

单词 协会
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACLU〕American Civil Liberties Union.美国公民自由协会美国传统〔ADA〕American Diabetes Association.美国糖尿病协会美国传统〔AHA〕American Heart Association.美国心脏协会美国传统〔APA〕American Philological Association.美国语言文学协会美国传统〔ASCAP〕American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers.美国作曲家、作家及出版商协会美国传统〔ASCE〕American Society of Civil Engineers.美国土木工程师协会美国传统〔ATTENTION〕The Association's first project was to publish a 35-cent brochure highlighting nine historic sites. 协会的第一个计划是印发一份售价35美分的小册子,重点介绍九大历史古迹。朗文写作活用〔Bill of Rights〕The union issued a patients' bill of rights.该协会颁布了患者的“权利法案”。外研社新世纪〔Commissioner〕As baseball commissioner, Chandler was instrumental in making Jackie Robinson the first black player in the major leagues.杰基·罗宾逊成为职业棒球联赛中首位黑人选手,作为棒球协会总干事的钱德勒功不可没。柯林斯高阶〔FA〕Sports Football Association.【体育运动】 足球协会美国传统〔HARM〕They'll only harm themselves if they decide to leave the association. 如果他们决定离开协会,吃亏的只会是他们自己。朗文写作活用〔HELP〕The associations allow professionals to band together to further their interests. 协会可以使专业人员团结起来发展自己的兴趣。朗文写作活用〔IAMAW〕International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers.国际机械师和航空航天工作人员协会美国传统〔IATA〕International Air Transport Association.国际航空运输协会美国传统〔IAU〕International Association of Universities.国际大学协会美国传统〔JOB〕Lawyers have their own professional association, which operates a strict code of conduct. 律师有他们自己的专业协会,协会有一套严格的行为准则。朗文写作活用〔MEMBER〕Obviously the veterans’ association has a rather old and declining membership. 显然退伍军人协会的成员年纪都很大了,而且人数越来越少。朗文写作活用〔MEMBER〕When you join the society, you will be issued a membership card. 你加入该协会之后就会发给你一张会员卡。朗文写作活用〔NASD〕National Association of Securities Dealers.全国证券交易商协会美国传统〔NBA〕National Basketball Association.国家篮球协会美国传统〔NIH〕National Institutes of Health.国家健康协会美国传统〔PAST〕HMA has a great track record of managing hospitals. 医务管理协会有出色的医院管理纪录。朗文写作活用〔Progressive-Conservative Party〕A major political party in Canada advocating economic nationalism and close ties with Great Britain and the Commonwealth.进步-保守党:加拿大一主要政党,拥护经济社会主义和与英国及大英协会的紧密关系美国传统〔RCP.〕Royal College of Physicians.皇家内科医生协会美国传统〔YWCA〕Young Women's Christian Association.基督教青年妇女协会美国传统〔academy〕A society of scholars, scientists, or artists.学会:学者、科学家或艺术家的协会美国传统〔account〕I've opened an account with a building society.我在房屋互助协会开了个账户。剑桥高阶〔accredit〕Colleges may be accredited by regional associations.学院是否合格可由地区各协会作出鉴定。21世纪英汉〔active〕He is an active member of the American Cancer Society.他是美国癌症协会的积极分子。麦克米伦高阶〔adhere〕All members of the association adhere to a strict code of practice.协会的所有成员都坚持严格的行为规范。外研社新世纪〔adhere〕All members of the association adhere to a strict code of practice.协会的所有成员都遵守一套严格的行为规范。柯林斯高阶〔anonymous〕Alcoholics Anonymous嗜酒者互诫协会外研社新世纪〔approve〕We have three suppliers in all who are approved by the Organic Farm Food Association.我们总共有3家获有机农产品协会认可的供货商。柯林斯高阶〔associate〕A member of an institution or society who is granted only partial status or privileges.会员集体:一机构或协会里只享有部分地位或权利的成员美国传统〔association〕Research associations are often linked to a particular industry.研究协会常与某个特定的行业挂钩。柯林斯高阶〔association〕She has formed a housing association.她成立了一个住房协会。外研社新世纪〔association〕The association meets four times a year.这个协会每年召开 4 次会议。