的座位在飞机前部。朗文写作活用〔PUSH〕Robert shoved past the others and made his way to the front of the room. 罗伯特挤过其他人身边,朝房间的前部走去。朗文写作活用〔SERIOUS〕The front of the shop had been blown away, and the roof was badly damaged. 商店前部被炸掉了,屋顶也遭到严重破坏。朗文写作活用〔SIT〕Our seats were right at the front of the airplane. 我们的位子就在飞机的前部。朗文写作活用〔anterior〕The anterior part of a fish contains the head and gills.鱼的前部包括头和鳃。英汉大词典〔appoint〕The government appointed a former minister to go to Lebanon.政府指派一位前部长去黎巴嫩。英汉大词典〔apron〕A garment, usually fastened in the back, worn over all or part of the front of the body to protect clothing.围裙:一种服装、通常系在背后,穿起来覆盖身体前部的全部或部分以保护衣服美国传统〔back〕The kitchen is at/in the back of the house and the living room is at/in the front.厨房位于房屋的后部,客厅位于房屋的前部。韦氏高阶〔barouche〕A four-wheeled carriage with a collapsible top, two double seats inside opposite each other, and a box seat outside in front for the driver.四轮四座大马车:带折叠篷的四轮马车,内有两个彼此相对的双人座位,外侧前部有供赶车人坐的包箱式座位美国传统〔bib〕Bibbed overalls worn while skiing.滑雪时紧身裤的胸前部分美国传统〔bolt-on〕Add-on extras include bolt-on passenger seats and a spoiler for the front of the car.附加设备包括可用螺栓固定的乘客座椅和汽车前部的一个气流偏导器。外研社新世纪〔buckle〕The crash buckled the front of my car.我的汽车前部被撞扁了。牛津高阶〔bulldozer〕A heavy, driver-operated machine for clearing and grading land, usually having continuous treads and a broad hydraulic blade in front.推土机:用来清除和平整土方的重型的,驾驶操作的机器,常有连续的履带,前部有宽的液压铲刀美国传统〔cephalization〕An evolutionary trend in the animal kingdom toward centralization of neural and sensory organs in the head or anterior region of the body.头部形成,头向集中:动物界神经和感觉器官向头部或身体前部集中的一种进化趋势美国传统〔cephalothorax〕The anterior section of arachnids and many crustaceans, consisting of the fused head and thorax.头胸部:蛛形纲动物和许多甲壳纲动物身体前部头胸合一的部分美国传统〔chamfron〕Armor used to protect the front of a war horse's head in medieval times.马盔:中世纪用来保护战马头前部的盔甲美国传统〔chute〕Passengers escaped from the plane's front four exits by sliding down emergency chutes.乘客们从飞机前部4个出口处的紧急滑道滑下逃出去了。外研社新世纪〔chute〕Passengers escaped from the plane's front four exits by sliding down emergency chutes.乘客们从飞机前部4个出口处的紧急滑道滑下逃生了。柯林斯高阶〔clitoris〕A small, elongated erectile organ at the anterior part of the vulva, homologous with the penis.阴蒂,阴核:一种位于阴门前部的能伸长勃起的小器官,与阴茎相类似美国传统〔concertina〕In a head-on crash, the front of the car concertinas to absorb the impact.在发生迎面相撞时, 车的前部会被撞瘪以吸收冲击力。外研社新世纪〔conjunctiva〕The mucous membrane that lines the inner surface of the eyelid and the exposed surface of the eyeball.结膜:衬在眼皮内层的粘膜,并暴露在眼球前部美国传统〔corticotropin-releasing hormone〕A hormone produced by the hypothalamus that stimulates the anterior pituitary gland to release adrenocorticotropic hormone.皮释素:下视丘所分泌的贺尔蒙,会刺激脑下垂体前部,来释放肾上腺皮质素美国传统〔costa〕A rib or a riblike part, such as the midrib of a leaf or a thickened anterior vein or margin of an insect's wing.