

单词 利益
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔accommodable〕to accommodate the special interests of the minority nationalities照顾到各少数民族的特殊利益21世纪英汉〔accommodate〕accommodate the special interests of various groups 照顾到不同集团的特殊利益英汉大词典〔base〕base oneself on the interests of the people 从人民的利益出发英汉大词典〔black〕a lobbyist for black interests 代表美国黑人利益的说客英汉大词典〔cake〕get more of the cake out of the employers 从老板那里分得更多一点利益英汉大词典〔cater〕an economic policy of catering to the consumer 照顾消费者利益的经济政策英汉大词典〔caucus〕a minority caucus. 少数人利益集团美国传统〔coincidence〕a coincidence of interests between the two partners 两个合伙人之间利益的一致牛津高阶〔coincide〕a case in which public and private interests coincide. 一个公众利益和私人利益一致的例子柯林斯高阶〔commitment〕a total commitment to the best interests of the people 为人民的最大利益所作的无私奉献英汉大词典〔common〕common interests. 共同利益美国传统〔common〕for the common good.See Usage Note at mutual 为公共利益 参见 mutual美国传统〔communion〕a communion of interests 利益的共享英汉大词典〔competing〕the competing interests of beach development and sea turtle protection. 开发海滩与保护海龟之间相互冲突的利益柯林斯高阶〔contributive〕be contributive to common interests 有助于共同的利益文馨英汉〔convergence〕a convergence of interests/opinions/ideas 利益/观点/想法趋同剑桥高阶〔damage〕damage sb.(sb.'s interests) 损害某人(某人的利益) 英汉大词典〔divergent〕the divergent interests of capital and labour 资方与劳方的不同利益英汉大词典〔entrench〕entrenched attitudes/interests/opposition 顽固的态度;固有的利益;顽固的反对牛津高阶〔friendly〕a government friendly to our interests. 符合我们利益的政府美国传统〔good〕communities working together for the common good. 为共同利益而团结协作的社区柯林斯高阶〔hunting〕commercial hunting of minke whales 为了谋取商业利益而猎杀小须鲸牛津搭配〔identity〕identity of interests 利益的一致英汉大词典〔interest〕in the interest of the company 为了公司的利益英汉大词典〔interest〕the need to reduce the influence of special interests (=groups who are concerned about particular subjects) 减少特殊利益集团的影响力的需要朗文当代〔interest〕to promote/protect/safeguard sb's interests 提高╱保护╱维护某人的利益牛津高阶〔kaleidoscope〕a kaleidoscope of different alliances, groupings, and interests结盟形式、党派分立及不同利益的复杂多变外研社新世纪〔knit〕to be knitted together by common interests由于共同利益而联合在一起21世纪英汉〔long-term〕the long-term interests of the company 公司的长远利益朗文当代〔partisan〕partisan interests/loyalties/politics 党派利益/忠诚/政治韦氏高阶〔pecuniary〕pecuniary interest/loss/benefit 金钱方面的利益/损失/好处剑桥高阶〔perquisite〕a perquisite of Scotland's involvement in the East India trade苏格兰参与东印度贸易获得的利益外研社新世纪〔proprietary〕a proprietary interest/right 所有权利益/所有权麦克米伦高阶〔public weal〕people prepared to dedicate their lives to the public weal愿意为公众利益而献身的人外研社新世纪〔sake〕for the country's sake 为了国家的利益英汉大词典〔special interest〕special interest money/politics 特殊利益集团的金钱/权术韦氏高阶〔subservient〕the rights of the individual are made subservient to the interests of the state 个人权利要服从于国家利益朗文当代〔tie-up〕the tie-up between class interests and politics 阶级利益与政治之间的关系朗文当代〔trade〕trade off some economic benefits to obtain concessions 放弃一些经济利益以换取对方的让步英汉大词典the potential benefits of European integration 欧洲一体化的潜在利益牛津商务




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