牛津搭配〔body〕The British Medical Association is the doctors' professional body.英国医学协会是医生的专业团体。朗文当代〔cease〕He ceased to be a member of the association.他不再是协会会员。朗文当代〔chapter〕To find out more about cancer warning signs call your local chapter of the American Cancer Society.想要了解更多的癌症警示征兆, 请致电美国癌症协会的当地分会。外研社新世纪〔charity〕The Children's Society is a registered charity.儿童协会是一家注册的慈善机构。麦克米伦高阶〔chartered accountant〕A member of one of the institutes of accountants granted a royal charter.特许会计师:持有皇家特许的会计师协会的会员美国传统〔commissioner〕The baseball commissioner decided to suspend the players for 10 games.棒球协会总干事决定给予这些球员停赛10场的处罚。韦氏高阶〔consortium〕An association or a society.协会或社团美国传统〔creditworthiness〕Building societies make loans to creditworthy customers.购房互助协会为信誉良好的客户提供贷款。柯林斯高阶〔custodian〕The National Trust is looking for a custodian for John Lennon's former house.全国托管协会正在为约翰•列侬的故居寻找看管人。外研社新世纪〔freemason〕A member of a guild of skilled itinerant masons during the Middle Ages.石匠协会成员:中世纪由技术熟练的巡回石匠组成的行会的成员美国传统〔frighten off〕Building society repossessions have frightened buyers off.购房互助协会收回房子的行为使购房者望而却步。外研社新世纪〔gala〕The gala is in aid of Help The Aged.这次演出是为了资助助老协会。外研社新世纪〔grade〕All the parks are regularly checked and graded by tourist board inspectors.所有公园都由旅游协会的检查员进行定期检查和评定。朗文当代〔grange〕One of the branch lodges of this association.格兰其分会:这种协会的一个分会美国传统〔grant〕The magistrates granted that the RSPCA was justified in bringing the action.地方法官承认, 皇家防止虐待动物协会提起诉讼是正当的。外研社新世纪〔helpline〕One side had a number for a drugs helpline, the other for Alcoholics Anonymous.一边是毒品求助热线号码, 另一边是匿名戒酒协会热线号码。外研社新世纪〔honour〕The president was guest of honour at the society's banquet.总统是该协会宴会上的贵宾。牛津搭配〔inception〕He has been director of the institute since its inception.自从该协会创始以来,他一直担任会长。文馨英汉〔inspector〕As an RSPCA Inspector, I've dedicated my life to animals.身为皇家防止虐待动物协会督察员, 我一生致力于动物保护事业。外研社新世纪〔instance〕Anyone wishing to join the society should apply in the first instance to the secretary.任何人想加入协会都得先向秘书提出申请。朗文当代〔jamboree〕A mass gathering or assembly, as of a political party or association.政党或社团的集会:大量聚集或集会,如政党或协会的美国传统〔kindly〕The Society has kindly allowed us to use the hall.协会欣然允许我们使用大厅。麦克米伦高阶〔lend out〕Building societies lend out money at interest.建房互助协会提供有息贷款。外研社新世纪〔membership〕Who is eligible to apply for membership of the association? 谁有资格申请加入这个协会?牛津高阶〔member〕The support of our members is of great importance to the Association.会员的支持对于我们协会来说非常重要。柯林斯高阶〔nominate〕I nominate Ian Alexander as president of the society.我提名伊恩•亚历山大为协会主席。外研社新世纪〔option〕Baseball To transfer (a player) to a minor-league club with the option of recalling him within a specified period of time.【棒球】 调动球员:将(一位棒球手)转入普通协会并在一定时期内可选择是否将其召回美国传统〔patrolman〕Mal's car had broken down en route and the AA patrolman had taken an hour to arrive.马尔的汽车在途中抛锚了, 汽车协会的巡视员花了一个小时才赶到那里。外研社新世纪〔patron〕Our Chamber Music Society has the Lord Mayor as its patron.市长阁下是我们的室内音乐协会的资助人。外研社新世纪〔preserve〕The society was set up to preserve endangered species from extinction.成立这个协会是为了保护濒危物种不致灭绝。牛津高阶〔presidency〕She held the presidency of the association for three years.她担任该协会主席 3 年了。牛津搭配〔prior〕The society must give customers prior notice before changing the cost.调整价格之前协会必须预先告知消费者。朗文当代〔rely〕The Association relies on member subscriptions for most of its income.