肋骨,叶脉:肋骨或肋骨状部分,例如叶子的中脉或昆虫翼的较厚的前部线或边美国传统〔cowcatcher〕The metal grille or frame projecting from the front of a locomotive and serving to clear the track of obstructions.排障装置:一种装在火车前部用于清除铁轨上的障碍的金属格栅或框架美国传统〔cowl〕The top portion of the front part of an automobile body, supporting the windshield and dashboard.外壳罩:汽车车体前部的顶部,用以支撑挡风玻璃和遮泥板美国传统〔crumpled〕The front and rear of the car will crumple during a collision.碰撞时,汽车的前部和后部会被撞瘪。柯林斯高阶〔crumple〕The front and rear of the car will crumple during a collision.碰撞时, 汽车的前部和后部会被撞瘪。外研社新世纪〔crumple〕The front section of the car had crumpled in the collision.汽车前部在碰撞中变了形。麦克米伦高阶〔cutwater〕Nautical The forward part of a ship's prow.【航海】 船首分水处:船首的前部美国传统〔distal〕Situated farthest from the middle and front of the jaw, as a tooth or tooth surface.远侧的,远中的:远离颌的中前部的,如牙齿或齿面美国传统〔downstage〕Of or relating to the front part of a stage.舞台前部的或关于舞台前部的美国传统〔facial nerve〕Either of the seventh pair of cranial nerves that control facial muscles and relay sensation from the taste buds of the front part of the tongue.面神经:第七对头盖骨神经中的任一条,控制面部肌肉并把感觉从舌前部的味蕾传来美国传统〔fly〕A fold of cloth that covers a fastening of a garment, especially one on the front of trousers.纽扣盖:尤指在裤子前部可盖住衣物的钉扣的布的折叠处美国传统〔follicle-stimulating hormone〕A gonadotropic hormone of the anterior pituitary gland that stimulates the growth of follicles in the ovary and induces the formation of sperm in the testis.促卵泡激素:前部粘液腺的刺激生殖腺的激素,它刺激卵巢内泡的生长并促进睾丸内精液的生成美国传统〔forecastle〕The section of the upper deck of a ship located at the bow forward of the foremast.前甲板:船的上甲板的一部分,位于前桅前部的船首美国传统〔foregut〕The anterior part of the embryonic alimentary canal of a vertebrate from which the pharynx, lungs, esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, and duodenum develop.前肠:脊椎动物消化道的前部,由此产生出咽、肺、食管、胃、肝脏、胰和十二指肠美国传统〔forehead〕The front part of something.前部美国传统〔forelimb〕An anterior appendage, such as a leg, wing, or flipper.前肢,上肢:动物前部的附肢,如前腿、前翅、前鳍等美国传统〔foremast〕The forward mast on a sailing vessel.前桅:帆船前部的桅杆美国传统〔foreside〕The front or upper side or part.前部,上部:在某侧或某部分的前部或上部美国传统〔fore〕Located at or toward the front; forward.在前部的,向前的:位于或朝前的;向前的美国传统〔fore〕Something that is located at or toward the front.前者:位于前部或朝前的东西美国传统〔fore〕The front part.前部美国传统〔fore〕There had been no direct damage in the fore part of the ship.船的前部没有受到直接破坏。柯林斯高阶〔forward〕We sat in one of the forward sections of the train.我们坐在火车前部的一节车厢里。朗文当代〔front〕If we sit near the front of the bus, we'll have a better view.如果我们坐在公交车的前部,视野就会好一些。剑桥高阶〔front〕The engine is at the front of the car.发动机在汽车的前部。英汉大词典〔front〕The forward part or surface, as of a building.前部,正面:前面部分或表面部分,例如指建筑物美国传统〔grille〕The truck has a large metal grille at the front.卡车前部有一个巨大的金属护栅。韦氏高阶〔head〕The forward part of a vessel.船首:船的前部美国传统〔head〕The uppermost or forwardmost part of the body of a vertebrate, containing the brain and the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and jaws.