

单词 压制
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONTROL/NOT CONTROL〕It's a cruel and vicious regime that represses all opposition. 这是个残忍恶毒的政府,它压制所有不同的政见。朗文写作活用〔CONTROL/NOT CONTROL〕The population is kept down by poverty and fear of the secret police. 民众因贫困和害怕秘密警察而受到压制。朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕Individuals who repress their sexual desires often suffer from psychological problems. 压制性欲的人往往会出现心理方面的问题。朗文写作活用〔Jim Crow〕The systematic practice of discriminating against and suppressing Black people.吉姆·克劳法:对黑人进行隔离、压制的一套种族歧视作法美国传统〔STOP〕Attempts to muzzle the country's media have failed. 压制国内媒体的企图失败了。朗文写作活用〔SUPPORT〕The pro-independence group has been attacked and suppressed. 支持独立的团体受到了攻击和压制。朗文写作活用〔abandon〕A complete surrender of inhibitions.完全屈从于压制美国传统〔air cushion〕Trapped air that supports a vehicle a short distance above the surface of land or water.气垫:用来支持一个交通工具在陆面或水面上提升短距离的压制气体美国传统〔all〕United were all over Rangers in the first half.比赛的上半场联队完全压制住了流浪者队。外研社新世纪〔banning〕Opposition groups see the bannings as the latest stage of a government clampdown.反对团体将这些取缔行动视为政府压制的最新步骤。外研社新世纪〔banning〕Opposition groups see the bannings as the latest stage of a government clampdown.反对派将这些查禁事件视为政府压制的一个新阶段。柯林斯高阶〔battle〕The two companies will do battle in the High Court over the right to press compact discs.两家公司将为争夺压制光盘权在高等法院打官司。外研社新世纪〔bid〕The Government has already closed down two newspapers in a bid to silence its critics.政府已经查禁了两家报纸, 试图压制批评人士的言论。外研社新世纪〔bridle〕James bridled his rage with some difficulty.詹姆斯好不容易压制住了心中的怒火。外研社新世纪〔calender〕To press (paper or cloth) in the rollers of such a machine.砑光:将(纸或布)放在这样一种机器的滚筒中压制美国传统〔choke〕Something that constricts or chokes.堵塞物:压制或堵塞的东西美国传统〔clamp〕The government plans to clamp down on illegal militant groups.政府拟采取措施强行压制非法的暴力团伙。麦克米伦高阶〔clip〕The Bishop of Limerick was quick to clip the wings of any liberal-minded priests.利默里克的主教迅速出手压制任何思想开明的牧师。外研社新世纪〔compulsive〕Psychology Caused or conditioned by compulsion or obsession.【心理学】 强迫的:由强迫或压制所引起或制约的美国传统〔contributory〕We now know that repressing anger is a contributory factor in many physical illnesses.现在我们知道压制自己的愤怒是导致许多身体疾病的因素之一。柯林斯高阶〔counterinsurgency〕Political and military strategy or action intended to oppose and forcefully suppress insurgency.反暴动,反叛乱:用来反对或有力压制叛乱的政治和军事策略或行动美国传统〔death〕Execution.气坏,伤透:压制或激怒(某人)到无法忍耐的程度美国传统〔dehumanize〕It's a totalitarian regime that reduces and dehumanizes its population.那是一个压制民众、剥夺人性的极权主义政府。剑桥高阶〔dissent〕He banned political parties and crushed dissent.他取缔政党,压制不同意见。麦克米伦高阶〔dissent〕He did everything in his power to suppress political dissent.他尽其所能压制不同的政治意见。韦氏高阶〔dissent〕The military junta has stifled political dissent.军政府压制了政治异见。外研社新世纪〔dissent〕The regime ruthlessly suppresses all dissent.这个政权残酷压制所有不同意见。牛津搭配〔dissident〕Opponents claimed the law was simply a tool to stifle dissident voices.反对者声称, 这项法律只不过是一个压制异己的工具。外研社新世纪〔down-trodden〕This country has the most poverty-stricken and down-trodden population in the world.这个国家有世界上最贫穷和最受压制的人民。文馨英汉〔extrude〕This metal extrudes easily.这种金属易于压制。英汉大词典〔fast forward〕The urge to fast-forward is almost irresistible.快速进带的冲动几乎压制不住。柯林斯高阶〔gag〕Politicians seem to be gagged by political correctness.政治家们的言论自由似乎被压制了, 屈从于政治正确性。外研社新世纪〔gag〕The new laws are seen as an attempt to gag the press.