这个协会的收入大部分来自会员的入会费。柯林斯高阶〔retire〕Mr Garroway retired as chairman of the historical society in May.5月份加罗韦先生以历史协会主席的身份退休了。麦克米伦高阶〔rip off〕The Consumer Federation claims banks are ripping you off by not passing along savings on interest rates.消费者协会声称银行不予告知有利率优惠来宰客。外研社新世纪〔root〕The Association has its roots in the early 1950s.这个协会源于20世纪50年代初期。麦克米伦高阶〔sachem〕A high official of the Tammany Society, a political organization in New York City.坦慕尼协会首领:美国纽约市的政治组织坦慕尼协会的高级官员美国传统〔science〕The society provides advice on science policy.该协会提供自然科学政策方面的建议。牛津搭配〔society〕She was active in the Society for Women's Suffrage.她在争取妇女选举权协会中活动非常积极。牛津搭配〔stationery〕The logo featured on the letterhead stationery for the Association.协会专用信笺在信头印有协会标志。牛津搭配〔subsidiary〕The Association established two for-profit subsidiaries.协会创办了两家营利性子公司。牛津搭配〔support group〕After their baby died, they joined a local support group.孩子死后,他们加入了当地的一个互助协会。剑桥高阶〔suspend〕The Football Association suspended him for spitting at an opponent.他由于向一名对手吐口水而被足球协会责令停赛。麦克米伦高阶〔suspend〕The Lawn Tennis Association suspended Mr Castle from the British team.草地网球协会暂停了卡斯尔先生在英国队的职务。柯林斯高阶〔the GISC〕If you're not happy with your insurance company, make a complaint to the GISC.如果你对你的保险公司不满,可以向一般保险标准协会投诉。剑桥高阶〔title〕Tyson won the WBA title in 1987.泰森于 1987 年赢得了世界拳击协会冠军的称号。朗文当代〔turner〕A tumbler or gymnast, especially a member of a turnverein.旋转者,体操家:尤指体育协会会员美国传统〔worker〕The society was looking for a capable research worker.该协会在物色一位有能力的研究人员。柯林斯高阶〔young〕The association is advising pregnant women, the very young and the elderly to avoid such foods.该协会一直建议孕妇、小孩和老人避免食用这些食物。外研社新世纪AIRMIC, an association that represents corporate buyers of insurance 保险及风险管理人协会(代表购买保险的企业的协会)牛津商务Alcoholics Anonymous is a group which supports people who are trying to stop drinking too much alcohol.嗜酒者互诫协会是一个帮助人们减少饮酒的组织。剑桥国际Do you belong to any professional associations? 你参加了专业协会没有?牛津商务In his capacity as secretary of the residents association, he regularly attends meetings of the community policing committee.以居民协会的秘书的身份,他定期地参加社区决策委员会会议。剑桥国际Intertanko, the trade association of independent tanker owners 国际独立油轮船东协会牛津商务Our club has affiliated with a national society. 我们俱乐部加入了一个全国性协会。译典通Our sunglasses pass the ANSI Standard Z80.3-1996.我们的太阳镜通过了美国国家标准协会 Z80.3-1996 标准。牛津商务Problems arise when building society valuers undervalue houses--in some cases not even close to the price agreed between buyer and seller.建筑协会价格核定人对房屋价格评估过低----有的甚至还不到买主和卖主之间达成的协议价,这样就出现问题了。剑桥国际She is a member of the local ornithological society .她是当地鸟类学协会的成员。剑桥国际The Institute is intended to promote an understanding of the politics and culture of the Arab world.该协会旨在促进对阿拉伯世界政治文化的了解。剑桥国际The aim of the association is to perpetuate the skills of traditional furniture design.该协会的目的是为了使传统的设计家具的手艺得以流传下去。剑桥国际The association works to promote the status of retired people as active and useful members of the community.这协会旨在提高退休人员的地位 ,使他们成为社会中积极有用的成员。剑桥国际The school has affiliated itself to / is affiliated with a national association of driving schools.这个学校附属于一个全国驾驶学校协会。剑桥国际Their building society has foreclosed their mortgage.他们的建筑协会已经取消了他们抵押品回赎的权利。剑桥国际




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