头部:脊椎动物身体的最高部或最前部,包括大脑、眼睛、耳朵、鼻子、嘴巴和下颌美国传统〔impact〕The front of the bus took the full impact of the crash.公共汽车的前部承受了碰撞带来的全部冲击力。牛津搭配〔impact〕The front of the car had crumpled on impact.轿车前部因撞击叠成了一团。牛津搭配〔incisor〕A tooth adapted for cutting or gnawing, located at the front of the mouth along the apex of the dental arch.门牙:用于切或撕咬的牙齿,位于口前部沿着齿弓顶端美国传统〔jockey〕As the singer came on stage, the photographers jockeyed for position at the front of the hall.歌星一上台,摄影师就在演播厅前部争抢位置。剑桥高阶〔loggia〕An open-sided, roofed gallery or arcade along the front or side of a building, often at an upper level.凉廊:建筑前部或一侧有顶而敞开的走廊或拱廊,通常位于高层美国传统〔membrane〕The cornea is the transparent membrane that covers the front of the eye.角膜是覆盖在眼球前部的透明膜。剑桥高阶〔mesial〕Dentistry Situated toward the middle of the front of the jaw along the curve of the dental arch.【牙科学】 朝向齿弓中线的:位置沿齿弓弧线向下巴前部正中的美国传统〔narrow〕The rear part of the casing is slightly narrower than the front.套子的后部比前部稍窄。牛津搭配〔orchestra〕The area in a theater or concert hall where the musicians sit, immediately in front of and below the stage.乐池:在剧院或音乐厅里器乐演奏者的位置,紧靠舞台前部并略低于舞台美国传统〔orphrey〕A band of elaborate embroidery decorating the front of certain ecclesiastical vestments.精制的刺绣品:装饰于特定基督教法衣前部的精心制作的刺绣品美国传统〔overreach〕To strike the front part of a hind foot against the rear or side part of a forefoot or foreleg on the same side of the body. Used of a horse.马后蹄踢前蹄:后蹄的前部踢身体同侧的前蹄或前肢的后部侧部,用于指马美国传统〔part〕The front part of the car was damaged.这辆汽车的前部损坏了。朗文当代〔plump (sb/sth) down〕Joan sat down at the front of the bus, and plumped her bags down beside her.琼在公共汽车前部坐下,把行李放在身边。剑桥高阶〔portion〕The front portion of the rocket breaks off.火箭的前部脱落了。朗文当代〔prefrontal〕Situated anterior to the frontal bone.前额骨的:位于额骨前部的美国传统〔procephalic〕Of, relating to, or located on or near the front of the head.头前部的:头前部或其附近的、与之相关的或位于其的美国传统〔prosencephalon〕The forebrain.前脑:脑的前部美国传统〔releasing factor〕Any of several hormones secreted by the hypothalamus that stimulate the anterior part of the pituitary gland to release certain hormones.释放因子:由正脑下部分泌的几种荷尔蒙的任何一种,刺激垂体的前部释放某种荷尔蒙美国传统〔repair〕The mechanic pointed out the repair (= repaired place) on the front of my car.修车工人给我指出车前部修过的地方。剑桥高阶〔semitrailer〕A trailer having a set or several sets of wheels at the rear only, with the forward portion being supported by the truck tractor or towing vehicle.半挂车:在后部有一套或若干套轮子,前部由牵引车或牵引机动车支撑的挂车美国传统〔silence〕The former Minister has decided to break her silence about the scandal.前部长已经决定要对那次丑闻首开金口。麦克米伦高阶〔smash〕The front of the car was all smashed in.那辆汽车的前部全部被撞碎了。麦克米伦高阶〔snout〕A similar prolongation of the anterior portion of the head in certain insects, such as weevils; a rostrum.喙:某些昆虫头部类似的前部突出物,例如象甲的喙;吻突美国传统〔snout〕The projecting nose, jaws, or anterior facial part of an animal's head.