人们认为新法律企图压制新闻界的言论自由。牛津高阶〔hold down〕Everyone thinks there is some vast conspiracy wanting to hold down the younger generation.大家都认为有一个想压制年轻一代的大阴谋。柯林斯高阶〔hold-down〕The act of holding down.压制,压缩:缩减的行为美国传统〔hold〕He struggled to get a hold of his anger.他竭力压制自己的怒火。牛津高阶〔hold〕Without limits or restraints.没有限制或压制美国传统〔inquisition〕Inquisition A tribunal formerly held in the Roman Catholic Church and directed at the suppression of heresy. Inquisition 宗教法庭:曾设于罗马天主教堂的法庭,目的是对异教进行压制美国传统〔keep sb down〕It's all part of a conspiracy to keep women down.那完全是压制女性自由的部分阴谋。剑桥高阶〔keep〕Even if you're intelligent, they still try to keep you down.即使你很有才智,他们也还是要压制你。麦克米伦高阶〔keep〕The people have been kept down for years by a brutal regime.多年来人们一直受到残暴统治的压制。牛津高阶〔mass murder〕The regime tried to silence dissent with a programme of mass murder.当权政府试图通过大屠杀来压制反对的声音。剑桥高阶〔mill〕A steel roller bearing a raised design, used for making a die or a printing plate by pressure.轧模机:上有隆起的钢制滚筒,用来压制印模或印板美国传统〔muzzle〕The new Secrecy Act will muzzle the media and the opposition.新的保密法将会压制媒体及反对派的声音。剑桥高阶〔neuter〕Plans to reform local government are designed to neuter local democracy.改革地方政府的计划旨在压制地方民主。朗文当代〔neutralize〕The aerial bombardments have neutralized the threat of artillery attacks on allied ground forces.空袭压制了炮火,减轻了盟军地面部队受到的威胁。剑桥高阶〔obstinate〕Difficult to manage, control, or subdue; refractory.难于控制的:难于管理、控制或压制的;顽皮的;倔强的美国传统〔outgun〕First Airborne Division was heavily outgunned by German forces.第一空降师被德军的凶猛火力压制住了。外研社新世纪〔overpower〕To overcome or vanquish by superior force; subdue.制服:以较强力量征服或打败;压制美国传统〔peg〕To reduce the pride of; humble.压制:压制…的傲气;贬抑美国传统〔pemmican〕A food prepared by Native Americans from lean, dried strips of meat pounded into paste, mixed with fat and berries, and pressed into small cakes.肉糜压缩饼:一种北美印第安人用干瘦肉条捣碎并拌上油脂和浆果然后压制成小饼的食品美国传统〔pin down〕A section was pinned down by heavy enemy fire.小分队被敌人猛烈的火力压制住了。外研社新世纪〔power play〕A strategic maneuver, as in politics, diplomacy, or business, based on the use or threatened use of power as a means of coercion.强权行为:如在政治、外交或商业等中以使用或威胁使用权势作为压制手段的战术策略美国传统〔pressboard〕A heavy glazed paper or pasteboard used especially to cover the platen or cylinder of a printing press.压制板:重而光滑的纸板或硬纸板,主要用于覆盖印刷机的压纸卷筒或滚筒美国传统〔pressing〕A number of recordings pressed at the same time.同一批压制的唱片美国传统〔print〕A fabric or garment with a dyed pattern that has been pressed onto it, usually by engraved rollers.压印,印染:带有通常是由雕刻过的滚圈压制而成的图案的布或服装美国传统〔print〕To produce by means of pressed type on a paper surface, with or as if with a printing press.印刷字体:用或好象用印刷机通过压制的模子在纸上印制出美国传统〔push aside〕By pushing aside unpleasant thoughts they merely repress these thoughts.他们对不愉快的想法不予理会,其结果仅仅是压制了这些想法。柯林斯高阶〔quietus〕Something that serves to suppress, check, or eliminate.抑制物:用来压制、控制或消除的事物美国传统〔repress〕It is anger that is repressed that leads to violence and loss of control.是被压制的愤怒导致暴力和失控。柯林斯高阶〔repress〕Turkish Kurds have been repressed for decades by the Ankara government.土耳其的库尔德人已经被安卡拉政府压制了几十年。柯林斯高阶〔restraint〕Control or repression of feelings; constraint.感情控制:对感情的控制或压制;拘束美国传统〔settle〕To subdue or make orderly.整理:压制或使有次序美国传统〔shed〕Psychotherapy helped him to shed some of his insecurity/inhibitions.心理疗法帮助他摆脱了一些不安全感/自我压制。剑桥高阶〔shut down〕The defense shut down the opposition.防守方压制住了进攻方。