

单词 华美
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Chambord〕A village of north-central France northeast of Tours. It is noted for its magnificent Renaissance château built by Francis I.钱伯德村:法国中北部一村庄,位于托尔斯东北。以文艺复兴时期弗朗西斯一世在此兴建的壮观华美的庄园而闻名美国传统〔GRACEFUL〕Francesca was impressed by the beautiful house and the elegance of the guests. 弗朗西丝卡被那华美的房子和宾客的优雅仪态所吸引。朗文写作活用〔Gongorism〕A florid, ornate literary style, often employing elaborate puns and conceits.龚果拉主义:文字华美瑰丽的风格,通常借用精巧的双关和联想手法美国传统〔Hafiz〕Persian poet whose sensuous rhyming couplets, many of which concern love, wine, and nature, are traditionally interpreted allegorically by Sufic Moslems.哈菲兹:波斯诗人,其诗多为押韵华美的两行诗体,其中许多描写爱情,美酒和大自然,苏菲派穆斯林因循传统地对它们作了寓言式阐释美国传统〔RICH〕This gorgeous woman walked in, beautifully dressed and obviously stinking rich. 这个漂亮女人走了进来,衣着华美,显然富得冒油。朗文写作活用〔TOUCH〕The dog's luxurious golden coat was thick and oily to the touch. 这条狗身上那华美的金色毛皮摸上去又厚又滑。朗文写作活用〔WASTE〕Michelle had frittered her inheritance away on extravagant parties and fancy clothes. 米歇尔把继承的遗产都浪费在豪华聚会和华美服饰上。朗文写作活用〔bubble〕The show bubbles like pink champagne with pretty sets, exquisite costumes and enchanting dance routines.这个节目满眼都是包装漂亮的粉红香槟、华美的服装和迷人的舞蹈。柯林斯高阶〔camlet〕A rich cloth of Asian origin, supposed originally to have been made of camel's hair and silk and later made of goat's hair and silk or other combinations.驼毛呢:起源于亚洲的一种华美的布料,据猜测,最初是用骆驼的毛和绒制成,而后来则由山羊的毛和绒或其它结合物制成美国传统〔chorale prelude〕A composition usually for organ, chiefly in baroque style and characterized by an elaborate contrapuntal structure based on the melody of a hymn or chorale.众赞歌前奏曲:一支主要为巴洛克风格、通常为风琴所作的音乐作品,以基于赞歌或众赞歌旋律的华美复调音乐结构为特征美国传统〔development〕Elaboration of a theme with rhythmic and harmonic variations.改良润色:用有节奏的、合谐的变化使旋律更为华美精致美国传统〔development〕The part of a movement in sonata form in which the theme is elaborated and explored.华彩乐章:奏鸣曲中旋律华美的乐章部分美国传统〔distinguish〕It's not the beauty so much as the range of his voice that distinguishes him from other tenors.他与其他男高音大不相同,并非因为他那华美的声音,而是他宽广的音域。剑桥高阶〔dossal〕An ornamental hanging of rich fabric, as behind an altar.幔布:由华美布料制成的装饰性悬挂物,如祭坛后面的幔布美国传统〔extravaganza〕The 16th-century crypt is an extravaganza of marble.那座16世纪的教堂地下室是由大理石筑成的华美建筑。外研社新世纪〔figurative〕Containing many figures of speech; ornate.修饰多的:含有许多言语形象化的;华美的美国传统〔gaiety〕Bright color or showiness, as of dress; finery.服装华美,华丽:华丽鲜艳或华丽颜色,如服装上的颜色;华丽美国传统〔gorgeously〕Gorgeously dressed in white, Ms. Berry went on to speak to reporters.贝里夫人身着一袭华美的白衣, 继续跟记者讲话。外研社新世纪〔gown〕The entertainers were exotic, beautifully gowned – and male.表演者来自异国, 穿着华美的长袍——而且还是男的。外研社新世纪〔made up〕She was beautifully made-up, beautifully groomed.她妆容艳丽,服饰华美。柯林斯高阶〔mandarin〕Marked by elaborate and refined language or literary style.繁复而华美的:具有精心雕琢和语言或文学风格之特点的美国传统〔ornate〕The senator gave a florid speech.议员作了一番词藻华美的演说。美国传统〔shameless〕The whole film is shamelessly romantic and glamorous.张扬的浪漫与华美贯穿整部电影。牛津高阶〔show place〕A beautiful or ornate place.一个美丽或装饰华美的地方美国传统〔style〕He'd had his hair styled at an expensive salon.他去一家豪华美容厅做了头发。牛津高阶〔tabby〕A rich watered silk.波纹绸:华美的且有波纹光泽的绸缎美国传统〔taffrail〕The flat upper part of the stern of a vessel, made of wood and often richly carved.艉舷部:一艘船尾平坦的上部,由木头做成,经常有华美的雕刻美国传统〔theatrically〕The clothes were very showy, very theatrical.那些衣服很艳丽很华美,像戏装一样。柯林斯高阶〔theatrical〕The clothes were very showy, very theatrical.那件衣服光鲜夺目, 华美如戏服。外研社新世纪〔tinsel〕The fancy offices are just tinsel — the firm is small and almost bankrupt.华美的营业所只是虚饰的外表,实际上这只是家小商号而且差不多要破产了。英汉大词典〔triangle〕Finance, fashion and flourish — the triangle upon which the store was built.资金充裕、款式时新和装潢华美曾是那家商店的三大基本特色。英汉大词典There is a danger of the party's electoral message being obscured by the glitz and glamour of its presentation.该党关于选举的政见表述过于华美堂皇,可能有害于其要旨的传达。剑桥国际




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