口鼻部,口吻:动物头部突出的鼻、颚或脸前部美国传统〔snout〕The snout of the Mercedes poked through the gates.奔驰轿车的前部把大门洞穿了。柯林斯高阶〔table〕Music The front part of the body of a stringed instrument.【音乐】 面板:一件弦乐器乐身的前部美国传统〔thumb index〕A series of rounded indentations cut into the front edge of a book, each labeled, as with a letter, to indicate a section of the book.拇索引:在书的前部边缘挖出的一系列圆形缺刻,每个缺刻上有一个表明本书的一部分的字母美国传统〔thyroid cartilage〕The largest cartilage of the larynx, having two broad processes that join anteriorly to form the Adam's apple.甲状软骨:咽喉部最大的两块有两个形成喉结的前部相连的宽阔突起的软骨美国传统〔toe crack〕A sand crack in the front part of a horse's hoof.蹄裂病:马蹄前部的一个足裂美国传统〔toe〕The forepart of a foot or hoof.脚尖:脚或蹄的前部美国传统〔trouser〕Many people think that ex-ministers are trousering £25,000 in fees simply for going to a few board meetings a year.许多人认为, 前部长们一年仅参加几次董事会会议就能进账25,000英镑酬金。外研社新世纪〔urinary bladder〕An elastic, muscular sac situated in the anterior part of the pelvic cavity in which urine collects before excretion.膀胱:位于盆腔前部的弹性的肌囊,尿液在排泄之前集中于这里美国传统〔ventail〕The lower movable part of the front of a medieval helmet, fitting over the mouth or neck.护面具:中世纪头盔前部的可移动的下半部分,覆盖嘴或脖子美国传统〔ventral〕Relating to or situated on or close to the anterior aspect of the human body or the lower surface of the body of an animal.前侧的:关于或位于或邻近人体前部的或动物身体下部表面的美国传统〔vent〕Quite a lot of steam escaped from the vent at the front of the machine.大量蒸汽从机器前部的排风口冒了出来。柯林斯高阶〔visor〕The front piece of the helmet of a suit of armor, capable of being raised and lowered and designed to protect the eyes, nose, and forehead.面盔:头盔(在一套盔甲中)的前部,能抬起或放低用以保护眼睛、鼻子或前额美国传统〔wing〕Sports Either of the forward positions played near the sideline, especially in hockey.【体育运动】 边锋位置:尤指曲棍球中在边线附近前部的位置美国传统As the singer came on stage, the photographers jockeyed for position at the front of the hall.歌星登台时,摄影师们抢占大厅前部的位置。剑桥国际Her seat is in the fore part of the aircraft. 她的座位在飞机前部。译典通If we sit near the front of the bus, we'll have a better view.我们若坐在客车前部,可以看到更好的景色。剑桥国际In a blitzkrieg, the attack is concentrated on the enemy's rear, rather than its front where there is more resistance.闪电战中攻击集中于敌人的后方而不是抵抗力较强的前部。剑桥国际Pollution has decayed the surface of the stonework on the front of the cathedral.污染已腐蚀了教堂前部的石头雕塑。剑桥国际She found it a comedown to listen to her former subordinates. 她觉得要听她以前部下的指挥很降格。译典通The anterior part of a fish contains the head and gills. 鱼的前部包括头和鳃。译典通The front of the car was damaged and we had to get out by the rear door. 车身前部受损,我们只得从后门出来。译典通The front of the church has some beautifully carved 17th century stonework.这教堂的前部有一些经过精美雕刻的17世纪的石造部分。剑桥国际The mechanic pointed out the repair (=repaired place) on the front of my car from the previous crash.机修工指出了上次撞车汽车前部修理过的地方。剑桥国际We can see the forward part of the ship. 我们可以看见船的前部。译典通




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