韦氏高阶〔silence〕Efforts to silence opposition have so far been unsuccessful.对反对派言论的压制目前来说还远未成功。麦克米伦高阶〔silence〕It's obvious that the purpose of this law is to silence dissent.很明显,这项法律的目的在于压制异议。韦氏高阶〔silence〕Like other tyrants, he tried to silence anyone who spoke out against him.像其他暴君一样, 他力图压制任何公开反对他的人。外研社新世纪〔silence〕Like other tyrants, he tried to silence anyone who spoke out against him.像其他暴君一样,他力图压制任何公开反对他的人。柯林斯高阶〔silence〕The President's firm speech failed to silence opposition.总统的强硬讲话未能压制反对意见。英汉大词典〔silence〕The mayor tried to silence his critics.市长试图压制他的批评者。韦氏高阶〔smother〕He smothered his feelings as best he could.他尽量压制住自己的感情。外研社新世纪〔smother〕The voices of the opposition were effectively smothered.反对党的声音被有效地压制了下去。牛津高阶〔so〕As the political repression has worsened, so too has the economy.政治压制已经进一步恶化, 经济形势也每况愈下。外研社新世纪〔squash〕Her suggestions were always squashed.她的提议总是受到压制。朗文当代〔squash〕The boss squashed my idea immediately.老板立刻压制了我的想法。韦氏高阶〔stamp〕All attempts at modernization were stamped on by senior officials.旨在实现现代化的努力统统受到高级官员的压制。牛津高阶〔stamp〕They will stamp on anyone who gets in their way.他们将压制任何妨碍他们的人。麦克米伦高阶〔stifle〕An authoritarian leadership stifled internal debate.专制的领导班子压制了内部的争论。外研社新世纪〔stifle〕Students at the school are stifled by the pressure to score high on tests.在校学生被考高分的压力压制着。韦氏高阶〔stranglehold〕He finally broke free from the stranglehold of his domineering parents.他最终摆脱了专横父母的压制。韦氏高阶〔strangle〕The company is trying to strangle the smaller competition.这家公司试图压制较弱的竞争对手。韦氏高阶〔strong-arm〕They accused the government of using strong-arm tactics to silence its opponents.他们指控政府用强制手段压制反对者。韦氏高阶〔suppress〕They claim that the report has been deliberately suppressed by the oil companies.他们声称这篇报道已遭到那些石油公司的刻意封锁和压制。麦克米伦高阶〔tame〕She made strenuous efforts to tame her anger.她竭力压制心头怒火。牛津高阶〔tread〕To subdue harshly or cruelly; crush.镇压:严厉或残酷地压制;挤压美国传统〔undemocratic〕He had ruled in an undemocratic manner, deploying a secret police and press censorship.他的统治方式不民主,使用秘密警察并且压制新闻自由。剑桥高阶〔wash〕The overpowering despair that he'd fought so hard to keep at bay washed through the boy.一直极力压制的绝望情绪终于将男孩击垮了。柯林斯高阶〔watermark〕To impress (a pattern or design) as a watermark.压成水印:作为水印而压制(某种形式或图案)美国传统〔watermark〕To mark (paper) with a watermark.压制水印:用水印给(纸)做标记美国传统A large crowd protested the terrorization. 一大群人示威抗议暴力压制。译典通Donald Trump raised his hand in protest, but his voice was squelched by the angry yells from the crowd. 川普举起手来抗议,但他的声音被群众慎怒的叫声压制。译典通He hated wearing a tie--he felt it constricted his breathing.他讨厌系领带----他觉得这压制了他的呼吸。剑桥国际Many nations have imposed sanctions on that country because of its attacks on its own people.由于该国对其本国人民的压制,许多国家对它作出了制裁。剑桥国际She repressed her desire to mention his name. 她压制住自己没有提他的名字。译典通The curfew is seen as an unnecessary strong-arm tactic/method imposed to subdue the local population.采取宵禁方式被视作不必要的压制当地人民的高压手段。剑桥国际There is a strong market for extruded snacks--potato or maize paste made into the strange shapes that children enjoy.压制型的点心有着巨大的销售市场----孩子们喜爱由土豆泥或玉米糊压制成奇形怪状的点心。剑桥国际They tried to slap down political opposition. 他们企图压制政治上的反对势力。译典通They wanted to fight all forms of injustice and repression. 他们要与各种形式的不公正和压制行为作斗争。译典通Wood cuttings and sawdust can be compressed into boards. 木屑和锯末可压制成板。译典通




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